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Is eating banana fasting bad? See if it's true here.

Banana is a tasty fruit, accessible and incredibly versatile, as it can be part of various dishes, desserts and vitamins. However, you may have already wondered if bananas are a good option to start the day and make it bad to eat this empty stomach fruit.

Then understand what the benefits of eating bananas are and see if this fruit can hurt you if you are fasting.

Benefits of eating bananas

One of the main benefits of eating bananas daily is the improvement in digestive health. Bananas are an incredible source of fiber and water, two essential elements to maintain intestinal regularity. And you don't have to eat a lot: just an average banana already represents about 10% of an adult's daily fiber needs.

Also, as many already know, banana is a great source of potassium. This nutrient acts in many ways in our body, being responsible even for helping to regulate blood pressure, consequently favoring those who have cardiovascular problems.

Potassium, along with antioxidants, such as vitamin C, and the fibers present in the banana, give a triple protection to the heart of those who eat this fruit regularly. Studies show that a fiber -rich diet reduces the chances of cardiovascular disease, reducing the concentration of bad blood cholesterol.

Can I eat fasting banana?

The simple answer is yes. However, it is recommended that banana be consumed alone when you are in an empty stomach. If possible, eat the fruit along with some other food, such as a yogurt, oats or eggs, for example.

This recommendation is because the banana, although quite beneficial, is rich in simple carbohydrates and has a lot of natural sugar, fructose. With this, it can briefly increase blood sugar levels.

This means that you have a lot of energy as soon as the banana is consumed, but soon after, this energy can fall dramatically. For people with diabetes, this process can cause a great drop in glucose.

It is also known that the morning cafes composed of simple carbohydrates can greatly increase the person's hunger levels during the day, amplifying the risks of long -term excessive weight gain.

Therefore, choose to join the banana with other foods, especially those with healthy and protein -rich fats, such as walnuts, peanut butter, cheese, yogurt, among others. With this, you will have the benefits of banana combined with better regulation of appetite and blood sugar levels.

Tips to include banana for breakfast

Banana is a very affordable fruit for most of the population, and so it is widely consumed in Brazil. According to data from IBGE, there are 465 thousand hectares of banana plantations in the country, with each Brazilian eating, on average, 25 pounds of this fruit per year.

If you are part of this statistics, you may be looking for ways to escape the routine and vary the way banana consumes at breakfast. One tip is to add the sliced ​​fruit to a bowl of oat porridge to stuff a toast or as an accompaniment of the natural yogurt.

Banana can also be used as an ingredient in some recipes, replacing oil or butter well, and sweetening. To make breads, pancakes and cookies, you can knead the banana and add this mixture to the recipe.

The banana vitamin is a popular choice of breakfast, and a tip to make life easier to prepare it is to keep bananas already cut in the freezer. Frozen banana makes the vitamin more creamy and cold longer.

Categories: Сomida and travel
Tags: / meal / health
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