9 Old Fashioned Romantic Modern Gestures Girls Miss

Believe it or not, but there are actually a few old-fashioned romantic gestures, modern girls, Mademoiselle. In this spirit, we have compiled a list of some romantic gestures that we want would make a comeback.

I am quite being a strong woman, independent, but it seems that there are many men there, who believe that "equality" means they should stop being Gentleman. As the fact that a woman has the right to vote and can earn a sudden life reduced to the necessity of romantic gestures and chivalry. It is almost like some people can not understand that you can treat a woman as equal while showing her respect and behave like a gentleman. Believe it or not, but there are actually a few old-fashioned romantic gestures, modern girls, Mademoiselle. In this spirit, we have compiled a list of some romantic gestures that we want would make a comeback. Girls, let us know if you agree. Boys, get your NotePads loan.

1.Holding the door open
Let's start with a simple. The holding of a door opening seems to me common sense. I am not even that you should run forward to open the door for every woman you see, but if you enter a restaurant or other type of establishment holding a door opening for the coming After you, especially if she's your girlfriend, appears like the common decency, do not you think?

Like Colin Firth said in Kingsmen - "Maketh manners man. Being polished and having good manners are essential for everyone. So, do not forget to say "please" and "thank you". So, for example if you are on a date and you are about to order a coffee meal or restaurant do not say "please" when ordering and thank the server for its services. Offer your lady an arm during walking, open the car door for her, reach out to help her get out of the car. Believe me, morals go a long way.

3. Love Letters
This may sound downard, but letters of love are a great way to show your feelings for someone. It's all about text messaging, slamming and amadou messaging these days, but believe me, you have much more likely to warm up the heart of a girl with a love letter carefully written than some emojis.

4. Offer to pay the first date
Note how I said it "offer"? You do not really need to pay for the first day, most girls will be happy to share the bill, but offer is a beautiful gesture. It shows that you are grateful for the time spent together and want to show your gratitude somehow.

5. No technology
We would like to think that it goes without saying that you should not be on your phone on a date. This means that, no call, no text, no app, in fact, simply put not disturb and forget your phone for the evening. Another great idea, I'm sure most girls will agree, is to have at least one night a week where you do not watch TV or pass on your phone, but simply spend quality time with the other.

6.Cooking for your daughter
As impressive as eating is good and as much as we like to go to the nice restaurant and have fancy meals, every girl enjoys a man who can cook. Even on this day and age, most of the kitchen in a relationship falls on the woman. It's it or take away. So, so simple that it may seem, having a guy cook a meal for us is literally one of the best and the sweetest things a man can do.

When is it cool to be stopped? In the old time, inviting a dance girl was one of the sweetest, the most romantic things you could do on a date. Yet these days we are wrong to find a guy who wants to dance, and it's even harder to find one who really knows how to dance. We do not talk about grinding in the club. What we would like to see is a beautiful slow or waltzing dance, or maybe a little salsa.

8. Handmade gifts
Unlike popular belief, diamonds are not the way to a girl's heart. We are not only superficial, you know. In addition, the purchase of jewelry, although expensive, is actually quite easy and requires little involvement. This could be a shock, but a girl will appreciate a good thought, gift made by hand like a cd mixed as much, if not more, than a pair of earrings, to give it a try.

9. Flowers
The flowers are a classic. Who does not like to receive a nice bouquet of flowers? I mean, it's a simple gesture, but it's so cute that we can not help but smile with gesture. In addition, flowers are a perfect way to leave a girl you think of her. Only one rose when taking a girl for a date or bouquet of flowers at her door with a small note will not go unnoticed.

Categories: Relationships
By: max-frye
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