Wenn Sie eines dieser beliebten Getränke trinken, tut Ihr Herz, neue Studienfunde

Neue Forschung fanden dieses Getränk, das Ihr Herz gefährdet, unabhängig davon, wie viel Sie konsumieren.

We all strive to give our minds and bodies what they need every day—and staying on top of Herz Gesundheit is of the utmost importance. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) list heart disease as the leading cause of death in the U.S., and when thinking about preventative measures, most people recognize the importance of staying active and maintaining a healthy diet. Fruits and vegetables, dairy, and whole grains top the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' (HHS) list of heart-healthy foods. And when we maintain a balanced diet, it makes life's indulgences that much sweeter. But one popular treat-yourself beverage has long toed the line of helpful or harmful—but when it comes to your heart, new data suggests it may actually be the latter. Read on to learn more about how any amount of this drink could be harming your heart.

VERBUNDEN:Not Doing This Before Bed Could Be Hurting Your Heart, Experts Warn.

Drinking any amount of alcohol could be detrimental to your heart health.

different alcoholic beverages
New Africa / Shutterstock

Low-risk drinking, or moderate drinking, has been defined by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) as having no more than two drinks per day for men and one for women. While the agency states that "drinking less is better for health than drinking more," findings from a new genetic study may make you reconsider pouring that glass of wine at all. When reviewing data, researchers found that all levels of alcohol consumption were associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease.

To complicate matters, doctors and healthcare providers have long been advising patients that having one drink each day actually helps maintain heart health. One such practitioner, Stanley L. Hazen, MD, PhD, cardiologist at the Cleveland Clinic, told Die New York Timesthat he was telling his patients this just last week, but that this neues Papier "totally changes" his life.

Veröffentlicht inJournal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) Network Open, the study found that even drinking small amounts of alcohol (think seven drinks a week) carries a risk (though a low one), but that risk increases quite quickly when going beyond that.

"The findings affirm that alcohol intake should not be recommended to improve cardiovascular health; rather, that reducing alcohol intake will likely reduce cardiovascular risk in all individuals, albeit to different extents based on one's current level of consumption," study author Krishna G. Aragam, MD, MS, preventive cardiologist at Massachusetts General Hospital, told ScienceDaily.

The reason alcohol has long been believed to help the heart is actually due to associated lifestyle behaviors.

Woman exercise workout in gym fitness breaking relax holding apple fruit after training sport with dumbbell and protein shake bottle healthy lifestyle bodybuilding
Qilin's prance Filmmaker / Shutterstock

Earlier research has suggested that light and moderate Alkoholkonsum have helped prevent cardiovascular diseases, as data has shown these drinkers have a lower risk when compared with heavy drinkers and those that don't drink at all. Researchers in the present study observed the same relationship, but they found lowered risk is actually attributed to healthier lifestyle factors, rather than alcohol itself.

Researchers found that light drinkers, averaging between 0 and 8.4drinks per week, and moderate drinkers, averaging between 8.4 and 15.4 drinks weekly, had lower rates of smoking, lower body mass index (BMI), higher rates of physical activity, and ate more vegetables than those who abstained from alcohol consumption. When researchers took these lifestyle factors into consideration, the previously observed association between moderate alcohol intake and lower risk of Hypertonie and coronary artery disease (CAD) was no longer significant.ae0fcc31ae342fd3a1346ebb1f342fcb

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Researchers conducted analyses of genetic and medical data from two biobanks.

man enjoying while drinking wine at home and looking away.

The primary analyses included data from a total of 371,463 participants collected from the U.K. Biokbank. Individuals had an average age of 57 and reported consuming an average of 9.2 standard drinks each week.

Rather than conducting another observational study where participants are followed over a period of time to see how one drinking affects their health, researchers wanted to understand whether drinking alcohol actually causes a person to be protected against cardiovascular disease.

Es wurde festgestellt, dass bestimmte genetische Varianten eine Person an verschiedene Trinkgewohnheiten prädisponieren. In dieser Studie stellten die Forscher fest, dass diejenigen mit Genvarianten, die darauf hindeuten, dass sie trinken, tatsächlich mehr konsumieren, und sie waren auch mit einem höheren Risiko von Bluthochdruck und CAD. Risiko erhöht sich mit der Anzahl der Getränke, und wenn die Probanden in diestarker Alkoholkonsum Kategorie, klassifiziert als 21 oder mehr wöchentliche Getränke, das Risiko stieg exponentiell an.

Die Erkenntnisse wurden durch replizierte Analysen von 30.716 Teilnehmern aus dem Massachusetts General Brigham Biobank verstärkt. Daten deuten nicht nur darauf hin, dass keine Menge an Alkohol schützend istHerzkreislauferkrankung, aber die Studienautoren warnte auch, dass schwere Trinker für die gleiche Reduzierung der Alkoholzufuhr erhebliche Verbesserungen in der Herzgesundheit sehen können, während moderate Trinker nur eine leichte Verbesserung sehen dürfen.

Healthcare-Anbieter haben begonnen, die Auswirkungen des erhöhten Trinkens während der Pandemie in Frage zu stellen.

Young woman wearing protective face mask chooses wine in grocery store
ProgressMan / Shutterstock

Einzelne Risiken variieren je nach komorbiden Bedingungen, wieDiabetes und Fettleibigkeit und die Erhöhung des Blutdrucks inmitten derCovid-19 Pandemie Hatte auch Gesundheitspersonal, die Augenbrauen erheben, einschließlich Hazs.

DiesErhöhung war bundesweit und nicht gefunden, um mit Änderungen des Körpergewichts verbunden zu sein, was einen Verband zwischen dem Trinken und der Herzgesundheit signalisieren kann, gezeigte HazsDie New York Times. Nach Angaben von Experten muss diese in Bezug auf die Spekulation in zukünftigen Studien untersucht werden.

VERBUNDEN:Das Trinken ist einmal erhöht das Risiko für Herzkrankheiten, die Ärzte warnen.

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