Tag: Ruben Onsu

8 This artist really loves his adopted child! Is there anyone?

This time we will discuss 8 artists who really love with their adopted children! Is there anyone? In order to satisfy curiosity, we just discuss the first list below.

8 This artist really loves his adopted child! Is there anyone?
8 Spirit Doll facts that are 'in adoption' Ivan Gunawan!

What is actually a doll of the spirit? Since when did he exist? We have summarized it in the following 8 Spirit Doll facts.

8 Spirit Doll facts that are 'in adoption' Ivan Gunawan!
6 Facts of the Story of Asmara Ayu Ting Ting and Ivan Gunawan, reportedly wants to get married?

The latest news, ayu ting ting want to be edited Ivan Gunawan, you know! What is the full story?

6 Facts of the Story of Asmara Ayu Ting Ting and Ivan Gunawan, reportedly wants to get married?