That's what happens when you put onions cut into your socks

Onions are known to have some antibacterial and purifying properties. Onion juice helps kill germs. That's why eating onion is recommended if you are sick. Would it work in the same way when applied topically?

Onions are known to have some antibacterial and purifying properties. Onion juice helps kill germs. That's why eating onion is recommended if you are sick. Would it work in the same way when applied topically? Onions might might kill sprouts topically and help get rid of a kind of fungi or foot infections.

According to this "Lifehack", put onions cut into your socks before falling asleep will help you kill bacteria and viruses, cleanse your blood and eliminate foot smells. May be. But then you encounter a new problem - odor like an onion. Are you ready for that?
Anyway, discover the healing qualities and benefits for the health of onion.

what_happens_when_you_put_onions_in_socks_001. As I have already mentioned earlier, onions can be used to make the skin on your feet become softer and get rid of cracks on your heels. All you have to do is mix an onion until it makes a paste (or simply cut it finely), then applies it to your feet for an hour or two.

2. Onions purifies blood, stimulate digestion and help the body get rid of excess water. Onions also contain quercetin, which can help fight cancer. The next time you have a headache, try sniffing some onions instead of taking pills. Many people swear from this natural method.

what_happens_when_you_put_onions_in_socks_023. Onions can also be used for aesthetic purposes, specifically to get rid of spots. To get rid of freckles, wipe the affected area with a two-day onion, each day.

4. Onions can help strengthen your hair and grow faster. The idea of ​​putting the onion juice in your hair may seem disgusting, but would not you make your hair finally start growing? Do not use it more than once a week, however.

what_happens_when_you_put_onions_in_socks_035. Fresh onion juice increases the production of sperm in a man's body. In ancient Egypt, the onion was considered the "poor man musk". He was known as a very powerful aphrodisiac. In fact, it was thought to be such a powerful aphrodisiac that, in the onions of the Middle Ages, were banned in monasteries, to prevent monks from having unclear thoughts or carnal desires.

6. Onion juice is a natural antibiotic that can protect you from colds. It can kill viruses that cause colds and reinforce your upper respiratory tract. Strengthening the onion districts can help heal a cold, but it also works as a preventive measure during the flu season. Onions are also full of vitamin C and can strengthen your immune system.

what_happens_when_you_put_onions_in_socks_047. Surprisingly, onions also help with sprains. Just cut an onion into small pieces and mix with sugar. Apply the mixture to the zone you spinned and you cover a dressing. Change the mixture every day.

8. If you suffer from migraines, onions can help that too. All you have to do is make a dough from a new onion and apply it as a compress on your forehead. You should start feeling better soon.

Is it all right? Well, I guess you should try it to know it.

Categories: Beauty
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