≡ Young Secret For 30 years and over, bye-bye aging! 》 Her Beauty

It turns out there are you know natural ways to care for the skin so as not to be dull, wrinkled, or black spots. How to?

Although there are currently many advanced skin care technologies in beauty clinics, but did you know if it turns out that skin care can be done alone? There are natural ways to treat the skin so as not to be dull, wrinkled or black spots. What is it like? For those of you who are 30 years old and above and want to stay young, see this article until it runs out!

1. Keep the body hydrated

The first way this is the easiest way to care for skin. You simply keep your body hydrated by drinking mineral water. In addition to making the body hydrated, this is also very good for maintaining the level of humidity and collagen on the skin. Because one of the causes of dry skin is due to lack of body fluids.

In addition, hydrated conditions also make it easier for the body to burn fat and remove dirt through sweat, urine, and feces. This will all have an impact on weight loss. Besides drinking water can provide a full effect so that the portion of food to be consumed is reduced.

2. Don't stay up late

Staying up late is a bad habit for the body and skin. Because the activity can inhibit the formation of collagen, clog blood flow, and reduce nutritional levels of the skin.

You should sleep at least 7 hours per day so that the skin can be nourished to the maximum. In addition, sufficient sleep time also affects mental health. This is because sleep can help humans to overcome stress and regulate emotions well. In addition, sufficient sleep is also proven to maintain brain health.

3. Routine exercise

It is undeniable, exercise brings various benefits to the body. As a result this activity must be on your calendar. But did you know that it turns out that exercise is also the most suitable way to care for the body naturally?

Yes, exercise is said to be one way to brighten the skin naturally. This is because exercise can increase the ability of the heart in pumping blood, which will have a positive impact on blood circulation. Good blood circulation makes skin tissue easy to receive nutritional and oxygen intake, which will ultimately make the skin brighter and healthier.

4. Take care of food intake

Maintaining and caring for the skin naturally cannot ignore other healthy lifestyles. If you only focus on skin care without living a healthy lifestyle, then all your efforts will not be maximized. In addition to maintaining body fluids, exercise, sufficient sleep, maintaining food intake is no less important to do.

Eat healthy and nutritious food but not excessive. Do not forget to also consume natural vitamin C such as lemon, oranges, strawberries, or mangoes to prevent skin damage, delay premature aging, reduce wrinkles and black spots, and increase the production of collagen in the body.

5. Use sunscreen

After discussing the natural way to care for the skin from the inside, we also need to know how to treat from the outside. To keep the skin from direct sun exposure, don't forget to use sunscreen regularly. This is because sun exposure can make the skin look darker.

In addition, direct exposure to sunlight also makes premature aging on the skin. This will make the skin drier, dull, black spots and wrinkles arise. Even worse, direct sun exposure that occurs for a long time also increases the risk of skin cancer!

The use of sunscreen is also very important, especially for those of you who are 30 years and over. But if you want to remain Stay natural , You can use natural sunscreen such as olive oil, jojoba oil, and a mixture of coconut oil and avocado. Apply enough when you want to go outside the room.

6. Routinely clean the face

If you are used to cleaning your face before and after sleeping, then congratulations, you have implemented Tips This sixth. Routine cleaning the face is a must to remove all dirt and residual cosmetics that can clog the pores of the skin.

Some natural ingredients that can clean the face optimally include a mixture of apples, honey, and olive oil. How to make it quite easy, just puree one mature apple by grating or blending.

After that add half a tablespoon of honey, half a teaspoon of olive oil, and 3 drops of warm water. Mix then apply to the face. Let stand for 5 minutes and rinse with warm water. If there is leftover, store in the refrigerator to be used at another time.

7. Skin exfoliation

Skin exfoliation is also needed in natural skin care. Exfoliation can help the skin regeneration process by removing dead skin cells, which make exfoliation very important for natural skin care. Although a lot of exfoliation products are sold on the market, so Stay Natural, Apparently there is a natural recipe for skin exfoliation!

The first recipe is a combination of cucumber and green tea. Grate the cucumber that has been peeled, adjust the quantity of cucumber as needed. Then brew green tea and mix steeping water along with the dried green tea leaves into the shredded cucumber. After that, apply it to the skin to be exfoliated. Rub this solution with a circular motion for several minutes. Let stand for 5-10 minutes then rinse with warm water.

In the second recipe, you can use a mixture of coffee and olive oil. The trick is also easy, mix three tablespoons of pure black coffee powder with one tablespoon of pure honey, and one tablespoon of refined sugar. Apply to the skin to be exfoliated by rubbing with a circular motion for several minutes. Let stand 5-10 minutes then rinse with warm water. Always diligent to maintain skin health!

Categories: Beauty
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