13 cooking tours of world class leaders

When we learn to cook, we try to remember simple skills that will allow us to cook anything. Sometimes it's worth looking at your cooking habits from a different point of view. People who cook their lives have simple tips and tricks on how to make life easier. Let's look at these cooking hacks that everyone should use!

When we learn to cook, we try to remember simple skills that will allow us to cook anything. Sometimes it's worth looking at your cooking habits from a different point of view. People who cook their lives have simple tips and tricks on how to make life easier. Let's look at these cooking hacks that everyone should use!

1. Soup soup
One of the simplest ways to cancel the salting consists of inserting dry rice wrapped in a cheese cloth in the soup. This will absorb excess salt and make your soup again again. Alternatively, you can put a raw potato in your soup. Do not forget to get it out because it could change the taste of your soup creation.

2. Hard beef
If you do not like robust beef marinized it in Mayonnaise to make it softer. Although it may seem strange, it will not be harmful to the taste of meat. Avoid using vinegar or lemon because it will completely change the taste.

3. Taste of the box
If you fear that your dish loses its taste and wealth before it is served, make sure to serve hot dishes on hot plates and cold dishes on cold plates. This will allow you to present the taste of the best way.

4. Yellow with separate and white eggs
Although there are many gadgets on the market for this task, one of the best means is to use the egg shell itself. If you fear that you are clumsy, you use a small bottle of water will go around. With a little practice, you will do it in a few seconds!

5. Perfect potatoes
To make the stains of perfect pure (not only by the taste, but also by the presentation), consider adding ingredients from the same temperature. While the butter will easily melt, the milk will have to warm up (or even be heated) to give the puree a rich color.

6. Best ice cubes
For your wine or your alcoholic beverages, consider using frozen grapes instead of ice to cool. You can also add fruit and mint in your ice molds to create beautiful combinations. In addition, you can use ice molds to mix the oil and fresh herbs to use the next time you cook.

7. Cooking wine
If you like cooking with wine, you can freeze the wine mixed with different spices and herbs as quick help with your kitchen. This will save time measuring and possibly open a fresh bottle in the future.

8. Save vegetables
The best way to preserve the greens is to make sure they are cooled throughout life and can breathe. Avoid saving lettuce or broccoli plastic because it accelerates rot. Consider wrapping sheet vegetables or tea towel to absorb any extra moisture.

9. Warm the pizza
Instead of heating your microwave pizza or wait to heat it with extra water, use your frying pan. This will remain crisp and will not be too dry if you use the lid.

10. Mayo replacement
If you do not have mayo but you have a sure cream, you can easily turn it into perfect vinaigrette or diving. Adding herbs and chopped garlic will be perfect for your salads, adding some mustard operate it as a dip.

11. Smell killer
Sometimes your cutting board or saucepan could feel the fish or onions you have prepared the previous night. One of the means to eliminate the smell is to use extra vinegar with water. It will not only kill the smell, but also remove any dirt.

12. Keep the bread fresh
The addition of an apple to your breadbox will make your bread fresh longer. Avoid storing bread in any type of plastic packaging, use paper bags instead. If you have too much bread on the left, put it in the freezer.

13. Crispy fries
Your fries will better taste and turn the crunchier if you have dried excess moisture with a paper towel. Otherwise, you can microwave for a few minutes and then fry.

Categories: Food&Travel
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