Tips for choosing good glasses for your face

Glasses can be worn for fashion or function, anyway, you have to make an effort to look at your best. Perfect glasses reflect your style, improve your appearance and even has a power to minimize your imperfections while attracting attention to your best ...

Tips for How to Choose the Right Glasses for Your Face 1Glasses can be worn for fashion or function, anyway, you have to make an effort to look at your best. Perfect glasses reflect your style, improve your appearance and even has a power to minimize your imperfections while attracting attention to your best features. In an ideal world, you have dozens of pairs in various colors, shapes and styles to match your mood and outfit, but in reality glasses can be far too expensive and you'll limit yourself to have one or two pairs. In this case, you must make sure that those you choose are as flattering as possible. Especially now that the "geek-chick" look has conquered the world of fashion. Whenever the weather has just bought your next pair, keep in mind these 4 general tips:

Contrast - Tips for How to Choose the Right Glasses for Your Face 2Contrast- The shape of the frame must contrast the shape of your face. If you have more proper features, opt for more angular glasses and angular features require more curved shapes.

Color - Tips for How to Choose the Right Glasses for Your Face 3Color- The good color will never fail to complete your features. If you want to highlight your eyes, black is a good option. For those who want to make a statement with the glasses, choose the ones that contrast the tone of your face and your hair.

Proportion - Tips for How to Choose the Right Glasses for Your Face 4Proportion- Find frames that will be proportionally with the rest of your face. Do not confuse it with the choice of sunglasses, which must be larger for the greatest blanket. Remember that frames that look chic because a pair of sunglasses would not necessarily seem nice when using optical lenses.

Face shape - Tips for How to Choose the Right Glasses for Your Face 5Shape- There are four general types of face shapes: round, heart, square and oval. You can simply trace the outline of your face with the aid of pencil and a piece of paper placed on an image of your face, or go to the bathroom and trace your face on the mirror of the bathroom With a eyeliner or everything you have at your fingertips. Once you have determined which outline is us, you are ready to get your new frames with some confidence that they will complete your appearance.

Round face shape - Tips for How to Choose the Right Glasses for Your Face 6Round face
These are curves when it comes to round faces, the width and length of the face are almost proportional. You can easily define the soft circular shape by the wide front, the more loose cheeks and a rounded chin.
Opt for angular shapes, frames must be wider than they are deep. The rectangular frame styles will give the thinner and longer face illusion. The wearing of narrow styles of rectangular frames will create a scale with more round features. The frames with a slight scanning at the corners will flash these fabulous cheeks and take the eye up.
Do not forget that small round or oversized frames will not play well with your face shape, they will do more than your face appear even more round, and we do not want it to happen, do not you?

Oval face shape - Tips for How to Choose the Right Glasses for Your Face 7Oval face shape
Oval faces are defined by well-balanced characteristics, the jaw is slightly closer than the forehead. People with oval face faces are so lucky, there is a wide range of options in the field of glasses. Seriously, there is no limit to the shapes or types of glasses that you can buy.
Square frames, rectang, round and cat-eye are the best bet for you. If you want to stay in vogue, there are many vibrant styles and fashion. But take care to avoid too small or too big images of not overwhelming your features.

Heart face shape - Tips for How to Choose the Right Glasses for Your Face 8Heart shape heart
A heart-shaped face is defined by a large forehead, high cheekbones falling on a small chin. Make sure the glasses are wider than your forehead. Opt for heavy bottom frames, like a deep square, to expand the lower part of your face or frames without clear color mount. The trick is very simple, executives must balance different widths of your face. Take into account the big chat face frames, not only are they considered a hot tendency, but are also ideal for heart-shaped faces. Aviator glasses will only reflect the shape of your face, so do not forget to stay away from them.

Square face shape - Tips for How to Choose the Right Glasses for Your Face 9Square shape
The square face generally has strong characteristics, well defined by distinct angles in the jaw, cheeks and forehead. The main goal while choosing glasses for square forms should be softened this natural angularity and ignore the frames that could focus on capturing facial features.
You can never go wrong with oval or round glasses that contrasted square features and make your face softer and thinner. Another tip to remember is that the frames lit easily attract the attention of the chin and soften the sharpness of the features. Glasses must be wider than your face, to give the illusion of the thinner face. Another infallible trick that flatters square faces is to select frames in clear neutral colors such as beige or ivory. And our final advice to get that eyeglasses, airmen or exaggerated rounds can also make miracles with a balanced look.

Categories: Fashion
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