You can see up to 100 meteors per hour this weekend - Here's how

Fire balls can reach speeds up to 37 miles per second.

Again refine your weekend plans? Well, you will want to spray this: Sunday, hundreds of shiny fire balls will light the nocturnal sky in what scientists call "one of the Best shooting stars displays From the year, "according to Meteor shower arrives at what has already been a historic year for celestial events, including the total solar eclipse of April and the multiple shows in the North of the Enlightenment. And Now, a meteor shower is defined to occur during the weekend at quick speeds.

This is called the Perseid Meteor shower, and it is actually a recurring phenomenon during the summer months. In fact, the Perseids occurred Since July 14 . However, on August 11, this Sunday, the perseids will reach a advanced activity, which will cause huge explosions of light and color. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

In relation: The new star "will explode" in the night sky - how to see the event "once in life" .

Perseids are one of the most anticipated celestial events of summer. Stargazers will be able to see up to 100 meteors per hour While the earth crosses the debris of dust and space of the comet Swift-Tuttle, according to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). A little fun about the comet Swift-Tuttle is that it takes 133 years to finish a complete orbit around the sun.

However, what is even cooler is that these meteors can reach speeds up to 37 miles per second, or 2,220 miles per hour. In addition, the Perseids are known to produce balls of fire which last longer than the sequence of medium meteors. These hot rock balls can reach temperatures of more than 3,000 degrees Fahrenheit, by This is why the Perseids are "considered the best meteor shower of the year," said NASA.

"With fast and shiny meteors, the perseids frequently leave long" awakenings "of light and color behind them while they cross the atmosphere of the earth. Perseids are one of the most abundant showers with around 50 At 100 meteors seen per hour.

The Perseids culminated "towards the night of August 11 and before dawn on August 12, 2024, with good visualization conditions for a few days on each side of the peak", reports

The northern hemisphere is where you are most likely to see the magic display. Of course, as with any meteor meeting, your chances of seeing the shower increase further from the city's lights and large buildings. However, twins are not necessary for visualization.

"Perseids seem to come From a place in the sky that goes up in the northeast, so lie down and face roughly in this direction, but try to take as much sky as you can, because meteors can appear everywhere ", educate The Jet of the NASA Propulsion Laboratory (JPL).

Axios Salt Lake City also noted that pre-pic visualization will be more promising that post-pic visualization due to the current lunar phase of the moon. It is at this moment that the vision will be optimal since the moon is a croissant of hair removal until August 19, "bringing more and more light in the sky".

The Perseids will take place until September 1, 2024, but this weekend is your best chance to see them!

Categories: Smarter Living
Tags: News / Science
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