≡ Natural foods that seem harmless can affect hormones in the body! 》 Her Beauty
If you gain weight, change mood, difficulty sleeping, may be due to hormonal imbalance from the consumption of some foods that affect.

If you have recently felt that you gain weight for unknown reasons, change your mood or have difficulty falling asleep, you may be imbalance hormone imbalance. One of the causes of this condition may be from you having consumed some foods that can affect the body's hormone balance!
What are the symptoms of hormonal imbalance?
Hormone is the body's chemical transmission, passing through different organs and tissues of the body. Therefore, hormones are responsible for many important functions such as adjusting metabolism, mood control and reproductive function.
Hormone imbalance (also known as hormonal imbalance) is when your body has too little or too many or more hormones. There are many signs that your body is imbalancing hormones, in which one of the common symptoms is weight gain or unexplained weight loss. When you imbalance hormones, your metabolism is affected, making it difficult for you to maintain your target weight.
In addition, you can also undergo mood changes such as irritability, anxiety and depression. It also affects your energy, making you feel tired and slow. Some other symptoms of hormonal imbalance are acne -prone skin and especially irregular menstrual cycle in women.
If you notice these conditions, you should check if you are excessive consuming the following foods.

Dairy products
Milk is considered a great source of calcium and protein, but this food can also be the cause of hormone imbalance in users. Today, most cow's milk products are derived from hormone -stimulated cows to increase milk production. According to many studies, most cow's milk contains a variety of hormones such as prolactin, estrogen, progesterone, corticosteroids, androgen, growth factors like insulin-1 and prostaglandin. Even organic dairy products contain natural hormones like estrogen and progesterone, contributing to hormonal imbalance if consumed too much. Consuming a lot of milk means that you indirectly load those hormones into your body, thereby losing your hormonal imbalance. Notably, the hormone content in whole milk, butter and cheese is even more worrying because estrogen and progesterone -soluble progesterone and cholesterol, while these foods have higher cholesterol content than low dairy products. other fat.
According to a study, after consuming 600 ml of cow's milk, participants have a hormonal imbalance and can negatively affect men's fertility. In the United States, Iran and Spain, those who drink milk are recorded in the situation of sperm quality decreasing, increasing the risk of prostate and testes.

Unsafe food
Besides milk, the consumption of eggs, meat, fish and vegetables is not safe, will make you imbalance hormones. In unsafe farms, animals lay eggs, meat and fish animals can be stimulated by growth hormones and antibiotics to increase production. These are chemicals that cause hormonal disorders, so when indirectly going into your body, eating and drinking will cause the concentration of estrogen and progesterone hormones. In particular, fish has a lot of PCB and mercury, which are two very strong hormonal disorders. In addition, pesticides and chemicals used in cultivation are also hormonal disorders. Therefore, you should prioritize the sources of fish meat raised in the natural environment and vegetables and fruits grown according to organic specifications.

Red meat
In a 2019 study, the researchers found that, compared to those who ate less than a red meat diet per week, the likelihood of endometriosis in women who ate more than two diets Red meat is 56%higher daily. According to health experts, red meat increases the concentration of estrogen reproductive hormones in women, contributing to the disease.

Compared to men, caffeine has a stronger and longer impact on women. Caffeine can worsen cysts, this is not good for women with polycystic ovary syndrome, functional ovarian cysts, endometriosis, uterine fibroids and fibroids. . Not only that, drinking coffee in the morning can also disturb the entire endocrine system for 24 hours. Caffeine also depletes the essential micronutrients and minerals that we need to create happiness hormones. In addition, caffeine reduces the production of hormones that cause melatonin and increases the production of cortisol stress, breaking their natural balance in the body, thereby negatively affecting the biological rhythm of the user.

If anyone is a fan of coffee trees such as bell peppers, white potatoes, eggplant and tomatoes, consider cutting them more in moderate levels in the daily menu. These plants contain a number of compounds that can cause inflammation, activate autoimmune reactions in the thyroid and joint. Both inflammation and autoimmune imbalance are not beneficial for hormonal balancing activity in the body.

Soy products
There is a lot of controversy related to the impact of soy and soy products with the body. Some reports suggest that soy -rich soy isoflavone, a type of active ingredient of plant -derived, has the same effect as estrogen, helps balance hormones in women in the pre -menopause and menopause. One study showed that women with a plant -rich plant -rich plant diet for 12 weeks have decreased by 79% of the total number of hot flashes. However, there are also studies showing that soybeans are on the list of foods that can cause hormonal imbalance. Soy contains phytoestrogen, which is the "imitation" of the effect of estrogen in the body. Therefore, when consuming more soybeans, the body feels that there is enough source of sex hormones, thereby producing less estrogen. This will cause hormonal imbalance and cause ovulation cycle to be interrupted, especially can also affect reproductive health in the long run.

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