9 reasons why be without children do not make you any less

1. Want freedom for you and a partner to do what you want. Not wanting to be attached, it's a perfectly valid reason not to have children. Some incredible lifestyles require you to never settle completely, you are constantly moving, ...

9 Reasons Why Being Childless Doesn't Make You Worth Any Less 11. Want freedom for you and partner to do what you want.
Not wanting to be attached, it's a perfectly valid reason not to have children. Some incredible lifestyles require you never settle down completely, you are constantly moving, and it's the beauty of it. But this changing environment would not necessarily be healthy for a child, who stability can be a pretty important thing. Nor do you want your exciting and swirling romance with your husband to stop - bring children to the world can link you and your man, but it can also drain part of what made you so charming to the other person.

2. You have a maternal instinct towards other adults, or towards children who are not biologically yours. Or you do not have a maternal instinct at all!
As long as you feel blossomed, that's all that matters! You can feel like a mother because of being a role model she has provided to other young people or even people of her age. People want to say that you do not have the right to be maternal if you do not have children, but that's not true. If acting the mother allows you to accomplish this maternal part of yourself, more power for you. Or do not have a maternal instinct at all. It's totally good to want to have a dog more than a child or do not coo on every baby in a stroller when it comes to your way. Nothing about it makes you a psychopath, it simply means that you do not fall into the stereotype of your gender.

3. Loneliness is a wonderful thing
This means that you are not afraid of being alone. Enjoy loneliness is another thing that society finds taboo. It is still assumed that women need a man to be happy, or a child. Otherwise, it is thrown into the secular stereotype of being a spinster. But be alone allows introspection and self-growing, while having a child would require you to transfer them instead of this attention, neglect your own emotional being. Some of the best moments break alone with Netflix, travel with yourself and learn to be fully in line with your mind and body.

9 Reasons Why Being Childless Doesn't Make You Worth Any Less 24. This is not the only thing that will give your life "true meaning".
It will not give your life "true meaning". You can find a real meaning in other things or to discover more than yourself, which is just as powerful. The idea that not having children does not make life life of meaning or does not fulfill some carnal biological desire is a right myth up, and a rude to that! Life is not a competition and different ways of life occur on a parallel level, not a kind of hierarchy with mothers at the top, even if some might think that.

5. You do not want to give up all your social life and your bank account
You do not want all your money to be sucked into a vacuum cleaner who caca a lot and ruins your home. Certainly, babies are small magical creatures, but they also make a massive bump on your bank account and the virgin nature of your home. No child means clean walls, a quiet house and sleep late. Your next vacation fund will go in the diapers, bank guards, food, doctors' appointments and more than one hundred other things. If you do not want to experiment with the things you used to get fun (movie theaters, chic restaurants, sex).

6. Because childhood was painful for you
If you do not want to experiment with childhood, it's good. Some of us had gross raw experiences and are not sure we can move them again. Could unwind bad things we feel better about going in the past. If you are not ready to help your child intimidation and other charges to be a child or even worse a teenager, it can be painful. If your own childhood was dysfunctional, it's good to feel like it's something to go beyond, not correctly repair.

9 Reasons Why Being Childless Doesn't Make You Worth Any Less 37. It is correct to want to focus on the career instead
You are not a terrible person to choose to prioritize your career on children. Nobody asks questions when men take this decision. Half of the known celebrities for having been without a child discuss the way their career would not be where they are today if they had spent time feeding another human fruit being. Your actions are not selfish unless someone else hurt and we are almost sure that your non-fertilized egg does not hurt anyone.

8.Scary pregnancy sounds
If you do not want to give up all your vices for nine months. Put someone else's first is a noble experience, but you are very often necessary for your emotional health. If your best nights are sprayed from the wine on an international getaway or leading to an adrenaline pumping lifestyle, you will need to quit. In addition, be pregnant does not ring it fun. Of course, some women could be marked on "glue". But the other half vomited, eating horrible combinations of food, abusing their loved ones and to be an uncomfortable emotional and emotional disorder.

9. Give even more scary sounds
Giving birth also seems like a nightmare, to be honest. Hospitals are already terrifying when you have to go quickly, but to be in the workforce for more than 24 hours? No thanks. The perspiration and feeling I'm going to die for a full day while my most vital and loved organ is launched in pain as something I'm ready to avoid. Moreover, since sex is one of my favorite things, sacrifice it and the presence may never have never been the same thing that is acceptable to never discover it.

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