Tag: Robert Pattinson

10 The biggest celebrities cheat sorting scandals

Whether they are the cheat or betrayal, here are couples who will be eternally associated with infidelity.

10 The biggest celebrities cheat sorting scandals
9 Bollywood celebrities and their Hollywood crushes

Stops, American standards do not have a monopoly on Hollywood crushes. Celebrities also crash on other celebrities and we are going to talk about Bollywood celebrities today and their Hollywood crushes.

9 Bollywood celebrities and their Hollywood crushes
12 TV couples back in the day and what they look like today

Here are the couples on the most memorable screen with the chemistry back in the day, and what they look like now.

12 TV couples back in the day and what they look like today
11 Celebrity signature Pose you have probably never noticed

Over the years, many celebrities have found their signature photo posing that they go every time they have to have their photo taken and it's a bit interesting to see what everyone does. There are classics and there are also very unique.

11 Celebrity signature Pose you have probably never noticed
15 unexpected facts about Robert Pattinson

Robert Pattinson is known as the heart of Vampire Edward Cullen of the Saga Twilight. You may also remember him as Diggory Cédric The Hottie Poufspuff of Harry Potter and the cup of fire. But it's so much more than that. These are only its 2 traditional roles when it really makes much more interesting and creative movies for a moment. It is also completely different from its most famous characters of real life.

15 unexpected facts about Robert Pattinson
The casting of Harry Potter Saga 20 years later

Let's take a little time to remind us how the main actors of the saga "Harry Potter" looked 20 years ago and where they are now.

The casting of Harry Potter Saga 20 years later
Robert Pattinson himself arranged a photo session for the GQ magazine

Rihanna shot a homemade lucbuk for his brand Fenty. Bella Hadid poses photographers by facetime. Robert Pattinson went further and removed himself for the GQ magazine. The coronavirus epidemic, indeed, radically changed the world of fashion.

Robert Pattinson himself arranged a photo session for the GQ magazine
Famous men who hardly worried parting with her beloved woman

Contrary to common stereotypes, men are also not easy to parting. Especially hard has celebrities. After all, their life is constantly under the sight of the cameras of journalists.

Famous men who hardly worried parting with her beloved woman