You must see a cosmetologist today

I am of course being dramatic here. However, you should go see a cosmetologist periodically and regularly, whatever your age. I must notify you however; You are a little too late if you ask yourself questions for which you have to do what I say ....

You Need To See a Cosmetologist TodayI am of course being dramatic here. However, you should go see a cosmetologist periodically and regularly, whatever your age. I must notify you however; You are a little too late if you wonder why you have to do as I say. Close to this spot of hope when you read to find out why.

This is my story.

A month ago, I received a phone call from a beauty salon. It made me suspicious - I had never been to one. How did they receive my phone number? I spoke to a very good cosmetologist by phone while looking at my face in the hall mirror. Maybe they spotted me in the neighborhood and brought me back to the beauty police for my crimes?

With the greatest concern of my skin's well-being, I made an appointment and walked with confidence in the living room thinking that it was an idiot decision on my part; I can take care of me and I do not need a cosmetologist! I wash my face every day.

When meeting the cosmetologist I had seen (did you notice that they are still beautiful?), My trust has fallen to insecurity while I sat in a corner armchair of the room being scolded by an adult. Oleya, the cosmetologist, asked me how I worn up with my skin. When I answered honestly - "soap", she continued at a ten-minute conference on my terrible choice of life - soap is a big no no!

I am not a ventilation area, but a young 22-year-old young woman, and was aware of the problems that surround the skin of the skin and the catastrophic consequences that waited for me if I have not changed my habits - Like today, this minute!
It is time to become a little more serious and focus on the educational aspect of this article. The following summarizes the advice of a cosmetologist for anyone interested or concerned as I became.

woman receiving facial massage
1 Why visit a cosmetologist?

The ladies, chances are that you are not a doctor. You can have a soap routine, but improvisation on skin care choices without consulting a professional might simply do more harm than good. To avoid fighting with the consequences of incorrect skin care, you must consult a person who really knows what they are talking about.

Your face is the first thing you present when you go out in the world. This should be a priority for every woman. Your appearance affects your work and touches your personal life in one way or another, no matter how you look at it. You must take care of your skin and stay young and beautiful. Having good healthy skin is not a dunk slam! You must work there, know which products and procedures are suitable for you. And then, it will get a real cause that you have to make routines every day to ensure the health of the skin long term.

The problems of your skin can already be visible; Those of the surface reflect those that are internal. You must be selective from your skin care products because they are particular to different types of skin. There is no universal product that will solve all your problems (as I have already thought). Do you know what kind of skin do you have?

Consider how much sun exposure you get every day. And if you think it's a joke, look at this video:

You can talk further with a beautician or dermatologist and they will tell you that no one should ever be in the sun. Concentrated sun exposure, even for 30 minutes repeated over time, can lead you to develop melanoma cancers later in life; These can be fatal. On a level of beauty, the sun is getting your skin aged, so avoid it!

2. What are the main issues we should pay close attention to2. What are the main problems we should pay particular attention?

The condition of your skin, of course. Your skin falls into one of the following categories; Grasse, dry or normal skin (because you do all the right things).

The dryness of the skin indicates the aging process. You have to feed your skin with nutrients. With this type of skin, your priority should be moisturizing. If your skin is dry, it lacks elasticity and durability. This could flip and you might even see wrinkles.

Oily skin has another set of problems, the major being all kinds of inflammatory processes. Oily skin is a refuge for bacteria and other unwanted organisms that can and will multiply in this habitat.

Stabilizing your skin and bringing it to an acceptable disease should be essential especially after 20 years. The world welcomes you as an adult (now), you must consider you to preserve these good looks. If you do it the right way, you always have a photo looking for when you touch 30.

Girl and grandmother, cheek to cheek, close-up, partial view3. What problems are specific to different age groups?

(The following describes the natural aging process of your skin.)

20S - Internal resources are starting to think. Your skin will become dry or greasy. Hormonal changes are still in progress so that you are likely to experience problems at some point in your 20 years.

25 - The first wrinkles appear out of nowhere! Hydrate your skin daily to avoid problems in the future. Remember you need to start early. Start by enriching your skin with nutrients and another kindness that can be prescribed by your cosmetologist, your beautician or a dermatologist.

30 - The structure of your skin begins to change and becomes flange. Your skin stops being as durable, stretches and starts to sag. Dead skin cells begin to accumulate. This is when you will have to attend a form of treatment or therapy.

35 - The wrinkles become more obvious during this period. The wrinkles appear on your forehead, near your eyebrows, your nose and even lips.

40 - All wrinkles become visible. Even these little on your cheeks!

45 - Ptosis slips on you (falling and falling eyelids). Colen and the production of elastin stop almost entirely. These proteins are responsible for allowing tissues to return to their original form. Your face begins to fall.

50 - You probably have a second chin, because your face begins to sag further. Your neck becomes the focal point because it reveals your age instantly, even if you make more invasive procedures to cover for that.

That's it. 50 years old, you look back and you wanted you listened to it in 2015 when you initially read this article.

To summarize this information expense, look at this slightly frightening video to see what awaits you in the near future:

The aging process is of course natural. There are decades ago, we had no way to fight the hands of time. Today, we know that everything we have to do is help the secretion of nutrients and give our skin more resources to prolong its life. So go to this phone ...

4. What are the steps of basic skin care4. What are the steps of basic skin care?

This is a difficult question to answer and the reason you need professionals. You must consult and find the right skin care products for your particular skin type. Medications have "consultants", but they are nowhere close to the same thing. Their work is to sell, not help you take care of yourself.

Always read back labels on all skin skin products you plan to buy, religiously! Know what you plan to put on your face! Avoid parabens, sulphate, petroleum and see the general list below. Paste with natural ingredients instead.

Top Vilified Cosmetic Ingredients
1. Parabens
2. Urea of ​​diazolidinyl
3. Diethanolamine
4. Sodium laurylle sulphate
5. Petrolatum
8. Triclosan
9. Fragrance
10. Color pigments
11. PEG - polyethylene glycol
12. TALC
(taken from

5. Know your skin layers5. Know your skin layers!

Epidermis- This is the protective layer of our skin. It shows the consequences of what is happening internally. All cosmetics work on the level of epidermis. Working with consequences (on the surface), does not solve internal problems below the surface.

Dermis- The internal skin layer where all nutrients are secreted.
Professional cosmetics work on the level of the dermis. As they have a low molecular weight, all the elements go 4, 5 mm deep, what you eliminate the problems you have.
A word of warning: Your skin will be quickly readjusted according to your skin care products, then find 2 lines and exchange them every half-one year.
Do not forget to moisturize your skin. Protect it during the day and clean it daily. That's all the basic care you will need.

Hypodermis- Packing with nerve endings. Do not go here.

So yes, you will have to spend money on yourself. You will have to make an investment in your future unless you think you will appreciate being spiritual (and a liar) with all the questions "How old are you any questions later in life. Nobody asks a lady in older research how old she is because they all know. Old.

Oleya took her time to assess the skin thoroughly. She offered a very professional presentation discussing my type of skin care and what were the best products for my skin type. I'm happy to have decided to go see a cosmetologist. Although my morning routine does not take 30 seconds (more than 3-4 minutes now).
I feel better now after my discussion with Oleya and I'm ready to invest some of my precious time to look at my best. Yes, I'm only 22, but I now know that slowing the aging of his skin starts when you are young. It is time spent well spent.

Categories: Beauty
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