10 lazy tips for radiant skin

To get a shiny skin with the least effort, simply follow these easy tips.

The skin we born is here to stay and we can not really replace it, as much as we would like it. Even so kindly to be a good goal, no one wants to spend hours every day working on it. To get a shiny skin with the least effort, simply follow these easy tips.

1. Choose the glycolic acid
Exfoliating your skin will help you increase the natural glow, especially if the exfoliator contains alpha hydroxy acids, such as glycolic acid. The scrubs will eliminate dead cells and clean your skin. The use of home peel masks will also make your skin softer. Nevertheless, a dermatologist can help you get more dramatic results.

Your skin is a reflection of how your body feels inside. To look better, you simply need to feel better and be better. Check out a dietologist to find the best detox program for you. During this time, you can try simple things such as drinking water with lemon, reduce the intake of alcohol and caffeine and limiting salty snacks and sugars.

3. Go green
Drinking green tea and the use of a grape seed extract will help you fill your body with antioxidants. The addition of green tea into your diet cleans your body and help your skin brighter. Grape seed oil will help combat aging and strengthen your skin with the defense of external factors.

4. NUTS (Coco)!
Coconut oil is known to restore damaged skin. In addition, it can be used for even your tone, help get a more radiant look. You should also try to incorporate a coconut into your everyday stove.

5. Enlighten your skin
One of the easiest ways to make your skin more radiant is literally using the rhythm boosting cream under your makeup. This could be a turn, but it can turn even the most pale skin. To get a healthy glow, use bronzers and redness, but do not crazy. Glowing nuances will show a better result than matts, so give it.

6. Vitamin C
It is a well known fact that vitamin C helps our immune system; However, it is also very important to maintain a good complexion. The combination of vitamin C and E will make you more resistant to the damage caused by the sun and will help you keep your skin healthy. The best way is to take supplements and use face creams rich in vitamin C and E.

7. Freeze!
Your skin will stay refreshed and younger if you apply ice cubes about it. If you need a quick solution, you have just sucking an ice cube to increase traffic in your cheeks and your lips. For a more permanent solution, prepare ice cubes with a mixture of chamomile and mint. This will appease and refresh your skin, giving you a shiny look.

8. The juice
Your skin is strongly influenced by what you eat, but if you can not support eating certain things? One way to add more filled nutrients to your diet is juice. Make a juice such as bans, ginger, celery, cucumber and spinach will keep you refreshed and healthy. You can always add your favorite ingredients so that it looks more like a treat!

9. Beauty sleep
While a good night's sleep helps your brain work better, it's also a crucial part of your skin's health. Most healing processes launch at full power overnight, then keep a daily routine will greatly improve tired skin. If you have work problems, try a 5-minute meditation and soothing tea with chamomile and lavender to relax.

10. B & D vitamins
Vitamins play an important role in maintaining good skin. Vitamin B helps you reduce redness and irritation. We can easily find in most products. If you have food restrictions, make sure you use supplements to improve your diet. Vitamin D helps you get rid of discharges and wrinkles. The easiest way to get vitamin D is tanning. But do not forget to always use a sunscreen because it will protect your skin with harmful rays and potential damage.

Categories: Beauty
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