Your childhood crushes then and now

Remember all these adorable kids actors that you had the crumple where you were a child? Have you ever wondered where they are and what do they look like? Do they still act or have they decided to do something completely different from their lives? ...

Your Childhood Crushes Then And Now
Remember all these adorable kids actors that you had the crumple where you were a child? Have you ever wondered where they are and what do they look like? Do they still act or have they decided to do something completely different from their lives? I know I'm doing. Especially when I see an actor who reminds me of someone and I can not put it quite in my memory, then after I'm googling, it's this child of this movie that I liked . After that, I usually go a long time of googling to find out what all my other childhood crushes look like. Fortunately for you, I already did that today and I compiled a list for you, so you do not have to spend ages searching for it yourself.

1.rider strong1.Rider StrongWe remember that this cute little boy boy meets the world, but watch it now. Time flies and suddenly, you realize that your childhood crew is now an adult man with a woman and a child of himself. It is no more than an actor, but also a producer, a director and a screenwriter. At 35, he always looks good, right? It's just a bit of a shock, realizing that the boy of the "boy meets the world" is a father now.

2. Macaulay Сulkin2. Macaulay СulkinWe all liked it in "the house only" and "at home only 2". How could you not? A cute little blonde angel who continues to be left for the holidays. All the emblematic pitfalls that he go up for burglars, all the fun ways he was distinguished. We literally have no choice but to love it. Macaulay had a rather rocky couple since "the house alone". He married about 18 years of age, then was divorced, had he had questions about drugs, was involved in Michael Jackson's trial, started a comedy group named underground pizza And dated Mila Kunis. Now at age 35, it seems to have set up and seems to be in a pretty good relationship with actress Jordan Lane Jordan Lane.

3. Haley Joel oument3. Haley Joel OsmentYou may remember this cute little child of the sixth sense. Parallel next to Bruce Willis at such a young age is a big deal, a big deal, in fact, that he has been named for an Oscar at the best support role. He did not win, but he became the second youngest actor to be named. Haley Joel also played a minor role in Forrest Gump and he played in A.i.- Artificial Intelligence. Since then, he has had other roles and lent his voice to some video games.

4. Sean O'Neil4. Sean O’NeilRemember the show "Clarissa explains everything"? Yeah, well Sean O'Neil played Sam on this show. He was a teenager when he worked on the show, but where is he now? To be honest, I have no idea. He seems to have dropped from the face of the world. Well, maybe not the world, but it clearly disappeared from the Hollywood map. All we know is that he did voice work on some animated shows, but that's about a lot. His page Wikipedia is ridiculously small, but we know he is now and there are very few recent pictures of him online.

5. Alfred Enoch5. Alfred EnochAlfie is famous for his role as Dean Thomas in Harry Potter movies. He also expressed his character in the Harry Potter games. Since the era of Harry Potter's film has finished (we are always sad about it), he has marked many pieces in the theaters of London. He also appeared in a Sherlock episode in Season 3, called "the sign of three". He played the bainbridge, the bloody goalkeeper. Alfred is currently working on the SCB's drama series "how to get out with murder". At the age of 26, he looks like a youngster young man. Still beguin-worthy, am I right?

6. Leonardo DiCaprio6. Leonardo DiCaprioYou never really have to wonder what Leonardo DiCaprio looks like these days. He is always good and famous. It is nevertheless curious to see it grow on the screen and change. Many people liked him in Titanic and Romeo and Juliette. It looks like he could easily down the blonde track, with blue eyes, in the heart of Hollywood Hollywood, but he does not have and boy, is not it happy with that. It turned out to be a rather interesting character. It is always ready for accessories, ladies, but it seems exclusively in models.

7. Daniel Radcliffe7. Daniel RadcliffeDaniel Radcliffe, Harry Potter, the boy who lived - everything is a bit synonymous for me. I know, I know, he had other roles since then, but for me and my generation, people who grew up with Harry Potter, he will always be Harry Potter. We really looked at it with the movies and we grew up with him. It should be mentioned that since then, he played in many films and plays and turned out to be a great actor, able to take any character.

8. Edward Furlong8. Edward FurlongYou probably know him better than this kid of the second film Terminator. He played in some other movies here and there, but his faded glory after the 90s. Life was not great for him. At the age of 15, he started getting out of his tutor, Jacqueline Domac, who was 29 at the time. This relationship lasted years and she was her responsible for a while. When they finally separated, she continued and asked 15% of her income. He married Rachael Bella in 2006 and had a son. However, the marriage did not last and he divorced. It's also about addiction and alcohol dependence for some time now. Not, then overwrite worthy, is not it?

Categories: Entertainment
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