10 most beautiful actresses of different nationalities

These actresses admire fans all over the world. And this is quite no wonder, because they are not only talented and bright personalities, but also incredibly beautiful women.

These actresses admire fans all over the world. And this is quite no wonder, because they are not only talented and bright personalities, but also incredibly beautiful women.

1. Monica Bellucci - Italy

Monica Bellucci began his career as a model. Producers on time recognized in the burning beauty great acting potential. The actress is still heading the ratings of the most desirable women on the planet. What is interesting, Bellucci is not completely shy of their age and believes that it is necessary to grow old.

2. Nazanin Mandy - Iran

Iranian actress and model Nazanin Mandy - Supporter of Bodiposive. She actively promotes love for himself. However, it was not always. At one time, Nazanin had to fight depression and bulimia.

3. Margo Robbie - Australia

The story of Margot Robbie looks like a tale of Cinderella. Childhood she spent on the farm: Dailed Cows and Collars Firewood. In his youth, she had to work on three works to earn money for courses on acting skills. At first Margo played in the Australian soap operations, but after moving to Hollywood, a grand success was waiting for her.

4. Emilia Clark - United Kingdom

The role of Daereweris Targaryen from the "Game of Thrones" brought Emilia Clark world famous and love of viewers. However, on the shoulders of the actress there are other bright work in the cinema - Sarah Connor in one of the "Terminators" and Kira in Khan Solo.

5. Fakhrya Eugengen - Turkey

Sensual Fakhrya Eugengen is often called "Turkish Monica Bellucci". However, bright appearance and talent glorified the actress far beyond Turkey.

6. Lea Seida - France

Lea was born in a wealthy family. Her father is a major film businessman. Mother - the heiress of rich oil magnates. However, in Big Cinema, Seido got not only thanks to the relationship - her acting talent and beauty certainly helped her in this.

7. Zhang Ziji - China

Zhang Zyn is one of the most successful and demanded actresses not only in China, but also in the United States. The actress calls her career in Hollywood. When Zhang was approved for the role of Sayuri Nitta in the "Memoirs of Geisha" drama, she didn't understand English practically.

8. Luisan Lopilato - Argentina

Luisan Lopilato was remembered by the audience mainly by the role of Mia Colucci in the television series "Rezero Spirit." In the homeland, blonde beauty is also known as the singer and model. Luisin successfully combines a family with a quarry. She caring mom three children.

9. Pretty Chopra - India

In 2000, a pleasant of Chopra won the Miss World title. After that, the girl successfully conquered the world of big cinema. Her acting talent was recognized not only in Bollywood, but also in Hollywood.

10. Alicia Vicander - Sweden

Alicia Wikander is the owner of a number of prestigious international premiums, including Oscar. However, success and recognition did not immediately come to the actress. At some point, the actress even wanted to collapse from the selected path and become a lawyer.

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