≡ Only inexperienced women make these 7 errors in relations with a man》 Her Beauty
There is a stable myth that a woman should sacrifice everyone for love and family. But in fact, true love does not require sacrifice.

There is a stable myth that a woman should sacrifice everyone for love and family. But in fact, true love does not require sacrifice. Let's figure out what mistakes should be avoided if you want to build relationships in which you will respect yourself, and the man will value you.
1. Close your eyes to disrespect
“He was just on the nerves”, “He had a hard day today,” “He didn’t want to offend” - it’s familiar? Many women suffer gross behavior and insults, not wanting to admit the obvious: this is not love. Smart women do not turn a blind eye to disrespect, because they understand: a person who appreciates you will never humiliate you. Respect is the basis of any relationship. Do not even allow the very close person to violate your boundaries.

2. Forget about your desires
A woman who constantly pushes her desires into the background, will eventually begin to feel exhausted. A wise woman understands that a harmonious life is possible only on condition that her own desires are respected along with the desires of the partner.

3. Afraid to say no "no"
Some women compromise, even if it is inconvenient or unpleasant for them to lose a man out of fear. But setting borders in a relationship is not a whim, but an important necessity. The wise woman understands that the ability to say no is a manifestation of self -respect, and the one who really loves will not leave her for an honest refusal.

4. Take all responsibility for yourself
Some still sacredly believe that the woman does the weather in the house. Therefore, she is forced to constantly please, correct her partner mistakes, deftly resolve conflicts, forgetting about her needs. But relationships are the work of two people. If a man is not ready to invest, a wise woman will find the one who will be.

5. be under total control
“Why did you buy it? I know what is better for you! " - Do you know such phrases? A man prohibits what a woman likes, and indicates what can be done and what is impossible. He controls purchases and even how she washes in the bathroom, completely suppressing her personality. A wise woman will never allow such a situation.

6. Build illusions
“Someday he will become different”, “He is now because he is experiencing a difficult period”-with such thoughts, women get stuck in toxic relationships for a long time, hoping for changes. But miracles rarely happen. A wise woman perfectly understands that if a person does not show respect and love now, then this will not happen in the future.

7. to find out the relationship in the presence of outsiders
Adhere to the rules: discuss all the negative in private, and let the good qualities of a partner sound at others. If you criticize your partner publicly or allow yourself unpleasant jokes about him, this may indicate that resentment has accumulated inside you, which is now manifested outside. Spend in yourself and frankly talk to your partner alone.

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