CDC has just prevented "the cases are high" in these states

Be careful in these areas especially.

The CDC has just published a warning: "COVID-19 [Feminine Cases are high in parts of the country with basesvaccination Cover, especially "in areas where" less than 40% of people are vaccinated and there are more than 100 cases per 100,000 people. "So where is it? More places than you thought. TheirmenuIndicates that large bands of this country are still dangerous, especially if you are not vaccinated. Read to read to see your neighborhood is on the list - to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss these Sure sign that you have "Long" Covid and may even know.


The South-East

Florida was the epicenter of this "fourth wave" and Louisiana was hammered (with hurricane Ida), but the cases are a plateau, hopes experts; Georgia is now the "the most red" on the CDC card, with only 41.2% of the fully vaccinated population (compare 60% New York). It's not just bad if you get Covid; Overall, emergency services are submerged, so if you live, pay attention. "As the cases of coronaviruses continue to exit the state of the state, the hospitals of Georgia are sometimes declared on the diversion", reports theBig Book. "If a hospital declares" on diversion ", patients will probably be driven to another hospital for treatment, assuming they have the necessary resources to take the patient." It's a dangerous hypothesis. To get vaccinated.


The Midwest

Chicago, Illinois, USA downtown skyline from Lincoln Park at twilight.

The epidemics of Missouri and Illinois have not only an impact on these elderly people to refuse immunization for themselves; It hurts those who can not have one because they are too young and sitting a prey. "South hospitals and Midwest say they treat more children with COVID-19 than ever and prepare for the worst surges", reports theThe Wall Street newspaper. "Cases, there was skipped over the last six weeks as the very contagiousDelta variant propagatesmainly in non-vaccinated persons. This leads toMore sick childrenIn places where the Community propagation of the variant is high, public health experts say. "Be vaccinated.

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The North-west

Washington and Oregon have risen slammed by a climb in cases. They are not alone. Just look at Idaho. "Idaho Gov. Brad Little Tuesday called Tuesday 220 medical workers available by federal programs and mobilized 150 national soldiers of the Idaho National Guard to cope with a thrust of non-vaccinated patients of COVID-19 which is overwhelming hospitals of the 'State",ApJust reported. "The Republican Governor at a remote responsibility announcement that the movements are a last ditch effort to avoid activating for the first time standards of care crisis at the level of the State that could force medicine professionals to decide who lives and dies. The last week has seen about 1,000 newly confirmed coronaviruses a day, most of them are unvaccinated. The number of Intensive care unit beds was well under 100 during this period, and few only four were available Tuesday throughout the state. "Getting vaccinated.

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CDC warns unvaccinated people to not travel

Man gesturing stop to nurse offering syringe with vaccine.

"Since we are with the transmission of the disease right now, we would say that people must take their own risk to their consideration because they think they think," said the director of CDC Rochelle Walensky during a briefing From the White House Covid Tuesday. "If you are not vaccinated, we recommend that you do not travel," she said, adding that those who are vaccinated should wear masks on your trip. "Throughout the pandemic, we have seen that the vast majority of transmission takes place between unvaccinated people in closed interior environments," Walensky said. "The masks are not forever, but they are for now."

RELATED: You are now mandated to wear a face mask in these 8 states


How to stay safe out there

Nurse with face mask sitting at home with senior woman and injecting covid 19 vaccine.

Follow the public foundations and help put an end to this pandemic, no matter where you live-you-impede vaccinate. If you live in an area with low vaccination rates, wear a N95 facial mask Do not travel, social distance, avoid big crowds, do not go inside with people you are not shelter with (especially in bars), practice good hand hygiene and protect your life and the lives of others, don 't visit one of these 35 places you are most likely to catch Covid .

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