13 Pilates moves to burn fat and get your dream body

Pilates is great because you can do it on your floor of the living room while you are distracted from this sweet burning by reality TV. You do not need to be in a gym to reap the basic benefits of Pilates, so try these movements at home. You will notice a difference and possibly, a sculpted and lean body, as well as increased flexibility.

13 Pilates Moves To Burn Fat And Get Your Dream BodyPilates is great because you can do it on your floor of the living room while you are distracted from this sweet burning by reality TV. You do not need to be in a gym to reap the basic benefits of Pilates, so try these movements at home. You will notice a difference and possibly, a sculpted and lean body, as well as increased flexibility.

1. hundred pump
Lie on the back on the floor and lift the straight legs from the ground at an angle of 45 degrees.
Brace You Core, lift your shoulder blades on the floor and make small but intense pumps with your hands directly at your side. Store your knees in your chest and come back to 45 degrees, repeating. Get from cardio there too!1. Hundred Pump

2. Pilates CURL
Lie in Crunch position, but instead of cracking, slowly curl the chin to the chest and completely bring the shoulders completely from the ground. Stay for a breath, then lower back slowly. To properly engage the abs, lift it from the sternum, so you do not fear your neck and stains instead of the tone.
2. Pilates Curl

3. Rolling
This is about a more advanced version of the loop, which can then be graduated in the roller, where you completely fold your body after performing a complete pilates loop. You engage more muscles longer, as well as to stretch you.
3. Roll Up

4. Stretch Stretch Single / Double Leg Leg
Star with your knees drawn on the chest, then with your parallel tibias in the table. Spread a leg to 45 degrees while stretching the other in the chest, holding the knee that is drawn with your hand. Change the legs all other expirations. This can then evolve in the stretching of the double leg, where both legs go out to 45.
4. Single Leg Stretch

5. Leg circles
Start by lengthening on your back and lift your legs up. Make circles or half-circles with your legs - the smaller and more controlled movement is the closest you will make the burning in your slips and thighs. By mid-way of exercise, reversing the circles, then make simultaneous circles with both legs.
5. Leg Circles

6. Board
In balance on your forearms, were your body at a push-up position. Keep a neutral vertebral column and stay as straight as possible, attracting your navel in your spine. For more work from the top of the body, push yourself to a complete board, then go back to the forearms, imitating an army ramp.)
6. Plank

7. TIRE-cap
Liege face to face, keep both legs pasted together and make a big circle with them, reverse the direction of the circle halfway through a representative. A more advanced version of the leg circles. It will really burn and tone the lower abs as well as your legs - two birds with a stone!
7. Corkscrew

8. Teaser
The ultimate flattening of the belly. Start flowing with your extended hands above your head. Exhale, then in your chin, roll the top of the ground, simultaneously lift your arms and legs until you are in a V position, balance on the SITS bones, reverse slowly until you are at the starting position and repeat.
8. Teaser

9. Scissors
Extend to face visible. Courish your top of the body to lift shoulders lightly on the floor. Lift the left leg 1 inch above the ground and extend to the right leg at 90 degrees, facing the ceiling and bringing your hands to the ankle. Double-pull the right leg, then change your legs. For this to be a little easier, fold gently on his knees and keep your head.
9. Scissors

10. Jackknife
Lie on the back with your arms along your side, palms facing down. Press the back of your arm in the carpet, open your chest, but by pressing your ribs. Push your back into the ground when you extend both legs to the ceiling. Use your abdominal power and your arms planted to bring your legs on your head until they are parallel to your top of the body and your feet are finished and behind your head. Expiration and propel the legs up so that you can also get so perpendicular to the ground. Return the vertebrae by vertebrae and repeat.
10. Jackknife

11. Lateral shot Ron de leg
An earthquake and a workout of the thigh. Lie on one side with your extended legs and stacked on the floor, with your feet slightly in front of the hips and heels together. Place your hands behind your head and lift the other right leg. Move it into a circle in front of you, then behind you, then lift it up to the starting position. Change the paw.
11. Side Kick Ron de Jambe

12. Shoulder bridge
Lie on the back, keep your shoulder blades and palms anchored in the ground. Place your feet near your bones from your seat. Scoop Deep and Colchez your glutes and increase quickly, open your ABS and ranges, go back to the ground to start slowly with your back of the back and ending with your trail bone. Repeat.
12. Shoulder Bridge

13. Open leg rocker
Roll in a bullet and stay balanced by prolonging the legs. Engage your abs to scooper and on the back. Exhale to return to the shoulder blades. Inhale for a break and exhale to return to the start position. Great Haute-ab and general general training.
13. Open Leg Rocker

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