17 The funniest "family feud" fails, you will not believe
These moments will never be hilarious.

Family quarrel has been on our television screens since 1976, and during its 25 seasons, there were very funny moments taken in front of the camera. Some competitors give really bizarre answers, others seem confused and others are simply very funny. Whether they win or lose, it is clear that people have a good time. And for the better or for the worst, the Internet is eternally - there are the 17 funniest Family quarrel fails immortalized online.
1 Deliver a gerbille?
When Darci is invited to name something that a doctor could withdraw from a person with whom she responds ... a gerbille. Her face when she realizes what she said is invaluable.
2 Reins and lawns
Host Steve Harvey is completely disconcerted by the accent of this woman. Is it the lanyard or the lawn? No wonder it is confused!
3 Blame my what?
Harvey thought Riccini said something she had absolutely not said. After repeating "yes, blame my parents", he couldn't stop laughing.
4 It is white
When Bill is asked what women think that their husbands have in common with the boy from Pillsbury dough, Bill answers with "he is white". "This is the best answer I have ever heard," said Harvey. "I love the real answers."
5 Naked vs nekkid
The candidate Arvell is invited to give another word for "naked". He says "Nekkid" and doubles his answer. "You can't try to do this on national television," said Harvey.
6 Something that happens
Harvey is shocked by Chris' response to "something that goes on". The best part? He was right!
7 Cachate phone numbers
Harvey looks downright confused in this fast money tour. When they asked them something in their homes, people are still hiding, Bill says "phone numbers".
8 Vegas is not a state
Harvey asks what state someone would like to move to his retirement. Candidate Luisa says "Vegas". Two large x red!
9 Popeye eats what?
When asked what is Popeye's favorite food, the Eve competition had an unusual response. "Chicken!" she said, doing a little dance. Faacealm Emoji, anyone?
10 Describe Grant Denyer
Grant's bad Denyer probably regrets having a whole round dedicated to him! When asked what word describes it best, the competitor Leanne says "short". Ouch!
11 No noisy insects
Candidate Anna was invited to appoint a single noisy insect. Just one! His answer? "Pass." Not even an insect, Anna?
12 So hot
When asked "What is the highest priority for you when you are looking for a partner?" Candidate Jessica says "Hot!" Grant Deyner almost falls.
13 The buzzer fails
Poor competitor Jake was not late on his answers, but he made a flow elsewhere. Jake managed to miss a sort of not one, but twice, one of the biggest Buzzers on television television. Oops.
14 Who is the host?
Terrell Suggs becomes a little too aggressive with the buzzer, which led Harvey to say: "When you leave, we still have to use it!" When Suggs tells him what was the question, Harvey is ruffled. "I'm the host!"
15 Chicken badge
Poor Jono - You can see the exact moment when he has lost his thought. When asked to appoint a badge, the competitor said "chicken badge".
16 Texas, really?
Asked about an object designed by a man because he is uncomfortable but sexy, the competitor Ryan says: "Texas". Harvey gives him several chances of confirming his answer and he simply doubles. The host's face says everything.
17 Who is funnier than Steve?
When asked "name a television host who is almost as funny as Steve Harvey", the host does not seem to be amused by certain answers. For some, it seems almost insulted!

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