≡ Indonesia is ranked 3 of Fatherless countries? Try these 8 practical tips! 》 Her Beauty

If the child does not feel the figure of the father in his life, the child will tend to feel inferior, inferior, childish and ..

The figure of the husband and father who protects his family is a dream in establishing the household ark. Because a good husband is a husband who can carry a household in a good direction. Even fathers also have a very important role in the growth and development of children.

Conversely, if the child does not feel the figure of the father in his life, he will be Fatherless and will affect the psychological. They will tend to feel inferior, inferior, childish, and avoid problems. Of course, don't want this to happen to your child, right? This time we will discuss Tips Become a husband and dream father in the household. Approximately there Tips What are you?

1. Don't Toxic Masculinity

A man who has been married and has a baby, often feels he has to look strong in front of his family. It turns out that behavior is referred to as Toxic Masculinity and should be avoided. Why is that?

Because a wife does not want the husband to always look strong and harbor all the problems. But the wife also wants to feel needed if her husband might intend share Problems when making a living and venting his emotions. So if you are the husband if you feel sad and want to cry, try to vent to the wife.

Conversely, if you continue to harbor a problem and do not tell your wife, then this may be at risk of exploding later on. Even the cases of infidelity occur because the husband harbored the problem and instead told the opposite sex who incidentally was not his wife. So that the seeds of forbidden love will arise that will be the forerunner of infidelity.

2. So a good listener

As the backbone of the family, the husband must make a living for the survival of his family. But no matter how busy the husband, when he got home then take time to ask about the activities of his wife and children at home. Ask the wife, "Is there a problem when taking care of the household?"

Likewise with children, ask their activities when attending school and whether someone is eligible while in school. By listening to their stories and giving good responses, domestic life is believed to be more harmonious.

3. Do a housework

Often conflicts between husband and wife occur because the husband does not do housework. Because many husbands assume that domestic work is the responsibility of the wife. Is that right? The answer is no. Homework is a shared responsibility, be it husband, wife, even children.

So to be a husband and father's dream, you must be willing to do housework such as sweeping, mopping, washing dishes, and so on. Even if your family is blessed newborn baby, then you can help the wife take care of the baby so that the wife does not experience Baby Blues Syndrome.

4. Not stingy to the family

Did you know that there are many wives who complained about their monthly money? This happened because the husband gave a limited living ration, not even enough to meet their daily needs. Even though the husband's income many times more.

So that a good husband and father are those who are not stingy to their families. In fact, the husband should give all the living so that the wife can manage finances transparently and maximally. After all, all the living for the good of the family too right?

If the wife is troubled to manage finances or not transparent, then it's time you take policies that benefit the family such as using financial applications, or you who manage finances to be more transparent.

5. Maintain family disgrace

One important factor to become a dream husband is to be able to maintain the meetings of the family's disgrace, be it a wife or child. This is very important to reduce the risk of household conflict that is more complicated or hurt the family's feelings.

Moreover, if you tell the family's disgrace to the opposite sex, this is even at risk of infidelity. Because often the opposite sex will feel that you like it because it is very open. So to be a dream husband, then you should maintain the disgrace of the family meeting!

6. Forgive mistakes

Forgiveness and understand each other is the key to harmony in the household. Because it is natural that the husband or wife made a mistake, moreover they were rare or never made.

So that the husband should be able to forgive the mistakes of the wife and understand that is sometimes unique. Conversely, the wife can forgive mistakes and understand her husband. Naturally, if anger and annoyance arises, but it should be muted and communicated well so as not to repeat the same mistake in the future.

7. Take time

Husband as well as a dream father is a figure who often takes time for the family. What is the example? Invite your child to Father-time Like inviting him to buy snacks at the store or play in the park. Or you can also date your wife by taking her for a walk or chatting on Cafe favorite.

By taking a special time for the family, they will become more open and get the figure of the father and husband in his life. In addition, romance and kinship remain maintained. Do not let your wife or child more comfortable out with friends or friends!

8. Remember the things the family likes

On the last list, remember what your family likes. That way, you will be the figure of the father and dream of a very loved husband. For example if your wife likes sweet martabak, then when you come home from work stop by to buy the sweet martabak her favorite.

When I got home, give a sweet martabak to your wife while saying, "I see a sweet martabak to remember you, so I bought it specifically for you, my beloved wife." Guaranteed wife immediately klepek-klepek and increasingly in love. Likewise with children, remember what your child likes and buy it when you come home from work. Surely he will think of you as a good father.

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