7 things you do wrong after 60 years, let's say to health experts

Do not make these mistakes and you will be gold in your golden years.

After60 years, you must spend more time taking care of yourself; These can be your best years, but only if you are in the best health. With that in mind, our experts toEat this, not that! Health Search the best institutes in the world, journals and universities specializing in healthy aging and longevity and returned with this key list of 7 things you need to stop doing now to improve your health after 60 years. Read it and to make sure your health and health of others, do not lack these19 ways to ruin your body, say health experts.


If you do not exer for a long time, you make a mistake

Active senior man exercising on exercise ball in the porch

"Regular exercise for at least 15 to 20 minutes a day is very important," said the researchers of theWeill Institute for Neurosciences. "A good way to make sure you call someone or text someone after doing the exercise to let them know that you did it. Choose a" virtual buddy "today.

  • If you have a stationary bike or treadmill, it's now the time to dust it.
  • If you have had physical therapy for injury or other medical condition, you can still use the exercises that the prescribed therapist.
  • If you have a pet that must be walking, go ahead. "


Do not be too lonely - it can make you physically sick

Senior woman with laptop indoors at home, family video call concept.

"The researchers have shown that loneliness and social isolation increase the risk of adverse health, depression and even cognitive problems," says the Weill Institute for Neuroscience. "Your doctors have advocated the benefits of social activities and come out of the room to socialize. During the pandemic, they are forced to advise you otherwise. We need to find other ways to virtually socialize. Use of FaceTime, Skype or others Videos Discussion Tools (or a phone call If the video is not an option), Book a regular time to register with your family or friends if you do not already do it. "And once you are vaccinated, Get real "factories" with other vaccinated people, or your grandchildren.

RELATED: 9 daily habits that could lead to dementia, say experts


Stop thinking that your brain is growing - it can still stretch. Keep it contested.


Your brain can really adapt and grow as you get older, despite what has been thought. Ato studypublished in theBorders of psychology In 2017, it was found that "a traditional view of the plastic nature of the brain is that it is mainly limited to short periods during early development," they found "evidence indicating that the neuroplasticity mechanisms are extremely variable through individuals and throughout life. " In other words, depending on some factors: "including including inhibitory network function, neuromodulatory systems, age, gender, cerebral disease and psychological traits" -Your brain can even push like you OBTAIN. So learn a new language, keep doing your crossed words - anything to keep it engaged.


If you do not eat like that, start

fruit vegetables

"Whatever your age, it's important to eat healthy and balanced diet," say the experts toDirect health, with vegetables (5 per day) and fruits (2 per day), whole grain starches and lean proteins such as chicken, fish and eggs. Avoid salt sugars and added. For those over 60, they specifically recommend you:

  • "Eat rich food in fiber. Eating foods containing fibers could be good for your digestion. Constipation tends to become more a problem than you get older, but fiber-rich foods can prevent constipation and other digestive problems.
  • Eat iron-rich foods. Iron is important for general health. A lack of iron can reduce energy levels and even lead to iron deficiency anemia, includingIron-rich foodsin your diet. The best source of iron is lean red meat.
  • Eat foods rich in calcium. Calcium is essential for the construction and maintenance of bones. Eat rich calcium foods can help you avoidosteoporosis. Good sources of calcium include dairy products such as milk, cheese and yoghurt. Choose lower fat varieties when you can, or eat higher grease varieties in smaller quantities. "


Do not think that bad sleep is only a "part of aging". He does not need to be.

Senior woman with insomnia trying to sleep

Seven to nine hours of sleep per night is essential and if you can not do it, it's not necessarily because you get older. It could be other factors in your control. If you get up in the middle of the night to use the toilet, do not eat or drink two hours before going to bed. If you find yourself wake up with restless dreams, reduce your stress during the day and make sure you make exercise. Make sure your room is a comfortable temperature before going to bed. Consider your sleep hygiene and see if it helps.

RELATED: Reason # 1 that you could have cancer, according to science


Do not think you're invincible just because you've been vaccinated

Doctor Giving Older Woman Corona Virus Vaccine Injection In Hospital

"For the moment, if you have been fully vaccinated," said the CDC:

  • "You will always need to follow tips on your workplace and local businesses.
  • If youto travel, you should always take action forProtect yourself and others. You will always benecessary to wear a maskOn aircraft, buses, trains and other forms of public transit moving in, inside or outside the United States, and in American transport centers such as airports and stations . FullyvaccinatedInternational travelArrival in the United States are alwaysnecessary to be tested3 days before moving air to the United States (or show the documentation of recovery ofCOVID-19 [Feminine In the last 3 months) and should still be tested 3 to 5 days after their trip.
  • You should always look forSymptoms of COVID-19, especially if you have been around someone who is sick. If you have symptoms of COVID-19, you should gettestedandstay at homeAnd far from others.
  • People who have a condition or take drugs that weaken the immune system should talk to their health care provider to discuss their activities. They may need to continue taking allprecautionsTo prevent Covid-19. "


Anticipate the disease before he knocks

Sugar cubes in glass and hand shows thumbs down.

"Age brings a higher risk of chronic diseases such as dementia, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, arthritis and cancer," explains theCDC. "These are the main drivers of the disease, disability, death and health care. Alzheimer's disease and other dementia are the most common among adults aged 60 and over, and the risk Increases with age. " Rather than living in the fear of these problems, do them face them. Eat healthy diet for the heart. Limit these added sugars. Keep your brain fed with engaging work and omega-3. Being over 60 comes with these responsibilities, but it beats the variant. And pass through the healthiest life,Do not take this supplement, which can increase your risk of cancer.

Categories: Health
By: ilona
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