35 places you are most likely to catch Covid

Before going out, read this critical ranking.

With cases ofCOVID-19 [Feminine arising across the country and the number of infections, hospitalizations and deathsBreak daily recordingsHe has never been so crucial to protect yourself and others. Some states and cities have strengthened the restrictions, closure of the bars, the prohibition of the dining room, the limitation of occupation in many institutions and even the number of persons authorized to private gatherings. Others remain open and functioning as usual. But no matter where you live and what remains open, keep in mind the old adage: just because you can, that does not mean you should.

As excited as you might be visiting your favorite local institutions or gathering with friends and family during the holidays, it is important not to become a lax of the Pandemic of Covid-19. Discover these 35 places that you are most likely to catch Covid - ranked at least at most risks. You can better understand the risk associated with your activities. Read on and ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseWithout signs that you have already had coronavirus.


To go for a walk

Safe outdoor activities with face mask

A nice walk outside is a great way to identify the head during this stressful pandemic. But it is always important to follow social distancing and mask guidelines in your area to prevent propagation.

Astudy published inFluid physics Analyzed respiratory droplets of sneezing and coughing. The study revealed that human cough can expel droplets from 10 to 250 meters per second. If you plan to take a relaxing walk, try choosing a path that is not very crowded and always practicing social distance.




When you head to the big exterior for a hike, you can assume that you are safe to Covid-19. But if you hike on a congested track, you are always at risk. Wear a face mask and stay six feet other hikers reduces your risks. "When you venture outside, try spending time with people in your household," warns theAmerican hiking company. If you follow an appropriate protocol, your risk remains low, but it is important to track the regulation of your local government.


Go to a state park or other outdoor spaces

Family On Hiking Adventure Through Forest

With open spaces and outdoor recreation areas, a state park may seem to be one of the safest locations to visit during a pandemic. However, there are places to pay attention to exploring your local national park. Toilets, reception centers or popular attractions can be crowded, which makes the social distance difficult difficult.

"Check with the park or leisure zone in advance to prepare safely, use social distancing and avoid cluttered parks, wear a mask and clean hands often," theCDC suggests. Consider visiting the state park at opposite moments and move towards attractions that are not as popular.


Become gas

man pumping gas into car
Maridav / Shutterstock

As long as you do not choose a crowded gas station that prevents social distance, you should be a relatively safe pump gas. However, it is important to consider all hands that touched the pump and the buttons before you. "Use wipes disinfecting on handles and buttons before touching them,"The CDC recommended. When you have finished pumping, use a hand disinfectant and do not touch your face before you can wash your hands thoroughly to reduce your risks.


Shopping on a farmer's market

farmers market

If your local farmer's markets are open for businesses, you can assume that it's a security because these events are usually hosted outside. However, your risk of covid-19 propagation on a farmer's market is only low if your local government applies the appropriate protocol for suppliers. Consider how much the market of your local farmer is closely adhering to social distance and mask instructions and be sure to feel comfortable with the risk before visiting.



woman with mask walking in nearly empty new york street

No matter where you live, the areas of the city center are usually synonymous with congested sidewalks and animated businesses. These populated areas can make it difficult for social distance. While most regions implement facial mask mask guidelines when it is difficult to know socially, all customers do not follow these regulations.

If you plan to visit your local city center, wear a mask and try the social distance as much as possible. Try to visit the area at a time that is less crowded, like a week afternoon.


Browse the grocery store

Cashier working at the supermarket wearing a facemask while scanning products

Most grocery stores have strict guidelines in place that requiremaskand social distancing. However, if a person does not follow the rules or the store is cluttered than usual, you risk contracting the virus. The more time you spend extremely close to people who can be infected and speak, cough or laugh, the higher your risk of contracting the virus.

"Go to a market briefly, for five minutes or a transitional meeting while you walk or run in front of someone, they are weak risks," according toDr. MUGE CEVIK, MD, MSC, MRCP (United Kingdom) From Saint-Andrews University. During your visit to a grocery store, enter what you need and get out so that you do not spend any additional risk in a crowd.


Waiting for food to go from food

Woman Wearing Homemade Mask Picks Up Food at Restaurant During Covid-19 Lockdown

We already know that Covid-19 is more easily dismissed inside and when people do not practice social distance. If you wait for food to go inside a restaurant and close to several people, this can be dangerous for the spread of the virus, according to the CDC. This is especially true if people around you do not wearmask. So, when online, make sure of the social distance.

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Go to school

Teacher back at school after covid-19 quarantine and lockdown, disinfecting desks.

There are many procedures in place in educational institutions, including mask mandates and social distancing guidelines, ensuring child safety in the learning environment. If some schools hesitated to open up in the fall, according to health experts and multiple studies, transmission in schools is not likely.


Take your children to a playground

outdoor playground

The amount of risk you take during your visit to a local playground with your children depends on your place of residence, the park summit, and that children and their caregivers wear masks. "Avoid cluttered parks, wear a mask so feasible and stay at home if you are sick," is the board provided byThe CDC With regard to the visit of playgrounds and local parks.

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To go swimming


"There is no evidence that Covid-19 can spread to people through the water used in swimming pools, whirlpools or water playgrounds," according toThe CDC. While you do not need to worry about water in a public pool, a congested pool can be a problem - especially since you can not wear a mask while swimming. Obviously, indoor pools and water parks are even more risky. Consider a less crowded swimming pool or imposes social restrictions on social distancing more firmly or do not escape swimming.


Wait in the doctor's office

Nurse wearing face mask against coronavirus taking notes on clipboard while talking with disabled senior woman in wheelchair

Most of the doctor's offices always encourage virtual appointments, but there may be cases where you need to see your doctor face to face. The office of your doctor is likely to implement strict regulations, including wearing a mask and social distance from other patients.

For example,John Hopkins Medicineclaims that "carefully planned and taken extra precautions to help ensure that we were doing everything we can to minimize any risk for our patients and staff members". They are focused on the conservation of clean facilities and CVIV-19 staff tests. While being in a waiting room with potentially sick people is risky, you should not avoid the doctor if you need medical treatment.


Go to an art museum

While art, history and scientific museums have reopened the summer months, many choose to close for the winter. Why? The virus is very easily removed in the interior areas. If you are worried about the risk of COVID-19 associated with the visit of an art museum, first examine the institution's guidelines to make sure you feel safe and enjoy your time.


Visiting a library

Laptop and book lying on a desk in classic library

Although some libraries can open their doors to the public, there are other ways to borrow books or use library services without visiting the property. To minimize risks, visit social media accounts or local library websites to browse the online services offered.

Libraries are ready to see a "potential increase in this online traffic and interest for some of these online support services," according toCatherine Rasberry, Ph.D. of the teenage health division and the CDC school. You may be able to choose your online books and recover them in borders, which reduces your human contact to humans and your risk of potentially contracting the virus.


Shopping in a retail store

woman with phone bright pink shopping Mall coat with black protective mask on her face from virus infected air. concept of virus protection in the fashion, beauty, and shopping industries

Packaged retail stores are a thing of the past and more and more buyers do not "travel" for fear of strengthening their risk of contracting the virus. When shopping in a retail store, it is best to enter what you need effectively to reduce potential exposure. Fortunately, online purchases are incredibly easy and practical. Be picky on where you shop and be quick when you pick up your goods to reduce your risks.


Host an event outside

dad and son grilling

If you plan to host a gathering with friends or family, there is always a risk. However, the safest way to do it is to keep the event outside. However, keep in mind, the more you invite participants, the higher your risk of virus broadcasting. In addition, to ensure the health of all the people involved, make sure of the socially distance and ask your guests to wear a mask when they did not drink. Before planning a meeting at your home, you should consider your local and national guidelines Covid-19, considering your risk of serious illness and consider the risk of your household for a serious illness,The CDC suggests.

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During air transport

woman in airplane disinfects hands with gel, sanitizer during flight

Traveling by plane was one of the first activities that have become "dangerous" when the CIVID-19 pandemic started. Since then, we have learned that it is not the real plane where the risk of transmission is the highest, but at the airport. "Air travel needs to spend time in safety lines and airport terminals, which may bring you close contact with other people and frequently affected surfaces", "The CDC States. If you have no choice but to travel in the air, keep your hands clean and move away from your mouth, wear a mask and a socially as much as possible.


Get a haircut

Woman wearing red face mask getting fresh styling at a hairdresser shop

Getting a haircut is actually quite safe if you and your stylist are hidden. A very citedCDC studyThe entourage of two symptomatic infected stylists have discovered that on the 130 clients who have been exposed, additional cases have been reported.

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Get your nails

Professional manicure master in Transparent Safety Face Shield using Electric Nail Polisher Tool for Glazing treatment manicure procedure

If you are used to manicures or regular pedicures, you can be itchy to get to your nail lounge. But as if to get a haircut, this service requires a narrow interaction with other people, which can be risky.

"The biggest risk in a nail lounge will be sitting near other people. If they do not wear masks, face shields or both, you could potentially be exposed to an infection at a period of time enough prolonged ", according toAndrea Lacroix, Ph.D. From the University of California San Diego School of Medicine. If you are high risk for a serious case or if you are worried about contracting the virus, it is better to keep in touch with home manicures for now.


Go into a theme park

Amusement Park Ride

Surprisingly, theme parks have been relatively small during the pandemic. This is probably due to the fact that many work to a much lower capacity, encourage social distance and require a mask.

TheCDC warns You are at the highest risk of contracting Covid-19 if "the park operations are open at full capacity without modification of social distancing". If you plan to go to an amusement park, first analyze the park guidelines to make sure you feel comfortable with the risk you are taking. Also try staying out, as Dr. Faisci reiterates and again, "outside, it's better than from the inside."


Play a team

basketball team training for big match at ourdoor sportsground

Although team sports can be safe if everyone practices recommended security procedures, studies have found that risks are increasing before and after the match, when teammates gather in lockers. Also keep in mind that the outside is always safer than the inside, so try keeping the game outside if possible.


Attend a sporting event

Mother with daughter and son among fans at stadium

Sports returned earlier this year with social distancing and limited capacity in the stands. However, keep in mind that sports events hosted outside are much safer than those inside. It is always important to carry your mask and maintain the social distancing of other spectators (or parents). "Avoid using rest installations or concession areas at high traffic times, such as intermission, half-time or immediately at the end of the event"The CDC recommended.


Going to the gym

woman doing lunges at the gym wearing n95 face mask

Many health experts - including Dr. Anthony Fauci - warn that gymnasiums can be risky when it comes to spreading the virus. If your gym follows guidelines for a T-shirt and you observe the rules, you can not be at high risk of contracting the virus during your workout. "Place the handwashing stations or hand disinfectants with at least 60% alcohol in several locations in the workplace of workers and customers,"The CDC recommends. However, if your gym is cluttered and the proper protocol does not seem to be in place, consider working at home to reduce your risks.


Stay in a hotel

Opened door of hotel room with key in the lock

Before planning holidays, it is important to learn more about your destination and how it is doing in the CVIV-19 pandemic. If you go to a zone with a high transmission rate, you put yourself at higher risk of contracting the virus if you stay in your hometown. Also keep in mind that hotels are filled with people from all over the country.

If you plan to travel and stay in a hotel, check with the reception of sanitation procedures. "When I entered, I would also like to erase things, possibly with alcohol wipes - especially affected surfaces that would have affected me, then touch my mouth, like a bathroom washbasin," saysMercedes CarNethon, Ph.D. From the University of the Northwest of the Medicine School of the University of the Northwest.


Go to a worship house

Group of prayers in Covid times

COVID-19 does not discriminate in terms of religion. Any kind of religious gathering is also risky when it involves a large group of people in a small inner frame. Before attending religious service, make sure your institution implements the guidelines suggested by the CDC. Social distancing can be difficult, especially in a large organization, but it is important to help stop propagation.

Religious organizations should remain "consistent with applicable federal and state laws and regulations", according toThe CDC. If your church does not seem to follow these guidelines, you may want to skip the Sunday service for a moment.


An inner baby or a bridal shower

pregnant woman is smoothing her tummy and smiling during baby shower

You never want to miss a family member or a good bridal shower, but this interior event can come with a high risk of spreading coronavirus. In fact, like any other type of family rally or with friends, the risk of infecting others is extremely high.


Eat inside in a restaurant

Group of business people ordering their meal at the restaurant.

We all love eating inside a restaurant. However, there is a reason why the indoor dining room is usually one of the first luxury to restrict. Why? While eating and drinking people are obliged to remove their masks. And, in an inner environment, the virus can spread more easily than from the outside. Play yourself safe: Sit out or just take to take away.




Although you can not contract Covid-19 food, eat in a buffet can be more risky than a sitting restaurant. In a buffet, you are more likely to interact with other people and if the restaurant is crowded, it can be difficult for the social distance. You share utensils with other potentially infected people, so if you touch your nose or mouth, you can contract the virus.

TheAdministration of food and medicine (FDA) has defined strict guidelines for buffets and "recommend" to wash and disinfect all food and utensils ". However, if you are worried about coronavirus, it may be better to skip a buffet style restaurant during a moment.

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Go traveling with friends or family

Group of happy friends taking a selfie from trunk of car

Traveling in general is risky. But doing with anyone who lives outside your home is simply a bad idea at this stadium of the pandemic. Due to the fact that most COVID deviations occur when an individual is asymptomatic, even if your travel friends feel good, it does not mean they do not wear the virus. Your risk further increases on other factors, including where your group moves since and from the way you get there, where you stay and if you live together. In short, except for your vacation days to the pandemic.


Dinner at a friend's house inside

Family talking over dinner.

It's easy to assume that the suspension with a small group of friends from someone's home is safe. However, the two most important elements to stop the transmission of CIVID-19 are masks and social distancing, according to the CDC. If you are at a friend with someone who is infected, you are in a dangerous place. There is a good chance that your friends distanced neither wearing masks while dining inside, which can broadcast the virus to all participants at dinner - not mentioning, there may be a small ventilation. Golden rule: Eat outdoors. The outside is always better than the interior.

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Work in an office

people with face masks back at work or school in office after lockdown

While most people are missing to see their colleague in the flesh, health experts - including Dr. Anthony Fauci - do not approve of returning to business as usual unless you do it. If you share office equipment or discuss with colleagues who do not wear masks and one of them has COVID-19, it could easily spread to you and throughout the office. In addition, breakfast rooms, cafeterias and other public areas have been the source of many epidemics during the pandemic - even as part of the hospital.



Masked bride and groom during a wedding ceremony

A small exterior wedding with social distancing and a mask mask should not be a strong threat to the propagation of COVID-19. However, if you participate in an important event or even small who has hosted inside, you put your life and the lives of others in danger. In fact, marriages have been major superspreader events during the pandemic.

"The higher the level of Community transmission in the region that the collection is held, the higher the risk of propagation of CIVID-19 is high during a rally", warns the CDC. Unless the marriage is on the zoom, you probably should refuse the invitation.


Hugging a friend

Happy young lady adult daughter granddaughter visiting embracing hugging old senior retired grandmother cuddling

Kissing a friend Hello or goodbye may have been banal but in a pandemic, this simple gesture becomes dangerous for the spread of the virus. If you die for a hug of a friend or family member,Dr. Todd Ellerin, MD South Shore Hospital first recommends consider the person involved, the place you plan to kiss and space you will have. Only a hug of a person you know is not sick or was not exposed to the virus and try to initiate contact outside and not around other people.


Visit your local bar

Portrait of a happy waitress working at a restaurant wearing a facemask.

Think about catching a drink at your favorite bar? Even if your local bars are open, it may not be the safest place when it comes to propagating Covid-19. If a bar allows customers to sit close to each other, the risk is higher, especially if they have removed their masks to enjoy a cold. Coronavirus is more easily transmitted in a bar when "the seat capacity is not reduced and the tables are not spaced at least 6 feet away," according toThe CDC. In fact, when asked about the most risky places during the pandemic, health experts are rather unanimous than bars should be a non-no.


Hanging with a sick person

with sneezing at city street, woman without protective mask while spreading flu,cold, Covid-19

Have plans with a friend or family member who does not feel 100%? To cancel. The symptoms of Covid-19 are varied and may include a headache, a fever, a nose that flows, nausea or fatigue, according toThe CDC. While your friend thinks it's just a hangover or an allergy and you have to go out, you put yourself in danger without a negative coronavirus test. To abstain from hanging out until you know with certainty that it is not the virus. And to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseWithout signs that you have already had coronavirus.

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