7 rituals worthy weekends that you should try

Whether you have a job from 9 to 5 years at the office or one of these cool jobs that create the illusion of freedom with a schedule that you compensate yourself - you probably still want the weekend. Because the weekend means that you do not have to work and you get to relax, restore and cool. However, many people do not use their weekends for their full potential. They were wasting them either in bed or go out and party on weekends, leaving them tired and exhausted once the work week begins. So, if you want to feel rested next Monday, you also feel that your weekend was not a complete time loss - here are some weekend rituals that you may want to adopt.

Whether you have a job from 9 to 5 years at the office or one of these cool jobs that create the illusion of freedom with a schedule that you compensate yourself - you probably still want the weekend. Because the weekend means that you do not have to work and you get to relax, restore and cool. However, many people do not use their weekends for their full potential. They were wasting them either in bed or go out and party on weekends, leaving them tired and exhausted once the work week begins. So, if you want to feel rested next Monday, you also feel that your weekend was not a complete time loss - here are some weekend rituals that you may want to adopt.

1. Screen Time Management
Let's be real, whatever the work you have, you probably looked at a screen all day. It could be your work computer or phone for fun. And then you come home and you look at your TV or iPad all the party, until you sleep. It can not be good for your eyes or your brain. You are overexulus and you always feel tired. Try limiting screen time on weekends. Instead of immediately checking your phone after alarm, you promise to prepare breakfast and a cup of coffee before that. Enjoy your food instead of peller in an advanced way in your mouth when scrolling on Instagram or Twitter.

2. Interact with nature
Most of us gravitate towards cities these days, even though we grew up in the country. This makes sense, cities have better job opportunities. But that means we rarely get to enjoy the nature more. We are constantly in meeting rooms, cafes and cars. Try planning trips to the country or picnics on the park on weekends. In the coldest months, plan a ski getaway or just go for a quick walk in the park. You will be pleasantly surprised at the way a stain of grass, two trees and fresh air can really make the difference.

3. Listen to music
You probably listen to music in your headphones if you sail at work, even at work, but for many people who have more to solve the outside world. The weekend put aside the time to really listen to the music you like. Blow it through your speakers and dance if it's your jam, or just sit down and listen and let yourself really move.

4. Cook your favorite meals
We are all busy people. We do not have time to cook during the week, so we simply order take away or dining in cafes and restaurants. In fact, we often do not even pay attention to what we eat, we just know that we should eat we do it. On weekends, you have time to cook, so why not cook your favorite meals and enjoy them? You could even plan and cook a little more things so that you have leftovers for a few days or meals prepared for the next week.

Spas are not exactly cheap and we know it, but you can probably allow you a massage once in a while. Even if it's not all weekends, but just twice a month. Everyone needs a good massage after a long week of coaching on a laptop. Your back muscles and neck will thank you. But even more than that, you will feel invigorated and like a brand new person after her. And on weekends, you can not go to the spa, go home - take a bubble bath, make a face mask, paint your nails, use this fresh galaxy bath bomb.

6. Go to adventures
The adventures mean different things to each of us. To an adventure means something new, exciting and adrenaline based, like skydiving or mountain climbing, for others, it could be a rollercoaster tour and for some, it could be as simple as To take a bike ride or go to see a new movie, or get a new haircut. Anyway for you, the weekend is your time to be adventurous.

7. Plan in advance
Last but not least, take the time to schedule the next week. Many newspaper people and write about things that have already happened but we suggest you try a different approach. Plan what you need to do next week, put yourself aside for you to want to make and set goals you want to achieve. You will be surprised to satisfy how satisfying all the objectives you have defined for the week and that it will help you plan as well as you are not overwhelmed with tasks that you do not have the time to .

Categories: Lifestyle
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