

当涉及披萨时,人们可以非常具体地对自己的喜欢。无论您是喜欢经典的纽约风格派,芝加哥深盘还是更多手工的粉丝,您最喜欢的披萨馅料都会说明您的个性。您是冒险的还是想坚持经典?你喜欢一点香料还是更柔和的东西?无论您将其切成些方法,都可以根据您的占星式标志有一个完美的披萨。继续阅读以收听占星家和畅销书作家丽莎星尘 您应该根据自己的十二生肖选择哪种比萨饼。并请您使用手机,因为此后您将要订购馅饼。



supreme pizza

自信,大胆和有点头脑头,无可否认您的生命,白羊座。你是不可阻挡的力量 充满激情。有了一些快速的思考和很多决心,您无法完成。因此,您最喜欢的披萨展示了所有的铃铛和哨子,这很合适。

Stardust说:“白羊座必须是他们所做的一切,包括订购和创建完美的披萨。” “因此,他们将尝试将菜单上的所有浇头融入菜单上,以表现出他们的欲望性质。”


Jongorr / Istock


与您订购经典且无聊的披萨上面放着香肠并没有什么不同,一旦它到达家,就可以给自己独特的旋转。星尘设想辣椒片或大蒜,以增添香肠,并“使其更加美味”。毕竟,她补充说:“牛头牛很固执 喜欢做自己的事情。”



Hawaiian pizza


“这位双胞胎明星将选择在披萨上与两个并列和二元的风味共和。以真正的双子座形式,他们不仅会选择一种浇头,而是两个将它们融合在一起,即使它们似乎并不好像似乎并不好他们会。”星尘说。并询问别人对夏威夷披萨的看法绝对让人们说话 在社交环境中!


pepperoni pizza





meat lovers pizza


“狮子对各种食物来说是狂热的,尤其是将牙齿沉入牙齿的肉。肉爱好者的最高披萨将帮助狮子座的味道,并渴望饱满食物,使他们充满食物,” 。 “希望他们会为明天剩下一些剩菜。”


Gourmet white pizza with fresh mozzarella and herbed ricotta cheese
sbossert / istock


"Yes, Virgos can be picky eaters. However, if they have a simple white sauce pizza with garlic and basil, then they won't have to experiment with new toppings and they can enjoy the simplicity of their not-so-basic pristine pizza," Stardust shares.

接下来阅读此信息:The Beer You Should Order Based on Your Zodiac Sign, Astrologers Say

Libra: Spinach Artichoke Pizza

spinach artichoke pizza

Represented by the scales, you're all about balance and harmony. You like to take your time to indulge and enjoy every moment of life to the fullest. And as the sign ruled by luxurious Venus, you like your pizza with a bit of a gourmet twist.为你,the fancier, the better, which is why the complex flavors of a spinach artichoke pizza will hit all the right marks.

"Libras are known to be a little bit more sophisticated than most of the other zodiac signs, which means that they will require a pizza that is a prim and proper meal—without the messiness of red sauce getting on their lovely designer clothes or well-manicured hands," says Stardust. Don't worry, you can always eat this with a knife and fork.

Scorpio: Spicy Jalapeño Pizza

jalapeño pizza

Known for your mysterious charm and cool confidence, you have an intense aura that can be both alluring and intimidating. Your personality is certainly not for the faint of heart, Scorpio, and you wouldn't have it any other way. There are many layers to your personality, and as a water sign, you enjoy getting deep with others as well.

"Scorpios are known to have a passionate personality, which is why their topping choices should dictate their feisty temperament," explains Stardust. "A robust and spicy jalapeño and pepperoni [pizza] is the exact energy that the scorpion gives out to others when they want to protect their energy." Just be sure to have plenty of water handy.

接下来阅读此信息:The Wine You Should Drink Based on Your Zodiac Sign

Sagittarius: Margherita Pizza

margherita pizza

作为world traveler of the zodiac, you like to constantly switch things up, including your hobbies, friend groups, and career pursuits. As a passionate fire sign, you'll try anything once. Though you've acquired some eclectic tastes in your travels, all this moving and grooving means you often need something comforting to slow things down.

Since you're "known to be the partier of the zodiac," Stardust says Sagittarius needs "a pizza that will help them not only recover from excess but to savor while they're living their best lives at celebrations." She says the classic Margherita pizza, with its rich cheesy goodness and fresh flavors, is a perfect choice.

Capricorn: Mushroom and Black Olive Pizza

mushroom and olive pizza

Capricorns are known for being very ambitious in the workplace, and there's nothing you enjoy more than spending your hard-earned money on the little luxuries of life. In your professional life, you do things by the book. You like to keep things simple and you don't flaunt your success. But you have a playful side in your personal life that might surprise other people. And maybe it's your thrifty side, but you'll always take the chance to score a deal on a two-topping classic rather than order a deluxe spread.

"Capricorns prefer classic types of toppings. But they also don't like to go overboard with the fixings and stay in the familiar lane of their palate," explains Stardust. "This means that they will desire lush and tasty mushrooms and olives on their pie to make their pizza look and taste sophisticated." Don't forget the wine!


Aquarius: Breakfast Pizza

breakfast pizza

经过考虑的the most unique signs of the zodiac, you have always done things your own way, Aquarius. You like to push the boundaries and are always stepping outside of what's unexpected of you.

"Being that Aquarians march to the beat of their own drum, they'll prefer toppings that include any unique flavors and haven't been done one million times before," shares Stardust. Therefore, your ideal pizza isn't 真的 a pizza at all. The next time you're out, try ordering a breakfast pizza with a delicious egg and bacon topping, smothered with cheese. This twist on an old classic is sure to make a statement, just like you!

Pisces: Four Cheese Pizza

four cheese pizza

Pisces are the sensitive daydreamers of the zodiac. As a water sign, you feel things deeply and have incredibly strong feelings about likes and dislikes. Therefore, you tend to stick to the things you know and love. When it comes to pizza, a comfort food-style flavor like a four-cheese pie is a perfect way to reminisce on simpler times.

Stardust说:“尽管双鱼座以其想象力而闻名,但他们不喜欢传统票价范围之外的食物。因此,披萨上的各种奶酪[确实]并不偏离自己喜欢的东西。” 另外,所有融化的奶酪都增加了独特的风味和质地,使每一口都成为绝对的幻想。

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