Horrible celebrity things did

Many celebrities are considered rich and successful, but they even do things that define a bad example for all their fans. Money often spoils people and leads to crazy car rides, addiction and large parties. These are just some of the few common celebrities of Mishaps. Read them here.

Many celebrities are considered rich and successful, but they even do things that define a bad example for all their fans. Money often spoils people and leads to crazy car rides, addiction and large parties. These are just some of the few common celebrities of Mishaps. Read them here.

1. Jay Z Stabed Rivera
He is one of the most successful rappers, but his life has not always been silent. Jay Z was a bit difficult with his wife recently (it was an excellent Beyonce album). He started selling CDs before founding his own label. Later, Jay Z published the life and moments of S. Carter, which was "stolen" of lance "a Rivera". When Jay Z met Rivera, he stabbed her with anger. The wound was not very serious, the thief recovered quickly. Jay Z refused to participate in the beginning but pleaded guilty and had a 3-year probation instead of 15 years in prison. Sometimes we are rich and famous for its advantages!

2. Winona Ryder caught shoplikely
While people usually fly things that they can not afford, celebrities have taken calibration as a great story. Winona Ryder flew about $ 5,000 of goods from a luxury store. It is impossible to consider this case an act of kleptomania, while the actress took clothes in the room adjusting and cut the labels. It was a stupid movement because she was a regular customer in this store. The jury did not believe his story about getting into a role and that she was convicted.

3. Caitlyn Jenner killed a woman
As a celebrity, you can easily allow you not only a dear car but also a personal driver. If Caitlyn Jenner had such a service, she might have avoided the car accident that caused Kim Howe's death. Jenner towed a trailer with climbing and caused a stack. One of the women involved in the accident continues celebrity to cause the accident, but no evidence supports it.

4. Steve Jobs denied his baby
Steve Jobs's biography in writing and in the film is quite interesting. His life had a great influence on his company and his personality. The jobs were a morose person, which can be clearly seen in his relationship with women. When he met Chrisann Brennan, they lived together but slept in separate rooms. The relationship ended when Chrisann became pregnant with Lisa. Steve Jobs denied any relationship with Lisa, trying to prove him in court. It was not a good shot, because Lisa had to grow on well-being as jobs were a millionaire at the time. He rebuilt his relationship with his daughter, but only after the court told him to do it.

5. Sean Penn beat Madonna
The marriage between these two celebrities was some time ago, but the details revealed are quite terrified. Madonna said Sean Penn hits her on her head with a baseball bat, then swing for 9 overtime. Madonna described their relationship as "ardent with heated arguments". Recently, it has come that, apparently, the allegations were not true and there was no criminal complaint. It is still not clear who is right because the witnesses give a very different statement.

6. Chris Brown attacked Rihanna
Rihanna's relationship and Chris Brown started like a Hollywood fairy - they teamed up for a music project, became friends and fell in love. Romance started to arrange after Rihanna found sextants to other women and brunettes attacked it during a next argument, resulting in a fake mugshot. Occasional violence continued and Rihanna went to court. Chris Brown had no time in prison, but he was invited to stay away from Rihanna. A few years later, they were seen together. Maybe the old flame still burns?

7. Grant of Hugh caught with a prostitute
This story occurred 20 years ago, but the tabloids still remember that Hugh Grant was caught with a prostitute. The incident occurred in Los Angeles, the grant decided to take a walk before a movie promotion. He is confronted up to 6 months in prison, but was sentenced to pay $ 1,000 and to make an education program. Later, he published official apologies for his actions. Naturally, his relationship with his wife has become sour. They end up separating, but probably for different reasons.

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