≡ Seven ways to create intimacy beyond sex》 Her Beauty

For a couple to succeed, the connection should not be only physical, but also emotional and intellectual. Communication is one of the keys to achieve it

When we talk about intimacy in relationships, many people automatically think about sex. However, it is not just about that, but to create a pleasant sensation of closeness and emotional and intellectual connection so necessary for coexistence to work. Without true intimacy, most couples are sentenced to failure. According to experts, there are several ways to develop and promote this important aspect beyond what happens in bed. In this article we give you seven tips to put them to the test with your favorite person.

1. Demonstrations of appreciation

It is difficult to feel privacy with someone if that person does not let us know that he appreciates and values ​​us, and this is something that often happens when the relationship has some years, and is due to custom and closeness. This demonstration can be different for each person: for some it is about listening to a "I love you" every day, while for others they are small gifts, details or improvised appointments to go out to eat during the week, or simply that your partner will Keep by your side to help you dry and save the dishes while you wash them, for example. The important thing is never to give the things we do for each other; While we express with words or actions how much we appreciate being with that person.

2. More virtues, less defects

Successful couples know that they will never be "one hundred percent perfect" for the taste of the other person. There will always be differences in tastes, attitudes, ways of seeing life, opinions and habits. What differentiates those who follow together from those who are not that the former do not let the "small defects" prevent seeing the many virtues that made them fall in love at first. Knowing that you can be in front of your favorite person without fear of being judged, it is one of the most intimate things you can experience. Of course, here we do not refer to irreconcilable differences or dangerous attitudes. Remember that there are actions that cannot be overlooked.

3. Open communication

It sounds repetitive and you have surely read it before dozens of articles, but it is still true: the best way to create intimacy is to have open, sincere and timely communication. This is the key to almost all healthy relationships. Make the effort to listen, truly listen, on the one hand, and on the other of saying everything you want or need to say, will help the discussions be rather a dialogue between two emotionally intelligent people, and not a fight. And the better we communicate, the more we understand and know each other, the better the intimacy we build: both emotional and sexual.

4. You have to do new things

It is normal for relationships, as they advance, fall into a kind of routine. This is not bad: in fact, knowing the "way" in advance the path helps establish habits that strengthen the couple and provide security in the relationship. However, from time to time it is good to shake things a bit and plan to do something new and different. From something simple, such as trying a new restaurant during the week, to something more elaborate; How to escape a weekend to the beach ... Anything that makes you live a new experience, that brings you together while enjoying, will make you look with new eyes.

5. The contact is important

It is simple: you have to touch more. Beyond the intimacy that is gained with sex, physical affection constantly also helps establish an important connection. It is demonstrated that receiving hugs or caresses from our partner helps us lower blood pressure and promote oxytocin production, the so -called "love hormone" that helps us feel appreciation for the other person. Taking your hands when walking, touching your arm when speaking, greeting and saying goodbye are ways to increase contact every day.

6. Allow to be vulnerable

If there is good communication and you show you love and appreciation, allowing yourself to be vulnerable will not be a difficult task. In a world in which we almost always have to put a face of self -sufficiency and strength, it is important to know that we can let our partner be there with us in our most difficult moments because it will not judge us. To be able to share your deepest being is important to achieve intimacy that allows them to advance in good and bad, not only in good times.

7. Separated, to be together

Maybe it sounds contradictory, but it really is simple. In a durable and functional relationship, each member must continue to be their own person, with their own interests and needs. Having a hobby that is yours or dedicating time to your own friends and family will make you feel happier with your "personal life", which in turn will make you create more intimacy with your partner when you tell you what you did during the day. However, intimacy will be even greater if you live your day you remember that you are thinking about him or her, keeping the connection with a small text message or a quick call to ask if everything goes well. They will be a few seconds that will make a big difference.

Categories: Relations
Tags: / / happiness / / marriage / / psychology
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