11 Hollywood celebrities who were homeless

Today, let's look at the famous Hollywood celebrities who were homeless. Shocking, I know, but do not do you like more like them? It's inspiring to see how someone has passed home to become a known Hollywood Star world.

Once someone has reached a certain level of renowned and fortune, we forget somehow their backstory and think they have always lived like that. We look at life as a celebrity, but we rarely look far in their lives to see if they are born of money and privilege or have they had a lot of time at the beginning. Today, let's look at the famous Hollywood celebrities who were homeless. Shocking, I know, but do not do you like more like them? It's inspiring to see how someone has passed home to become a known Hollywood Star world.

1. Carmen Electra
Who would have thought that Carmen Electra, the glamorous model, the personality of television, the actress, the singer and the dancer could ever be anything but what she is now. It is at some point that Carmen was homeless for years, because his boyfriend at the moment stolen. She went from Tourism with Prince to be homeless with nowhere to go. However, she then managed to have a role on Baywatch and to give her life on the right track.

2. Daniel Craig
James Bond's jump of this generation saw quite sad days in her life. Before becoming a start that he is now, he had difficulties. While he was still a troubled actor in London, he was not a stranger to spend his nights on a park bench in the park because he could not allow himself to stay in London.

3. Jennifer Lopez
It's hard to believe, but even the fabulous J.LO had his share of sleeping on stranger sofas in his teenage years. Just like the mother of Halle Berry, Jennifer Lopez's parents were not on the moon with the career choice of their daughter. So when Jennifer was 18 years old and decided to start running his dream work, she had to surf the couch because she had no money to support or pay rent.

4. Jim Carrey
You know how they say that life is a tragedy when we see it close up, but a comedy in the long shot? Well, this quote could not be more true when I talk about Jim Carrey. These days, he is a successful comedian, making everyone laugh with his hilarious performances in the mask, the ice ventura, stupid and Dumber's beast and of course the older but great liar liar. However, at the age of 16, Jim Carrey had to get out of school to take care of her sick mother, and shortly after all her family had to live from her car, a small Volkswagen bus.

5. Chris Pratt
Before Chris Pratt became the adorable Andy of parks and leisure, and well before you dreamed of being the star of the galaxy guards, he lived in Scooby Doo Van in Hawaii. After a college of finishing, he had no idea what to do with his life. He worked like a strip-teasper a little, but soon after deciding to buy a one-way ticket for Hawaii and became a lung pulmonary homeless in a van. Asks you if he knew what life had reserve for him at the time.

6. David Letterman
We all know and worship the late show with David Letterman. It is probably the best known host and the most loved late in the night not only in America, but the whole world. Each celebrity knows that if they managed to reserve an appearance on the late show with David Letterman, that means they did it in Showbiz. However, when David moved for the first time to the, he had to live with his car, a red pick-up, for a while, before becoming the famous host late at night, we admire now.

7. Kelly Clarkson
Now a singer, a songwriter and an author of children's books, Kelly Clarkson has seen his share of misfortune back in the day. When she first moved to the, she had to live from her car and sometimes sleep in homeless shelters after her apartment was burned. She did not have money or contact at the time, but she managed to solve her life in the end, is not it?

8. Martin Sheen
Whether you know him as President Bartlet of the West Wing or, more recently, Robert de Netflix's Grace and Frankie, we can all agree that Martin Sheen is an incredible actor. But before becoming known by his stage name like Martin Sheen, the actor in difficulty Ramón Antonio Gerardo Esttevez spent his nights sleeping on the metro in New York.

9. Natasha Lyonne
Like his nicky heroin in Orange is the new black, Natasha struggled with a substance abuse during the day. In fact, she struggled so much that finally she became homeless and was admitted at one time at a hospital in New York under a false name, trying to recover from hepatitis C, a collapsed lung, a heart infection and cardiac An addiction to heroin.

The famous rock had a rocky past before becoming a Hollywood hosthot. Back in the day, when Sylvester Stallone was still an actor in difficulty, he had to sell his beloved dog for $ 50 to meet the two ends. There was a moment when he could not pay the rent, so he was expelled from his apartment and had to live on a New York bus station for three weeks.

11. Shania TWAIN
A famous singer, a proud owner of 5 Grammy Awards, Shania Twain is known around the world. But back in the day, when she was just a child, Shania could not even dream of the success she has now. She lived in an abusive household and when her parents were divorced, Shania's mother had to take children and live in a homeless shelter for a moment, just to make sure her children were nourished regularly.

Categories: Entertainment
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