When do you need to replace your smartphone? Experts weigh

These are the signs that your mobile device is on its last legs.

These days, we can use smartphones in our pockets to listen to music , pay the grocery store with just a tap and everything else. These devices have also become more durable over time and can last a certain time, even if they may require maintenance from time to time. The purchase or rental of a new smartphone is a big commitment, so it is understandable that you do not see the problem of keeping your old one, especially if it is paid. But you don't want to find yourself in a situation where you need to access your device to find that it does not work properly. So we asked technology experts when it is time to replace your smartphone and all the signs to look for.

"In a recent report, we found that consumers spend an average of four hours and 25 minutes a day while watching their phone screens," said TIM TINCHER ,, searcher on Notice.org. "Because smartphones play such a big role by connecting to us to the outside world, you can imagine how is they feel isolated with an older phone that cannot follow notifications, updates of applications or a Battery load that lasts much longer than after your lunch break.

Wondering if you have kept your phone for too long? Read the rest to hear what experts say are the main indications that it is time for an upgrade.

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He stops receiving software updates.

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You may not realize how often they occur, but your smartphone regularly receives software updates. Some may add new major features to your device, while others distribute safety defects. If you continue to use yours for too long, you could eventually lose this advantage.

"A phone is generally supported by the operating system for about five years on average, with all the security updates included," said Steven Athwal , CEO and founder of The headline phone store .

He explains that obsolete models are not maintained but must be examined on a case -by -case basis, user by user.

"If the device is used for very basic things such as streaming and look at YouTube, updates and replacement of the device are often unrelated. That your phone receives the latest possible updates for these purposes security, "he suggests.

You lack new important features.

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Stnazkul / Istock

Even if technological companies love to make ads spanking on the improved capacities of their latest models, not all versions are a homeming. However, if you have kept your phone for a better part of the decade, you probably miss some features that could make your life easier.

"As an expert in technology, I recommend replacing your smartphone when it has several generations," said Rajesh Namase , A technological blogger and co-founder of Techrt. "Although you can solve certain material problems on older models, obtaining modern features like TAG-to-pay and better camera capacities can improve the user experience."

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It costs too much to repair - and you can always get money for its exchange.

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Paulzhuk / Shutterstock

In recent years, phones have been improved to recover from drops and water damage. However, as problems go up, they can become expensive to maintain.

"Although repairing these problems is always an option, if your phone has several problems at the same time, the hassles and repair costs of everything do not bother," explains Dan Quick , president of Klinik Mobile . "The upgrading of a new phone may seem more desirable than repairing several problems simultaneously, however, this tends to reach a high cost."

He says that if the phone has only one relevant problem, it is probably still worth a cash value. In this case, consider exchanging it when it still has features.

"By providing it in a renowned commercial shop, you can choose an upgrade of certified used devices that meet your needs, and whatever the value your old phone always has with a credit to be given to a New device, "he says.

He suffers from battery life problems.

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Everyone knows that batteries deteriorate over time. Instead of living attached to your charger and at a point of sale, remember to exchange your phone if he arrives up there at age And His battery problems could be linked to other longevity problems.

"Many people think they should only replace their devices when their battery health has decreased. However, I also recommend replacing your device if it has undergone serious damage thanks to a serious impact or a liquid input "Explains Athwal. "If you catch it early enough, it can be repaired, but the device itself can never be the same again."

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You find it hard to stay connected.

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Your phone is as good as its ability to communicate. Over time, its ability to fulfill even this most basic function can deteriorate and make you more difficult to use your device when you need it most.

"If your phone has persistent network connectivity problems, such as problems with WiFi or Bluetooth, this can be a sign of hardware failure," explains Athwal Better life . "New accessories and networks (5G) may not support older devices, so it could be a good sign to upgrade."

You lack space.

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There is nothing worse than taking a photo for an invaluable moment, only to find that your available memory is too low to store the image. Experts say you should take this as a sign, it's time to upgrade your device.

"Suppose your phone storage is frequently full, and that you are embarrassed by pop-up messages recommending to buy additional storage or delete items," explains Athwal. "In this case, it may be a good sign that you need a phone with greater storage capacity."

It's too frustrating to manage.

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In the end, there are dozens of different problems that can afflict aging technology. But when it comes to something you use every day and for a variety of functions, it is probably in your interest to save your sorrow and get a new model.

"A phone that cannot meet your daily needs, especially that with slow work speeds - can also make you less productive and irritable," said Namase. "You should consider upgrading your device if it endangers your safety or does not work with your way of life. In this way, you can stay safe and enjoy the new technology."

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