How to get rid of drilling, according to pest experts

Professional advice to rid your home of these bugs for good.

Dealing with sudden parasitic infection Maybe one of the most frustrating parts of the possession of a house. Unfortunately, there is no shortage of non-invited potential guests who can cause problems, whether rodents in your pantry, Snakes in your cellar , or cockroaches wandering your corridors. Drilling pierces - also known for some under the name of Bugs Pincher - are another relatively common problem which can become quickly. So what is the best way to treat them? Read the rest to learn to get rid of drilling, according to the advice of devastating experts.

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What are ear pierces or pinching bugs?

An earwig in a corner of a room
Erhan Gecili / Istock

You have probably encountered a drill or more, even if you did not do it at the time. According to Craig Sansig , Director of Services at Viking pest control , night insects are a relatively common view in many meters and houses.

"Drillings are opportunistic insects which both recover and eat decaying plant material as well as the prey of other species of insects," he explains. "Their namesake is derived from what is a tale of old women - but fortunately, it is wrong that they crawl in your ears and dig into your brain!"

He adds that 22 species of ear pierce have been identified in the United States, but only one handful are common pests frequently found in houses.

How can I identify drilling?

Part of what can make an infestation of ear disturbances, what is destroyed is the appearance of the bug. Sansig says that they can be identified by the large pinch in the back which earned them the nickname "Pincher bugs", a set of straight antennas and their lack of wings.

"The brush of men is more rounded than the brush more straight for women," he explains, adding that the lack of wings means that drilling can not fly or jump.

Large intimidating pliers are used both for defense and to capture living prey. This makes them stand out as one of the rare pests with this formidable characteristic.

"Scorpions, generally found in warmer climates, also have pliers, but they are undoubtedly even more recognizable than drilling," said Megan WEDE , co -owner of Well -made pest solutions .

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Where do ear drills generally nest?

Close up of an earwig on the ground with its tail up
Vinisouza128 / Istock

As with most parasites, a combination of ideal living conditions, food supply and shelter will attract drinking drinks to settle on your property. According to Rocky beninato , founder and exterminator approved to Quality affordable pest control , they generally nest under the grass, flower beds, rocks and dismissals outside or in a damp place and covered inside your house. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

In most situations, a female begins a nest by digging a small hole in the ground and placing her eggs, place about 50 at a time. Sansig says that she will then keep her eggs from predators and clean them regularly until they hatch to avoid potentially fatal fungal growth. There is a wide range of places where drilling can hide, but they all have a few things in common.

"The ear pierces thrive in dark and humid areas," said Wede. "Thus, they can especially be inhabitants of the subsoil, but they often find it outside under rocks or debris, gathering together."

Are the ear pierces harmful?

Experts explain that, although their pliers can be intimidating, drilling do not constitute a threat to you or your family.

"Although their cerci - or their pliers - look dangerous, they only consume insects and plants and they do not bite or harm humans," said Wede. "Drillings are not harmful to people, pets or structures: they are simply frightening and a nuisance."

However, this does not mean that they will not intervene in some respects. Blessing warns that some drilling can attack your plants and flowers, potentially becoming a problem in your garden.

Why are there so much drilling in my house?

Close up of a earwig on someone's hand
Dr.mym / Shutterstock

It can be disturbing to discover an ear infestation in your house, especially if it is a big one. However, there are ways to make your house less attractive.

"If there are areas of your home with excess water - for example, because of pipes or leakage devices - you are more likely to attract them," explains Jim Skinner , Owner of A & C pest management . "And like other insects, drilling can also be attracted to food sources in your home. Wandering crumbs or even plants can be an attractive food source for ear piercies."

For this reason, controlling the humidity of your home can be crucial to prevent them from coming inside in the first place.

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How to get rid of earpieces

Even if they are not an immediate threat to your health or your home, no one wants to share space with Pincher Bugs. Fortunately, experts say that getting rid of drilling is not as difficult as you can imagine.

Pinpoint the pest

A man inspecting bugs in a corner
Krblokhin / Istock

Knowing what type of devastating problem you are dealing with identifying exactly the type of bug you are dealing with. According to Wede, which is why it is essential to carefully inspect all areas which, in your opinion, can be infested and to verify that you are dealing with drilling.

"If you don't know what pests you have, you don't know how to treat them," she said.

Dry wetlands

dehumidifer in front of window

Experts agree that prevention of infestation of drilling is always preferable to the management of an active problem. However, finding a way to eliminate excess humidity from the areas of your home is an effective strategy in both situations. Wede suggests scanning the source of any leakage and approaching them immediately or installing a dehumidifier to fight against naturally damp interior spots.

It is also important to remember that not all problems will be seen. "Be on the lookout for any distorted or curved coating, because it means that there has been water damage in this wall," suggests Wede. "Then make sure to withdraw this source of port condition."

Seal the cracks and the entry points

Person Sealing Cracks in Home
Andrey_popov / Shutterstock

Beninanto says it is looking for seals or cracks in your foundation, windows or walls when looking for potential port sites and seal. Of course, this is also effective in preventing other insects and pests.

"If your foundation has short-lived gaps for mice can pass through, insects such as drilling, silver fish, spiders, central-spots, central, spicy insects, crickets and crickets Others can certainly enter, just as if you have left your front door open! "Wede warns.

Configure traps and use DIY sprays

A glue trap on the ground filled with dead insects
RR-Photos / Istock

Once the ear pierces are at home, the next strategy is to kill them. Normally, this implies defining a glue trap or making a DIY solution.

"Mix canola oil, dish soap and soy sauce in a shallow bowl," explains Beninato. "Drilling will be drunk in the solution."

He adds that you can also kill the ear pierces with a homemade insectulum by mixing equal parts to rub alcohol and water in a spray bottle and applying them when you see them. Simply point, Spritz and suck up the dead insects after succumbing.

Stay at the top of garden work

raking leaves on lawn
Bokeh Stock / Shutterstock

Because drilling ears eat vegetable material, your court can be as welcoming as your home. Experts recommend cleaning the area around your foundation of all leaves, lots of wood and other debris.

Worried about All this mulch Does it make your garden so great? Wede suggests calling on antiparasitic wrestling companies to treat your court each year for all uncontrollable drilling populations instead.

Call professionals

An exterminator or pest control agent looking at eaves in the ceiling of a basement or attic

Rather than dyi solutions, you can opt to call professionals. A professional antiparasitic control company can often solve the problem faster and effectively than most owners, especially if you have trouble locating the source. In many cases, they will deal with the problem with boric acid powder by sprinkling it in cracks and problematic areas, which can be difficult to do without experience.

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How can I prevent drilling from coming back?

Most experts would tell you that the best control of pests is the preventive antiparasitic control. Here are their tips to avoid any repeated infestation:

Manage humidity

Dehumidifier in a home

Because drilling as the dark and humid environments, one of the simplest things you can do is control the way your home is wet. Wede suggests using a humidifier in places like your basement or wherever it is more likely to become wet to ensure that there are no persistent leaks that create a problem.


Messy closet with clothes strewn everywhere

Drilling prosper when they have a lot of places to hide. Reclaining your items regularly can help you reduce the size that could house insects and other vermin.

"When you have a cleaner house, it is easier to recognize a pest problem before it becomes a hidden infestation," said Wede.

This also applies to general damage. Take a point to take care of food waste and other potential meal sources for parasites, including pet food and products.

Close entry points

cracks in the home's foundation

Pests must make their way inside before they can become a problem. Regularly inspect your home to make sure you don't leave an easy entry for them, sealing cracks or openings.

"This can be quite impossible because insects are so small that they can hurry in openings as small as 1/16 inch," warns Wede. "But, if you see large openings, it's always a good idea to seal them."

Obtain a routine control of parasites

pest control worker lying on floor and spraying pesticides under cabinet in kitchen

Even if you are a meticulous cleaner and organizer, staying aware of everything to keep parasites away can be a lot of work. Having an annual planned visit to a qualified antiparasitic control company can help you identify problems even before you become problems.

"In addition, seasonal exterior sprays will reduce these ear populations outside before becoming uncontrollable and invade your home," adds Wede.


Facing an ear infestation can be intimidating. Fortunately, you can take some basic measures to make sure you never develop it to start, in particular by controlling excess humidity in your home and reducing the size. Experts can also inspect your property to find persistent problems. For more pest advice, visit Better life again soon.

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