Our publisher can not get enough Cappello

I thought my days to eat pizza, pasta and cookies were finished until I discovered this business.

If you have adopted agluten-free dietyou know it's hard to make the sacrifice to cut your favorite bread,Pizzaand beers out of your diet. I deleted gluten - the protein found in wheat and wheat products at the beginning of December after learning that I had developed a sensitivity to that, and since I since I'm on the bow Gluten-free food products that best imitated some of my favorite dishes.

I can confirm that this is not an easy task - if you have already cooked noodles made mainly from brown rice, you understand. The noodles are held on the other and form a boiling loop, and if you let them boil too long, you are left with what looks like a foam ball of sad noodle. As for the pizza, make a crust of cauliflower is a great option, but it does not impose the traditional fluffy pizza crust that I appreciated. Even more upsetting are gluten-free interpretations on classical flour-based flourdesserts-I have been disappointed to learn that the options are minimal in this category.

I started to accept the fact that I could never find a replacement for these respective foods ... that is to say until I meet with the co-founder ofCappello, a new pasta, pizza and gluten-free baking pizza and cookie dough. After indulging in their delicious sausage and their pizza, spaghetti and the two flavors of cookie dough, my fear of never finding an adequate substitute for some of my favorite foods was appeased.

Their secret to make a soft crust without the help of gluten? Almond powder. Ben Frohlichstein and Stacey Marcellus, Cappello's co-founders and co-ceos, both follow aGluten free and grainless Diet and have been determined to create more options in the freezer alley with their frozen almond flour products. I was impressed by the texture and taste of these gluten-free (and grained) versions of Italian classics and even a timeless dessert such as cookies. Intrigued on why this company - which is the first to make its debut an almond-flour crust pizza - decided to rid of their grain products in addition to gluten, I asked the co-founders of explain their reasoning.

"Most people who adopt a cereal way of life seek to facilitate digestive problems, relieving inflammation and balance the health of the intestines. The grainless means are part of this extra step beyond gluten-free grains And to eliminate all grains, including corn, rice and quinoa, "says Marcellus.

Marcellus and Frohlichstein, who were previously working on organic farms, strongly believe in the effects of a grain-free plan on their lives as well as their clients.

Why did you choose to make your food exempt from grains as opposed to just gluten-free?

The elimination of the gluten of the equation was not sufficient for business owners because it has neglected to meet the needs of those who can not tolerate grain.

"We were inspired to create dishes that could be appreciated by all, regardless of the food restriction, because we have seen a need for simple and real ingredients in the Gluten-free category," says Frohlichstein. "The quality of gluten-free alternatives most often lower nutritionally to gluten-containing products, and we estimated that we found a way to change this by choosing to produce grain-free food, leaving less room for modified components."

The link between food and how it affects the body is important for Cappello creators.

"Our Cappello mission is to help open the community's eyes to alternative options to make relevant nutritional food choices," says Frohlichstein.

RELATED: The easy way to docomfortable comforts healthier.

Here are three products that I took advantage of Cappello, which you can find at your localWhole foods.

Italian sausage with roasted pizza with red pepper

frozen pizza from cappello's
Cappello courtesy

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Cappello's offers four different types of pizza: pepperoni uncured, whole milk mozzarella cheese, Italian sausage with roast red pepper and naked crust for when you want to put your own sauces and fittings. I take advantage of the variety of sausages due to support. While serving, which is one-third of the pie, looks small, do not be deceived - it is quite filling with 11 grams of protein and 25 grams of fat. The crust is soft and easy to chew, and there is even a suspicion of subtle sweetness, probable of apple cider vinegar and honey. Everything he needs is about 15 minutes in the oven. I recommend whipping a small salad based on spinach and strawberries separated from a teaspoon or a teaspoon of olive oil and balsamic vinegar to eat on the side, this way of Not devour all the pizza in one session. Speaking of personal experience, it is not difficult to do!


spaghetti from cappello's
Cappello courtesy

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If you are looking for the fastest cooking spaghetti on the market, it may be right. Cappello spaghetti takes only 90 seconds to prepare. If you like a softer noodle, let it boil for a minute more peaks because longer than it could destroy the structure of the noodle. I like to throw these noodles with olive oil and a mixture of Tuscany spices, garlic and grated parmesan cheese. The texture is very similar to that of regular spaghetti, only the most birth. Just a pack of servers 8 grams of protein, which come from almonds and eggs without cage. Add roasted red pepper slices andbroccoli For a portion of vegetables!

Cookie dough

cappello's cookie dough
Cappello courtesy

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Full Disclosure: If you are someone who loves thin and crisp cookies, it may not be cookie for you. However, if you are someone like me who loves soft and thicker cookies, then you are for a treat. Cappello currently sells two different types of chocolate chip and chocolate chocolate. Although I like the two, I really enjoyed the traditional chocolate chip pulp, because the sweetness of the organic vermont maple syrup is very important in the first bites but ends with a slightly salty aftertaste. It is the perfect and unexpected combination ofsweet and salty. This product is not only gluten and grainless, but it's also vegan, so you can eat raw without any worryfood safety!

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