Tag: Plus-Size Models

The difficult truth on plus size models in the biz

We all know that the beauty standards of fashion world are changing as we talk, more and more realistic, it's always a difficult environment for normal and larger women. Here are some difficult truths that no one told you to be a more size model in the biz.

The difficult truth on plus size models in the biz
11 positive models of the body to follow

When many people think about the word "model", they think of Skinny Zeros waist, but in 2021, this definition has increased expanded beyond this stereotype.

11 positive models of the body to follow
The hard truth about the Plus-size models in the BIZ

We all know that the beauty standards in the fashion world are already changing as we talk about it, becoming more and more realistic. Still, it remains a difficult context for women with "normal" sizes and larger sizes. Here are some harsh truths of which nobody speaks about being a Plus-Size model in the business.

The hard truth about the Plus-size models in the BIZ