Strange things that "crazy lovers" always do

When you are crazy in love, you enter the world of two - just you and your boyfriend / girlfriend - that no one else understands. You want you in a bubble - seeing everything else - but in one way or another isolated on your own imaginary planet ....

When you are crazy in love, you enter the world of two - just you and your boyfriend / girlfriend - that no one else understands. You feel like your in a bubble - seeing everything else - but in one way or another isolated on your own imaginary planet. With your beloved, you are different - you can speak weird, behave odd, do crazy things together. Although each couple is unique, there are few cute things that each couple will probably have tried together. The following things can look or sound strange, but if you do, you may be sure - you're a real couple now!

  • Brush the teeth together

2 Brush teeth togetherEveryone is used to the fact that people in relationships can share a room without problem. They take showers together even without having sex in this humid environment. But brush the teeth is different. You know it's love when you can fill your mouth with this white thing, brushing your teeth, talk strangely during the process and pin it - everything in front of another person. Brushing the teeth together takes a real intimacy to a new level. It also means that you spent the night with a person and can start a new day together. Or if you brush your teeth at night, it means you're going to have comfortable time and falling sleep after cuddling.

  • Try clothes on the other.

3 Try on each other's clothesWhen a girl wears her boyfriend's shirt - it's sexy. When a guy puts the blouse or the heels of the girlfriend - it's funny. Anyway, it's not a waste of time. It's a bit nice to see someone you like to wear your clothes and feel comfortable, even if you look absolutely strange. Other couples reasons like to exchange clothes - share, I guess. You want to share everything - your impressions and views on your jeans and food. By the way, talking about food ...

  • Eat plates of each

4 Eating from each other’s platesThe food of your girlfriend / your boyfriend has better taste. Always. So some couples even command a plate for two, knowing that they will definitely share. It's not that lovers can not eat independently. It's just every bite eaten together is more awesome.

  • Call yourself on nicknames

5 Call each other nicknamesAlthough you can deny it and avoid it - the nickname arrives sooner or later. So, you'd better choose if you prefer to be a juicy popper or a cuddly muffin honey bun. Yes, it is not obliged to be as bizarre and connected with domestic animals. Sometimes the couples are really original invent nicknames for each other. Although they may seem weird, that's how love people show that they really know each other and share something intimate, sweet and tender. Something only they understand.

  • Have jokes that only they understand

6 Have jokes that only they understandYou live through different times, talk a lot and start sharing souvenirs. It's when the jokes arrive. Because you do them alone - naturally, they are funny for you both and absolutely odd for all others. Something you remember can trigger this fun situation. Even a word can make you look oddly and shed light on. It may seem boring for people around, who do not know what it is. But you do not want to explain. You want to keep your jokes for yourself, crazy!

  • Wearing corresponding clothes

7 Wear matching clothesYou do not want to look like twins, of course, and you are not one of these shopping couples for the express t-shirts express. But honestly, it is sometimes inevitable. You just do not know how it's happening but each of you chooses the yellow t-shirt of your cabinets and you put them with jeans and choose to wear sneakers (because the pairs of sneakers you have bought during your Purchases are the best shoes. Already). Although it may seem a little funny - wearing these matching clothes, but here is the good side: it means you have the same feeling of style, and you will be a great team, not only with regard to the choice of clothes.

  • Take strange selfows

8 Take weird selfiesTaking selfies alone is boring. Taking selfies together is much more fun and does not look so stupid (when you start doing these strange faces on a camera). Having selfies together reminds couples of great moments they have passed together. And when you are in love, you want to memorize every moment. You will risk laughing these hundred shots wasted later, but after all - it's really you, smiling and go together.

Do not be afraid to look weird like a couple. If you have the chance to find and fall in love with the same monster as you are, forget that everyone, be happy and enjoy moments together.

Categories: Relationships
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