Will Smith hizo las cosas "muy difíciles" para esta co-estrella: "Perdí todo"

Estas nuevas copas de príncipe de Bel-Air no formaron hasta 27 años después.

All fans of El Príncipe de Bel-Air know that something major changed between Seasons 3 and 4. While actor Janet Hubertplayed Aunt Viv for the first few seasons of the show, she was recast with Daphne Maxwell Reid, who played the role through the series finale. And this wasn't a smooth transition. Hubert's departure from the show kicked off a nearly 30-year feud with Príncipe fresco estrella Will Smith that was only resolved two years ago.

At HBO Max'sPríncipe fresco de Bel Air reunion special in November 2020, Smith and Hubert finally sat down together to talk the conflict out and come to an understanding—27 years later. They also shared more than they ever had publicly about what was behind their disagreement. Read on to find out more about this complicated relationship and where it stands today.

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Hubert said Smith was responsible for her departure.

Janet Hubert on
Warner Bros. Television Distribution

Over the years, Hubert has claimed that Smith was immature and full of himself and wanted her off of the show. "He said, 'We're just gonna replace her and act like nothing happened.' Well honey, that is not what happened is it?" Hubert told Yahoo!'s ¡Dios mío! Persona enterada in 2013. "They were like bad kids, Will and Alfonso [Ribeiro], especially Alfonso."AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

She added that the issue had to do with her not kissing up to Smith, her younger co-star. "It was as if to say, 'You don't reprimand the young man on the set,'" she continued. "I have an expression, 'If you want me to kiss your butt, you have got to put it in my contract.'"

Smith claimed that Hubert held a grudge because of his age and success.

Will Smith at a press conference to announce The Children's Health Fund's Benefit Concert in 1993
Ron Galella, Ltd./Ron Galella Collection via Getty Images

De acuerdo aEl sol, in a 1993 interview with an Atlanta radio station, Smith said, "I can say straight up that Janet Hubert wanted the show to be The Aunt Viv of Bel-Air Show, because I know she is going to dog me in the press. She has basically gone from a quarter of a million dollars a year to nothing. She's mad now but she's been mad all along. She said once, 'I've been in the business for 10 years and this snotty-nosed punk comes along and gets a show.' No matter what, to her I'm just the Antichrist."

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Hubert once said she'd "never" do a reunion with Smith.

The cast of
Ron Galella, Ltd./Ron Galella Collection via Getty Images

In her 2013 interview with ¡Dios mío! Persona enterada, Hurbert was open to the idea of reconciling with Smith, but she had previously been against it. In 2011, she told TMZ, "There will never be a reunion … as I will never do anything with an [expletive] like Will Smith." She continued, "He is still an egomaniac and has not grown up. This constant reunion thing will never ever happen in my lifetime unless there is an apology, which he doesn't know the word."

They finally reunited and had a heart-to-heart in 2020.

Will Smith and Janet Hubert on the

Smith and Hubert reunited one-on-one as part of the televised Príncipe fresco reunion in 2020. During the show, Hubert explained that at the end of Príncipe fresco's third season, she was pregnant and going through hard times at home that her castmates didn't know about. She also said that she wasn't fired from the show but was offered a "really bad deal" that she decided not to accept, as reported by Hollywood Life. "That meant my salary was cut, I had a new baby and a husband who was out of work," she said.

Hubert also told Smith how hurt she was by what happened. "Words can kill. I lost everything," she said. "Reputation, everything, everything. I understand you were able to move forward, but you know those words, calling a Black woman difficult in Hollywood is the kiss of death. It's hard enough when you're a dark-skinned Black woman in this negocio." She also apologized for her part in the long-time feud when it came to talking about him in the press.

Smith was understanding of her pain.

Will Smith at the premiere of
Tinseltown / Shutterstock

Smith said that he knew he "wasn't sensitive" to Hubert and would do things differently now. "I can see why I made the set very difficult for Janet," he said on the special.

After Hubert shared her side, Smith told her, "First of all, thank you for sharing that with me. I didn't know that. When I look back now, it's obvious you were having a hard time and I felt like you hated me. I could not do a 30-year celebration of this show and not celebrate you. Celebrate your contribution to this show and celebrate your contribution to my life."

They're on good terms today.

Smith y Hubert pudieron hacer la paz, y Hubert incluso se reunió con Reid, el actor que interpretó la nueva tía VIV, por primera vez. Los tres todos grabados Un video para las redes sociales. juntos, con Reid sentado en una silla en el Príncipe fresco Establecer y morphing en Hubert. Smith subtituló la publicación en Instagram, "¡Dos reinas, un trono, todo amor!"

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