10 Food comparisons Demonstrate that you do not know anything about the regimes

These are the ultimate diet hacks to keep a low-calorie way of life, but not stress the day on this subject. You must not sacrifice the food you like to get results. You do not have to count the calories and eat maniacally rice cakes all day. But the road goes healthier instead of the snack (most at least) help you draw natural vitamins and minerals.

These are the ultimate diet hacks to keep a low-calorie way of life, but not stress the day on this subject. You must not sacrifice the food you like to get results. You do not have to count the calories and eat maniacally rice cakes all day. But the road goes healthier instead of the snack (most at least) help you draw natural vitamins and minerals.

1 walnut handle (100 g) = 1 of fries
Yes, these two foods have fats. But they are very different! Noyers are full of energy keeping good fats, while fries are fat, fried, and weigh you. No renewed energy out there. But OK at once in a while;)

1 glass of multi-fruit smoothie = 1 small bottle of Coca-Cola
Oddly, Smoothies are not so big for you. Whenever you juice / grind a fruit, you get rid of many good for you enzymes and vitamins that turn into sugars simply when you juice / mix them. Coco-Cola is artificial that makes things worse, and gaseous drinks are really addictive, but both are not so far from the sugar content.

1 hypocaloric fitness bar = 1 strawberry ice cream
Surprisingly, CLIF bars and other energy bars used before the workout sessions are really rich in carbohydrates and sugar. So why not just eat an ice cream bar? Neither are really great for you and fitness bars are basically candy bars, so choose your poison. Probably more chemicals in ice cream, however.

100 g brown rice = 2 Viennese waffles
Yes, you can eat 2 whole waffles Viennese and it will be the same as 100 g brown rice. health nuts will probably panic about it. Yes, waffles have a lot more sugar and less durable energy ingredients. And brown rice is also very rich in potassium, which is a plus.

100 g muesli = 1 small package of chips
The chips are fat and often filled with trans fat, while Muesli can be high as sugar, but will keep your energy Cahin-Caha. Muesli is also more favorable with yoghurt, honey, and other healthy ingredients, while fleas are good with ... Gumux acids and soda? You decide.

1/2 Pack of rice cakes = 3 Nuggets
You can dig in some McDonald nuggets and these are the same calories as an entire package half of these terrible rice cakes. Although these rice cakes do not have a ton of nutritional value, adding nut butter and crushed banana would be more beneficial for your health than nibbling on chicken nuggets that you will end up binging on (which actually eats three?)

1 KEFIR GLASS (2.5%) = 1 Medium Cappuccino
Kéfir is filled with healthy bacteria that will make your stomach environment grow, while caffeine will let you crush. Renouncing Starbucks Solution a day can be quite difficult to do, but if you do not take sugar with your cappuccino, it might not be so bad for you. But do not be too addicted to caffeine or you will charge and suffer from headaches when you can not drink.

1 apple = 1 Handful of Bears Jelly
Yes, quantitatively, it is the same amount of calories you ingest. But they are two very different food groups. Apples are filled with pectin and other delicious, nutritious aspects, while sugar jelly bears are simply your body has a difficult time treatment. But do not forget: do not juice that the apple or it will be just as sugar as the bears!

100 g of broccoli = 1 marshmallow
It is clear that the person who makes this decision did not have a mother who forced vegetables on them as a child. First of all, we have never finished an entire bag of marshmallows in one session, so we do not know who groupes with this "only" case. Broccoli is filled with fiber properties and cancer control that will fill you more than just a marshmallow filled with air.

1 boiled chicken = 1 we taste a good pancakes
With this recent netflix documentary entitled "What is health" we learn that meat is actually much more harmful than sugar or carbohydrates. Chicken is known to contain carcinogenic substances and fats that lead to diabetes, so throw that the philosophy of "boiled chicken breast" by the window! A crepe garnished with salty products or fruit is much less dangerous for your well-being (but eat protein after!)

Categories: Food&Travel
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