11 moments "Family Feud" that will make you cry with laughter

No wonder Steve Harvey is still losing it.

These family quarrel competitors really say the hardest things! And thank God, because that's what makes the show so funny to watch. Something about the cameras and the pressure of the moment brings out of the absolute zinger from the players - and we put some of the best in a list. Here are 11 Family quarrel episodes that had the host Steve Harvey —And the public - Rolling.

In relation: 17 The funniest "family feud" fails, you will not believe

Richard Dawson loses it

Og Richard Dawson's host lost him on the camera when a competitor had to guess what foreigners could speak. His answer - "mutual friends" - was so hazelnut that Dawson could not consider for a while. TV Gold!

Naked grandmother!

"Something that a burglar would not want to see when he enters a house," was the question. A competitor responded with enthusiasm "Naked grandmother!" Harvey seemed naturally worried.

September pregnancy

This candidate must have guess "what month of pregnancy does a woman are starting to look pregnant?" She replied "September" and immediately realized what she said. Adorable.

Pork what?

"Name something that follows the word pork," asks Harvey. The candidate said Lon, but it looked like the lawn. But this is not even the best part. Another member of the Brown family gave his answer as "... cupine". Harvey is overwhelmed.


Sometimes the pressure of being in front of the camera can reach you, and you even flumer with the simplest question. This poor woman was invited to appoint a single type of yellow fruit - and she couldn't do it.

Watch your step

These two sensible husbands were very, very careful by answering an impertinent question about their wives and the seven dwarfs. "Bashful," said a competitor after a break. Harvey actually seemed to appreciate the reluctance!

The Harvey family

Harvey could barely keep it together when his own family appeared on the Celebrity family quarrel. When Marjorie Harvey was invited to "certain days, I would be ready to exchange my man for a very good what?" By her husband, she replied with "Boy Boy". AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

Be careful

Wait for the question before starting to answer! "Name something that a woman does for her baby that ..." asked Harvey. Before he could finish his sentence, the competitor replied: "Change his diaper". Unfortunately, the complete question was "named something that a woman does for her baby she is also doing for her husband".

Rupaul and Michelle

Fans of RuPaul's Drag Race will love it. Not only did he give the right answer before Harvey finished the question, but Michelle Face then guessed, correcting Harvey's pronunciation of "Wink / Eye-Bang Him" ​​in the process. Hilarity follows!

The White House?

"Some politicians belong to the White House, others belong to the empty house," asked Harvey. The candidate Dequincy answered ... "The White House." Harvey was clearly delighted.

No comments

Harvey asked for this competitor what Lincoln Abraham was driving ... and his answer actually amazed the host. Watch the video to see!

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