≡ Giorgia Meloni changes home: Privacy priority》 Her Beauty

House with swimming pool in the Torrino district, the life of the premier starts again from there.

Giorgia Meloni, leader of Fratelli d’Italia and current president of the Council of Ministers, is a political character who has aroused considerable interest not only for his positions, but also for his lifestyle.

Born on January 15, 1977 in Rome, Giorgia Meloni began her political career as a very young age, participating in the student committees at just 15 years of age and soon entering the youth movement of the National Alliance. His ascent was quick: he was elected deputy in 2006 and held various ministerial roles, including that of Minister of Youth from 2008 to 2011. In 2012 he co-founded Fratelli d'Italia, a party that quickly established itself In the Italian political panorama and who led her to be the first woman at Palazzo Chigi in the history of the Italian Republic.

Giorgia Meloni's lifestyle reflects both his political commitment and his personal needs. It is known for its determination, dedication to work and family. He has a daughter, Geneva, and often speaks of his role as a mother, underlining how today it is possible for a woman to find a balance between professional and private life. One of the pillars of his political message is precisely the importance of the family and the protection of traditional values.

Starting from the defense of his family, Giorgia Meloni has brought profound changes to her lifestyle in recent times. Exactly one year ago, in October 2023, he communicated through social networks the end of the relationship with Andrea Giambruno, his partner and father of his daughter Geneva. A love that lasted years, always lived with great confidentiality, who suddenly found himself in the spotlight after the Satira Striscia La Notizia program had published out of the Fuori in which Giambruno made advance to his colleague Viviana Guglielmi.

In a recent interview with the weekly Chi, the premier said that the separation from her partner was not an easy time for her family, especially for her daughter Geneva. “It is very close to both. He pretended nothing long with us, but I know he was crying when we didn't see it. "

This distortion in his life was probably the stimulus that led the premier to look for, and to find successfully, a house with greater privacy and more suitable for the new needs of his family and his political role. For this reason he has invested all his savings to buy a villa with swimming pool in the Roman district of Torrino, a neighborhood that feels more suitable for his needs.

He said that, once understood that the margins of his private life were reduced to a minimum, he decided to spend all the accumulated savings and to turn on a mortgage to buy a new home, in which he can spend the very little free time together with his loved ones "Without feeling a competitor of Big Brother".

From the day she arrived at Palazzo Chigi, the paparazzi under the house has almost been found daily, ready to follow her everywhere. The premier, who has defined himself on several occasions a spontaneous and immediate person, felt deeply uncomfortable knowing that on any time of his life he could build gossip.

For this reason he said that now his lifestyle is very different and that, when he is not outside for institutional commitments, he loves to spend the little free time he has available at home, away from the spotlight. This is what prompted him to invest everything he had in his new home.

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