The most common problems related to age after 60 years, say that doctors

Now more than ever, you have to pay attention to your health.

Congratulation! You did it through your 40s and 50s and you are now directed to the golden years. The children are out of the house and many you will retire or already, which means that your level of stress can be lower than that of always! However, this "third age" of life can organize a variety of other health problems related toaging. Here are the most common health problems in your 60s, according to experts. Read on and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseSure sign that you have "Long" Covid and may even know.


Dental health

female dentist and assistant with dental curing light and mirror treating male patient teeth at dental clinic office

Because the teeth do not regenerate, as we get older, our dental health tends to be compromised. "Many people may not realize that the appropriate oral hygiene is the gateway to good overall health and poor oral hygiene may result in serious health problems, including heart problems, respiratory infections, Dementia, cancer, etc.Keith Krell, DDS, President of theAmerican Association of Endodontists.

RX: Regardless of your age, stay above your dental health and enter your balance sheets and regular cleanings.



Hands in blue gloves are typing a yellow vaccine in a syringe

Did you have chicken chicken chicken as a child? The shingles are a reactivation of the chicken chicken virus in adulthood, explainsMatthew Mintz, MD. Most of us who grew up before the chicken chicken chicken vaccine had no chicken chicken and resolving. However, the body never gets rid of the virus, but the virus is hidden in the nerve roots and our immune system keeps the virus there. "As we get older, especially in the 1960s and beyond, our immune system weakens and the virus can browse the nerve roots to the skin, resulting in severely painful cutaneous rash," says Dr. Mintz. In addition, in some cases, the pain persists even when the eruption is resolved with the treatment.

RX: For this reason, the new shingle vaccine called shingrix is ​​recommended for adults over 50 years old. "The vaccine stimulates the immune system and is effective in preventing this disease," says Dr. Mintz.


Pelvic floor problems

woman having painful on her stomachache or pelvic pain

You have passed through menopause ... Yay! However, hormonal quarters, as well as simply the gradual wear of the muscles and connective tissue can cause more "loose" in the pelvic floor fabric, highlights the fitness and the well-being ExpertKelly Bryant. "The biggest I see are a urinary incontinence (leak specifically during the race / jumping / sneezing / laughing) and pelvic organ prolapse", she reveals.

RX: Tackling these problems early in life is the easiest way to prevent them from getting older, Bryant emphasizes. However, if this vessel has sailed, there are many non-surgical means to increase the strength of the pelvic floor and further reduce these symptoms. "They will practice a more efficient Kegel (slow and controlled commitment of the entire pelvic floor - not just the release of urethal and slow and controlled sphincter), a better awareness of pelvic soil control during exercise and to just breathe full and deep diaphragmatic breaths. "


Shortness of breath

Elderly woman feeling unwell,she's headache and painful around chest area.

Because many people in their 60s suffer from high cholesterol or high blood pressure, shortness of breath is a common condition that lands them in the doctor's office revealsJoyce Oen-Hsiao, MD, Director of Clinical Cardiology in Yale Medicine. "Years of slightly high blood pressure (even at a level of 155/85) and lack of exercise (because they work so hard) causes the arteries of heart and the heart to become less confidential - which means they are not Not able to relax as well as they used it to, "she explains. Because they can not relax too, the pressure inside the arteries, and possibly the heart, accumulates.

RX:The best way to prevent this is to keep your blood pressure under control as soon as you know, it starts to increase. In addition, Dr. Oen-Hsiao suggests trying to do cardio exercises (walking, cycling, running, etc.) regularly, noting that the American Heart Association recommends 150 minutes of moderate cardio exercise every week. "By doing these two things, the arteries and the heart will not be stiffened so quickly," she says.



Man massaging painful knee, suffering from pain, injury

For the same reasons, many people in their 60s suffer from swelling of their ankles and bass legs. "It's a common problem and is due to the stiffening of the arteries of heart and heart," says Dr. Oen-Hsiao.

RX:In addition to doing the same things recommended for shortness of breath, Dr. Oen-Hsiao suggests avoiding salty foods ", as can increase your blood pressure and cause swelling of your legs." If you already have symptoms, Your doctor may prescribe a diuretic (a pill of water) to help you get rid of the fluid that has developed. "Make sure you take this water pill (as well as your blood pressure pills) as prescribed "," she adds. And keep in mind: the best prevention is to be on your health as soon as possible. "Do not forget to take care of yourself and your body so you can enjoy Your retirement with as few pills as possible! "


Sleep problems

Senior Man Suffering With Neck Pain Sitting On Side Of Bed At Home

Falling and staying asleep can become more difficult the older than we get, partly because of our body producing a less growth hormone and melatonin, but it is just as important as ever to get our ZS.Charles Odonkor, MD, a Physician of Yale medicine, points out that 60-year-olds are often deprived of sleep, becoming less than 7-9 hours recommended per night. Although some are due to existing medical or stress problems, external factors also play on their part. "Watching TV, use smartphones, computers, iPads and smartpieces at night's bed Increases our exposure to artificial lighting of the night and to ensure that it disrupts chronic the natural clock of our Body - The circadian rhythm ", he points out. "Exposure to artificial light means that our body secretes less melatonin, which delays the sleep sleep and leads to a poor quality of sleep. Do all night can lead to chronic sleep deprivation, which decreases anabolic houses necessary for the construction of muscle strength. It increases catabolic hormones such as stress-associated cortisol, weight gain, chronic fatigue and altered cognition. "

RX: Dr. Odonkor suggests improving your sleep habits by simply closing your electronics before going to bed.

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Chronic pain, pain and body stiffness

Upset mature middle aged woman feels back pain massaging aching muscles

Dr. Siri SmithTru careStresses that aging can lead to a spine and articular degeneration, so so many seniors find the need for joint replacement surgeries.

RX: Dr. Smith suggests taking care of your body - whether it's a chiropractic work, physical therapy or exercise, "all with the goal of pain relief, restored function and to stop the degenerative process ! "

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Equilibrium problems

man is having back pain and his attractive old woman supports him

As we get older, we can lose muscle strength and joint flexibility, which also affects our reaction time. "We are also more likely to have increased vestibular problems, which means that our evolution of sight and hearing describing our balance," says Dr. Smith. This is why the oldest we get, the more we seem to fall.

RX: Strengthen your body! "There are many exercises that can specifically help balance", maintains Dr. Smith. "Tai Chi is very helpful or just stands on one leg for both 30 seconds with open eyes. If it becomes easy, do it with closed eyes. Make sure you are near a wall to hold if necessary!"

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Leg cramps

Mature athletic man getting out of breath while feeling pain during morning run in nature.

If you feel pain problems in your legs, this may be due to certain medical conditions or drugs or can be as simple as dehydration or an electrolyte imbalance, says Dr. Smith. Unfortunately, they can also be very painful and wake up during the night.

RX: Staying hydrated and taking a magnesium supplement can be useful for keeping leg cramps at the bay, says Dr. Smith. She also suggests talking with your doctor to determine if any of your medications caused pain.

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Decrease in height and aggravation of posture

Mature man with poor and good posture.

No, it's not just your imagination: you shrink.Science has establishedthat everyone loses height as they get older. However, some people contract at higher rates than others because of osteoporosis and degeneration of the spine, which is the loss of the height of the spine and articular damping.

"Poor posture can cause back pain and neck due to the advanced position of our heavy heads above our little passes," says Dr. Smith. In turn, this can affect our breathing because it decreases the space of our heart and our lungs. "It makes us look older than us and the wrong posture leads to increased degeneration of the spine, as it adds an extra charge to our bones and our muscles, that it is not designed to manage."

RX: Take care of your body. Exercise is a great way to maintain your bone health.And to cross this pandemic with your healthiest, do not miss these 35 places you are most likely to catch Covid .

Categories: Health
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