Guys reveal the kind of woman falls for, according to her sign

It is quite obvious that your zodiac sign does not really determine all your character traits, your vision of the world and you will marry. All these things are much more likely to be determined by our education and the people around us. But sometimes it is fun to speculate on how some signs of the zodiac have certain characteristics and character traits that stand out in the middle of others. So let's talk about what kind of women make men fall according to their zodiac sign.

It is quite obvious that your zodiac sign does not really determine all your character traits, your vision of the world and you will marry. All these things are much more likely to be determined by our education and the people around us. But sometimes it is fun to speculate on how some signs of the zodiac have certain characteristics and character traits that stand out in the middle of others. So let's talk about what kind of women make men fall according to their zodiac sign.

1. Aries (March 21st to April 19th)
Aries are usually great leaders. They are usually brave, confident and decisive. You would think that they would need a complacent woman by side, but that's not the case. They love strong volunteers, who are not afraid to say their minds and let the man of ram know when he is wrong. Having two strong personalities in a relationship can lead to clashes, but it also means that both will be passionate about their relationship and find a way to make up.

2. Taurus (April 20th to May 20th)
Taurus guys are determined, strong and quite simple. They know what they want and they will persevere in achieving their goals. As for women, they do not like beating around the bush. They have no problem doing the first gesture, but they hate when girls play strong to get. They are also generally old schoolchildren so that they prefer family-oriented women, can cook a big dinner and will not mind being housewives.

3. Gemini (May 21st to June 20th)
Geminis are known for their double nature. They may be interested in many things at once and their emotions tend to swing from one to the other very suddenly. They tend to get bored very quickly and hate their routines. Therefore, they like interesting, entertaining and spontaneous women. They want someone who can make them laugh and will not take place with a spontaneous trip with little or no warning. They do not take life too seriously and tend to be attracted by women who feel too.

4. Cancer (June 21 to July 22)
Cancer men are usually quite shy, introspective and reserved. They are actually quite emotional, but instead of showing all their emotions and making a scene, they simply prefer to mention it very elope. Because of their nature reserved and shy, they would prefer if the woman made the first move. Cancer men can be a little precarious, so they need a woman who will be favorable and make them feel needed. They need a woman who will let them take care of her and be her hero.

5. Leo (July 23 to August 22nd)
You will not be surprised to know that Leo men are usually quite affirmed and dominant of their nature. They are also very sociable and outgoing. Their ideal women should be quite similar to these, a person they can consider a partner. Leos likes to shower their wives with gifts, but they are a certain degree of appreciation. If you take it for granted, a Leon will be disappointed. They also hate being compared to others. They want to think they are the best and that no one else in the world can compare, so they like their wives to compliment them.

6. Virgo (August 23 to September 22)
The guys of the Virgin are nice, caregivers and workers. They are usually huge welding and thinkers and tend to be quite shy. They are generally quite neat and organized, they prefer that their girlfriends are also monsters. They want everything to be tidy and clean. They also hate it swearing, so they are not very likely to go out with someone who swears like a sailor. Although they are usually shy and soaked, you do not want to get into a fight with men of the Virgin, because under this calm facade, there is a burning fire, and if you provoke it, you could be burned.

7. BALANCE (23 September to 22 October)
Balance men are generally known to be diplomatic and well balanced. They hate the drama and try to stay as far as possible as possible, so that they do not go out melodramatic women. They want someone who looks like them, someone they can coexist in harmony with. The only problem is that the balance men are perfectionists and they want a perfect relationship, without combat, problems or problems, but they want at the same time that the woman has a voice, a career and being their equal. It's a hard match to find.

8. Scorpion (23 October to 21 November)
Scorpos are generally governed by their desires, but they can learn to control them. They are also determined, ambitious and hard work to be the best and believe they deserve the best. They have very high standards and once they find their wives perfect, they can become quite possessive. But they also value a personal space, so if their possessiveness bothers you, you should mention it and they will understand.

9. Sagittarius (November 22 to December 21st)
The Sagittarius guys are brave and wise, but they are also adventurous and wild in the heart. They are free spirits and are attracted by women who like to travel and are willing to make adventures with them. They are pretty independent and usually do not like commitment, so they are not to settle, get married and have children early.

10. Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)
The male capicists are intelligent, ambitious and intuitive. They are often quite spiritual too. They are difficult when it comes to finding a partner, but only because they engage in the relationship and take it very seriously. It's hard to gain their trust, but once you would, you have it forever. They are looking for smart and powerful women, those who pursue their dreams.

11. Aquarius (January 20th to February 18th)
Aquarius men are usually smart enough and they value independence. They are looking for women who can stimulate them mentally, those who have a sense of humor and can have fun and intelligent conversations with him. As it values ​​independence, Aquarius can not resist the need. Which extinguish it just. He will cherish the time he spends with his partner but he will also appreciate the time he spends alone.

12. Fish (February 19th to March 20th)
Fish are sweet, compass and artistic. They are great dreamers with great imagination. These guys like affectionate and generous women with their love. Fish are usually artists, they also prefer ladies who are also arts. They do not believe in a night of peoples or gingerous courts. They are in long-term relationships. They are essentially marriage material. So, they do not go for girls who are not ready for this type of commitment.

Categories: Relationships
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