10 surprising turtles for guys most girls do not know anything about
We all do things that sometimes hinder our partners if we know or not. The little troublesome things might not seem like a big problem to us, but our partners notice and sometimes, it affects them more than we know it. Open and honest conversations are crucial in all relationships, but most of the concerns are more difficult voice than we think. But you should all fear not: we are here to tell you everything about these annoying things that you continue to do that could turn off your man. Here we are!

We all do things that sometimes hinder our partners if we know or not. The little troublesome things might not seem like a big problem to us, but our partners notice and sometimes, it affects them more than we know it. Open and honest conversations are crucial in all relationships, but most of the concerns are more difficult voice than we think. But you should all fear not: we are here to tell you everything about these annoying things that you continue to do that could turn off your man. Here we are!
1. Stop talking about your ex
Seriously girl! Leave the past in the past and take your head together for the exciting present! Talking about your ex, you are not only on your new man - it will also let you ask why he did it. Keep your new relationship come and talk about ex to your girlfriends and not your man.
2. Despair of despair
Place the phone and get off. This number 100 is not necessary, trust us. A guy who is interested in you will not wait forever - it will call you and send you texting. Learn how to take a clue and do not be this girl as her friends call "a stalker psycho".
3. Similar to a dragenin
We all want to look pretty for the person we love. However, exceeding it with makeup will not make you any good. To be fair: guys will say they love the "natural look" without knowing how much the work passes, but keep it occasional is the best way to go!
4. Lateness
You are right: you are no longer at school, but you're late to meet your guy could become a major outstanding. Your time is as precious as sound! Unless you work your magic about this "natural look" and you have too understood - come to your date on time.
5. Be a child
Men like when they have someone to take care of the girl, you are big! Your man should not deal with all your problems. If you do not know how to do something, Google could be helpful because impotence is never attractive.
6. Take someone's identity
Not on a flight flight but in a "I want his life". We sometimes admire other girls and lifestyles, but your admiration should be checked. If you try to be someone else, you betray the first rule of the successful meeting: be yourself.
7. Give him all
Your life should not stop shooting simply because you have a new beautiful. The guys frighten really easy and seeing that you were thus available all the time could lead him to think that you have no other life. What in your mind is "being a good girlfriend" for him is a frightening thing!
8. Expect him to pay for everything
Are you growing up? Do you have a job or kind of income? Then you can at least offer to pay yourself. Expect that this one is paid could keep it away from someone who is more attentive about the finances you.
9. Be a mouth Blabber and tell everyone
Nobody likes chatter. For you, it's a good night girl with a lot of conversation - for him, it's an idea that when you're over, you'll discuss every detail of your relationship with your friends. Let the private things be really private.
10. Forget to shower
Take care of yourself girl! No matter whether you are at home for three days and that he came unexpectedly to visit you: a shower is mandatory anything. Men fall in love when they spend a smelling woman. Do not let your body smell ruin your relationship.

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