This Instagram account of the _girl Food _Girl Esage WORLD_ will group your stomach

The mysterious genius behind the girl eating World combines the largest water from the street cooking with landscapes that we are just as in love. It's hard to stop scrolling out his positions.

Mysterious genius behindGirl eats the world Combines the largest water from the street kitchen with landscapes that we are just as emotioned. There is no end to the amount of fancy Instagram fogheses, but its combination of simple street foods, as well as the ability to effortlessly capture the local life in its shots, is really the recipe for the perfect shot . It encourages the rest of us to take pictures of unusual eating that we try in exotic places. She also switches an impressive nail of art while taking these picturesque shots. It's hard to stop scrolling out his positions.

Melissa Hie is the star of the daughter eaten in the world, even if we can never see his face. She started her travel account and her Instagram account to continue to record tasty street treats she eats during the road from different countries.

In 2009, Melissa moved to Singapore by herself and after a trip to Thailand in 2010, she knew she was addicted to traveling and documenting her picturesque culinary experiences.

In 2013, when she took a solo trip to Europe, she had the opportunity to explore incredible worlds of flavor, but nobody to share it with - afterwards she started taking pictures of her meals With the magnificent backdrop of Europe, and therefore, daughter eating the world has come to competition.

I do not know why, but this snack is very satisfying to look. On the photo in front of the beautiful Sakura flowers in Kyoto, this snack is called Hanami Dango, a very important rice snack for Japanese culture and eaten while watching the flowers. The rose comes from the red bean and the green greet tea.

This vibrant and perfect sphere is a shaved ice ball drawn up in flavored syrup! It seems simple, but the best snack will cool in the hot streets of Armenia, while Melissa went here.

This donut Hello Kitty is everything. This shot was taken to the crossing of Shibuya in Japan, which is a must for people who monitor because of its extensive pedestrian extension due to the size of the intersection. And eating this perfectly frosted masterpiece while looking from afar? Ideal.

Finally, salted snacks in this seal! This lateral diet is called Penang Char Char Koay Teow and consists of a hot rice noodle with eggs, shrimps, caps and germs of beans. If you want the delicious snowboarding, it's your soulmate.

Ahhh, so many pretty blues! The cerulean background really appears against this photogenic blue coconut ice cream, taken at the blue lagoon of the island of Colimo de Malta. She describes Malta as paradise, but this ice cream also looks like a paradise. This could take the cake (or ice cream) for a preferred photo so far.

This snack looks succulent but might not be in the alley of everyone: it is a donkey meat served in a sesame bun, but Melissa swears that it tasted like beef. The photo was taken on Wangfujing Snack Street in Beijing.

On the other side of the city, Newton, New South Wales, Melissa takes us on tour of the city with this cake with the melon of water impeccable with the strawberry of the crevice of the black star dough . Yum Yum Yum. It is apparently the most famous dessert in the region and for a good reason: the textured pistachio and watermelon mixed with pink cream whipped with light? Talk to unusual.

Tower leaning from Hawthorne called Hawthorne, and is a traditional candied fruit skewer sold in many Chinese markets. It's a bit sweet and sour, complimenting the hard and sweet candy coating. Juicy goodness, give me now.

We take all the way to Australia, Melissa Snacking on an iced Vovo here. It is an Australian cookie with pink icing, coconut and jam and looks like the ideal snack of tea time.

Categories: Food&Travel
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