19 secret thoughts a guy when he sees the first woman

When guys see someone cute in the street, they die to know what she thinks. What thoughts run through their heads - is she more girly or boys? Does she flirt with me, taking or too good for me? These are some of the ...

19 Secret Thoughts A Guy Has When He First Sees A Woman 1When guys see someone cute in the street, they die to know what she thinks. What thoughts run through their heads - is she more girly or boys? Does she flirt with me, taking or too good for me? These are some of the hidden thoughts that guys feel when they see a woman for the first time.

1. Is it accessible, or will it close automatically? It can base this eye contact, how do you walk and the attitude with which you wear yourself.

2. Does she look at me? Or does she look at her friend who is behind me, or a warmer building or guy? The guys are looking for a positive signal again, so if a girl plays hard to get or not get into it, he will notice.

3. What is it under his outfit. He will try to deduce if she is innocent, or a small edgin, and if her lingerie indicates the same thing. Hey, all their thoughts can not be so virtuous!

4. He wonders what she does to make a living. Is this beautiful Badass a neurosurgeon, writer or work in the fashion industry?

5. He looks for a ring on his finger - a good man will divert the absence of a woman taken away and try to read signs that she is single, rather than married and unavailable.

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6. His eyes. As the old negne says - the eyes are the windows to the soul. But they can sometimes be a good indicator or energy of someone, and if they are sexy to start, it does not hurt.

7. Its hair color - some men are considerably attracted to brunettes, while others have a weakness for blondes or redheads.

8. He thinks of his lips. He will imagine what to kiss them - if they look soft or chant.

9. He will automatically see his smile - a smile can drop a guy from love. In addition, guys use the logic that if you have an authentic smile, you are probably an authentic person and sincere girls are the guardians.

10. He tries to analyze his style! This is unexpected, but not because they judge or seeing if you are cheap - they simply try to deduce your personality and what kind of person to see you.

11. He will notice his level of trust, based on how she is doing? A guy is attracted to a confident girl, so if she is proudly driving, her shine will be perceptible. And if it has a low self-esteem, it can be indicated by a slavery and pretending as if it hides the world, rather than taking it.

12. Its height. If a girl is bigger than a guy and gives her positive signals, it's also a sign that he is confident with himself. Some guys have one thing for the biggest ladies, while others prefer the little ones.

19 Secret Thoughts A Guy Has When He First Sees A Woman 313. He will wonder if she is out of her league. If a girl looks incredibly beautiful, she can sometimes work against her, intimidating the guy looking away from being as a result of assuming she would not be in her.

14. How does it feel? He will have a breath of her when she passes. Does it wear a raw cotton body sprayer? Or is it a seductive scent of jasmine or just a clean laundry? You can talk a lot about a woman's life with her scent, as if it's simpler and more rustic, or more high and gray maintenance.

15. What is the thickness of his hair. Healthy hair designates a healthy girl. Woeing his hands in a girl's hair and touch, it's something that all fantasily guys about, and the more the locks are succulent, the better.

16. Where does false hair extensions come from? And makeup batteries? A ton of false stuff on a girl's face, hair and body show that it is high maintenance, self-esteem and false.

17. At deeper, she was injured in relations, or the one that inflicted pain and launched additional breaks? This comes from a deeper desire to protect ourselves.

18. Does it lie more like a night stand or an occasional flan? Or will she be a good wife subjects to spend your life with and your family can enjoy and love?

19. Does she look materialistic and like a golden hollow? Does she care about supporting me and help me grow emotionally, or will she leave me high and dry if I do not call it financially?

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