Les 6 meilleures races de chiens qui s'entendent avec les chats, selon les experts
Décider entre un chat ou un chien? Vous pouvez avoir les deux!

Just because a dog loves tu, doesn't mean they'll be into your feline friend. Thankfully, it's far from impossible to have both kinds of fur babies dans votre maison. The first rule of thumb is to introduce the animals calmly and keep them separated at first. This can be easier if a dog is already trained or you adopt a kitten (they're more adaptable), but a lot of it simply comes down towhat kind of dog you have. According to pet experts, certain breeds make better canine companions than others. Read on to discover the best dog breeds that get along with cats.
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1 Golden retriever

Golden Retrievers famously love everyone they come across, and this includes kids and cats. "One of the most gentle dog breeds out there, the Golden Retriever is as good with other animals as it is with humans," says Sabrina Kong, DVM, unveterinarian at WeLoveDoodles. Kong credits this friendliness to their "loving and tender nature" and says it allows them to easily accept cats "as part of the family, to the point they even defend and take care of them just like they would do with their owners." Consider a Golden Retriever if you want a high-energy hound that plays well with others.
Goldendoodles also do well with cats, as they're friendly like Golden Retrievers with the intelligence of Poodles. While Goldendoodles might not be meilleur friends with your tabby, they'll both happily do their own thing. This might be a better fit for an older cat who doesn't have as much desire to run around.
2 Basset Hound

These floppy-eared sweethearts won't cause you any problems because they're so laid back, making them another solid option if you already have a feline friend. "Basset Hounds have the personality to get along with cats," promises Dwight Alleyne, DVM, unveterinary advisor at Betterpet. He describes this breed as "generally mild-mannered, low key, and having the reputation to be friendly with other pets."
It helps that Basset Hounds are not as active as some other breeds, so they won't be chasing after your cats constantly. They're also short—the American Kennel Club (AKC) says they stand "no higher than 14 inches at the shoulder"—so they'll be at a similar level to a kitty.
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3 Labrador Retriever

Labrador Retrievers aren't just cute and cuddly, they're also perfect pets for families who already have a cat (or another dog!). After all, they are the most popular dog breed in the U.S., according to the AKC. "Labs and cats can live under the same roof and, most of the time, they even become good friends," says Aaron Rice, expert dog trainer and co-owner of training site Stayyy.
"Even though Labrador Retrievers are very active breeds, they tend to be loyal, especially to other pets in the household, and therefore they can make great companions to cats," Alleyne adds. You just need to make sure you have time to devote to both of your pets because Labs require lots of long walks and activities.
4 Beagle

Beagles are hunting dogs, which might make them a bit menacing at first, but they have a soft side that could even lead them to adopt a cat as their own. "Even though Beagles are designed to hunt in packs, they tend to have a happy-go-lucky attitude that allows them to get along with cats," Alleyne explains. "They like to express their love for others, and will likely accept a cat as a member of their pack."
Kong agrees, adding that Beagles' pack mentality actually makes them get along better with other animals. Ils sont aussigood with young children and other dogs, according to the AKC. Like Labs, Beagles require a lot of physical activity, but it's well worth the effort to give your cat the companionship they've been longing for.
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5 Corgi

Corgis' calm demeanors make them perfect for multi-pet households. "Corgis are such a great breed… if you already own or are planning to add a cat to the family. Due to their similar temperament and size, corgis and cats really can get along well with each other," says Alex Crow, a veterinarian affiliated with Happiest Dog. "When together, Corgis and cats tend to be playful and can chase each other around your home. It can be fun to watch, and will help to keep each other entertained."
Cependant, Crow avertit que lorsque vous présentez la paire pour la première fois, "Un Corgi pourrait essayer de rassembler le chat ou penser que c'est un ravageur, pas un ami," agissant sur l'instinct. Assurez-vous de les présenter lentement et prudemment au début.
6 Carlin

L'AKC dit les carlins "vivre pour aimer et être aimé en retour. "Cette race curieuse estHeureux dans un petit appartement de la ville ou avec beaucoup d'espace dans le pays. Ils s'entendent également bien avec les enfants, les personnes âgées ou un grand groupe d'autres carlins. Ils s'adaptent facilement, ce qui signifie qu'ils réussissent bien avec un autre animal de compagnie dans leur maison. "On peut dire que l'une des races de chiens les plus amicales ... les carlins sont presque garantis de toujours s'entendre avec les chats en raison de leur attitude sociale et accueillante", explique Kong. "La plupart des carlins détestent les combats et les poursuites et adorent se blottir et dormir, ce qui en fait le compagnon idéal pour les félins", ajoute-t-elle.
Tant que vous restez loin des chiotsconnu pour être agressif, et donnez au chat et au chien un espace détendu pour vous connaître, votre transition vers un ménage à deux péttes devrait être relativement transparente.

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