15 foods to add to your diet to make your immune system stronger than ever

Our immune system helps us maintain our health and keep us strong, fighting disease and infection.

Our immune system helps us maintain our health and keep us strong, fighting disease and infection. When our immune system meets a pathogen, it triggers something called an immune response. Our immune system then releases antibodies that take pathogens and kill them. By eating certain foods, we can make our immune response super strong. Here are the best foods to keep you in advanced shape.

1. Elderly

Did you know that this former school cure is packed with antioxidants? These nutrients can help combat inflammation and even block some flu viruses according to two laboratory studies. We always get our vaccination against influenza, but a cup or two of Suledberry juice should not hurt for additional protection.

2. Berry Acai

In addition to your daily bays like raspberry and blueberry, ACAI contains anthocyanin, which is an antioxidant promoting health. This fruit is delicious in a bowl of smoothie or paired with walnut butter and granola.

3. Wheat germ

The wheat germ is filled with B vitamins, zinc and antioxidants B. This part of the wheat seed also has protein, fibers and healthy fats. Try to use it instead of the flour in the recipes. For example, you can make a delicious cookie or pancake wheat germ that the whole family can enjoy.

4. Garlic

In some cultures, a cure for common flu is to crack a garlic clove with your molars of back and suck the juice. This is not the greatest remedy, but apparently one of the most effective. Crude garlic fighting mushrooms, bacteria and viruses. And no, garlic powder does not count.

5. Oysters

Happy Hour has just gained much healthier. Order in certain oysters for reconstituted zinc levels. There is a lot of zinc in oysters, which helps the body create white blood cells and cure wounds. These are just some of the way oysters increase your immune system.

6. Fermented food

De Sauerkraut with probiotic yogurts and kefir, fermented food with live and active cultures can reduce the appearance of a cold. Make sure to search for vitamin D added to your ingredient label, which will also increase your immune system.

7. Granada juice

Years and years ago, the Egyptians used Grenada to treat infections. Today, research shows that Granada extract that can accommodate bacteria and many viruses, the most famous influenza.

8. Spinach

Folate, among other things, is one of the incredible nutrients of this superfood. Folate helps your body generate new cells while repairing your DNA. It is also high in antioxidants and vitamin C. Try to eat it only slightly cooked or raw. Not a fan of raw spinach? Throw it in your smoothies with fresh fruit - you will not even enjoy it.

9. Broccoli

The saying should go: "A broccoli's head a day is moving the doctor." Broccoli protects against damage through high levels of vitamin C, vitamin A and glutathione, a powerful antioxidant. Sprinkle with cheese on top or add it to a melee.

10. MISO

Miso is so versatile in different dishes and it should definitely be a basic food in your kitchen. Miso comes fermented soy and arrives like a salty paste. It can be added to the soup, sauces and proteins. There are many value bacteria in its probiotics, which help repel your immune system.

11. Ginger

There is a reason why your belly still feels settled after a glass of Ginger Ale. But beyond the soft drinks, it is even more efficient to grill fresh ginger in your drinks or dishes. It reduces inflammation and has many other healthy benefits, including preventing the disease.

12. Sunflower seeds

The nuts are a popular dependence of the perfect and the salad, but seeds are underestimated! These humble heroes are packed with antioxidants of vitamin E and influenza that struggle against these unpleasant free radicals and improve your immune function.

13. Red pepper

Perhaps for some reason, you can not consume sugar in fruits. In this case, slice gross red peppers, which will provide you with many vitamins. If you need to cook, roasting and returnings retain more nutrients than boiling or overcoming it. It also retains more tastes, in our personal opinion.

14. Mackerel

Fat fish are raised in omega-3, or good fats. They can even potentially fight against self-immune disorders such as Crohn's disease and arthritis. If you do not like mackerel, no other fat fish will do it, such as trout, sardines or salmon.

15. Dried tapped cherries

This may seem unexpected, but dried tart cherries contain a large amount of antioxidants. They also contain melatonin, which promotes a healthier sleep cycle and therefore a stronger immune system. Tired people fall sick more - just saying! They have a fabulous taste, but you can also move them into walnut butter or a cerfeit.

Categories: Food&Travel
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