≡ 6 facts about Lorrane Silva, little lo》 Her Beauty

What do you know about little lo? See here Top 6 facts about the influencer

The young Lorrane Silva, better known as Little Lo, is a digital influencer, psychologist and humorist, who has gained a lot of notoriety on social networks in recent years.

The Araxá Minas Gerais has gained popularity by sharing their experiences as a disabled person (PCD), and already accumulates millions of followers if we count all their social networks. In this article, we present some interesting facts about the small LO, and how it became the famous digital influencer it is today.

1. Bone dysplasia

Lorraine Silva has a syndrome that has not yet been identified, but is directly linked to bone dysplasia, which has as one of its main characteristics the shortening of bones. Because of this, the influencer is only 1.30m tall, which is also the reason for her nickname “Little Lo”.

2. Activist

Little LO stands out on the national scene as an influencer who is one of the main voices against capacitism and advocating for the right of people with disabilities. Frequently, she makes publications on social networks showing her daily life, and usually uses humor to give voice to people with disabilities and make the public aware.

She recently canceled her participation in Influent Summit for lack of accessibility. “Unfortunately it is much more common than we imagine this kind of situation. My intention is not to generate cancellation, but to reinforce the need for accessibility not only in private events, but also in public places, so that not only me, but all people PCDs are not prevented from coming and going, ”said the influencer in Interview with the magazine who.

3. Surgery

After discovering that he suffered from a rare kind of bone dysplasia, still in his childhood, small LO underwent some surgeries that sought to treat the shortening of their bones. In all, she underwent 5 surgical interventions, being the last when she was 11 years old. However, in this last surgery it ended up having the movements of its compromised lower limbs, and since then needs crutches or a scooter to get around.


In an interview with the program in Palma, little Lo said it is quite quarrel and boat and that it does not support witness scenes of injustice and/or prejudice.

According to little Lo, she was once having fun at Carnival when she noticed that a woman and a group of people protected by a security guard laughed when the influencer passed them near them. “I saw, came back and fought with them and the security guard. I cursed her. And the security guard trying to hold on because I was accelerating the motorcycle ( scooter of locomotion) to pass her foot, ”said the influencer.

5. pretended to be a child in blitz

In an interview, little Lo said that once, when she was in Rio de Janeiro with singer Luísa Sonza and another friend, she had to pretend she was a child to escape a blitz.

“I was in the back seat of the car and when I touch a lot [in the seat] my feet are in the air [up], superpichena. And then the policeman put the flashlight on the back seat and said 'a baby!' I gave it to him. He said, 'You're with a child, what cute, you can go.' And we sweat tense, ”said little lo.

6. Overcome Panic Syndrome, Importor Syndrome and Burnout

In an interview with Vogue, little Lo said that in 2020, during the pandemic, it was diagnosed with various mental diseases, such as anxiety, burnout , Panic syndrome and impostor syndrome.

To overcome these problems, she returned to live in Minas Gerais, close to her family and friends, began to do therapy, and although the process was slow, she managed to overcome adversities. "The greatest understanding I had was to prioritize my mental health, which is also physical, because it all depends on the mind, and we need moments of leisure," said the influencer.

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