What does Chuck Norris do now? The star of the action has just returned

The action star has just made her first film in 12 years.

Was it the action films of the 1980s? The longtime television show in the 90s? THE viral jokes In the 00 years? No matter how you know him better, you know Chuck Norris . THE Action Star And the martial artist has had a long career as an actor, returning to the late 1960s, but you probably did not hear much about him recently. Norris has stopped playing a main role in movies and television shows years ago, but that does not mean that he has not yet worked. In fact, his first film in 12 years has recently been released.

At 84, the star did not officially withdraw from the action, but he deliberately took a step back due to a family problem. Read the rest to find out more about the state of his career and what Chuck Norris is doing now.

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Norris is famous for her action films and her successful program.

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Featureflash photo agency / shutterstock

Norris came for the first time in the 1970s for action films that showed his expertise in martial arts. He is known for the Delta Force Films, the Missing in action Films and appearing alongside Bruce Lee In The Dragon Way . From 1993 to 2001, he played on the police procedure Walker, Texas Ranger . Then, in the 00 years, Norris gained massive popularity on the internet when the meme "Chuck Norris Facts" began to circulate.

He retired because of his wife.

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Hannes Magerstaedt / Getty Images

In 2017, Norris and his wife, Gena Norris , continued several pharmaceutical companies after claiming that it suffered from physical and cognitive problems And almost dead after being injected with a contrast color that was used during three routine MRI scans.

"My whole life focuses on maintenance as well as I can," said Norris CBS News During a joint interview with his wife at that time. "You know, I had to abandon my cinematographic career." During the interview, they shared that they had spent nearly $ 2 million on treatment to tackle its health problems. According to radiology activities, They dropped at least one trial in 2020.

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He has always played a role here and there.

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CARRIE-LENE / Shutterstock

Norris stopped acting regularly in 2005 after the TV movie Walker, Texas Ranger: Trial by Fire And the film The cutter . He then returned to the big screen in 2012 with a game The Expendables 2 . In 2015, he had a role of voice playing himself Goldbergs . And in 2020, he played a guest role on Hawaii five-0 . AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

He appeared in his first cinema role in 12 years.

In 2023, it was announced that Norris would make a return to action films with the science fiction film Agent . The official synopsis reads as follows: "Alastair, the captain of a Security Force of the Secret Earth, calls for the super fueled Jim to join a mission led by Colonel Green and his qualified marines to find a mysterious energy disturbance in A base of the New Mexico. His Instagram page .

And it is not all the kick to the end of Norris that you can wait impatiently. He also filmed the next action comedy Zombie plane , in which he plays an exaggerated version of himself in front of an exaggerated version of Vanilla ice cream . Both must save humanity from a plane full of living dead, and Early Press promised one " wild ride "Full of nostalgia for the 90s." No words yet when and where Zombie plane will be published.

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It is also involved in other companies.

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Markus Wissmann / Shutterstock

There is more in Norris's career than simply playing. For example, he is involved in Promote gymnasium For QVC and Invest in money . He founded the organization Kickstart Kids , which teaches children in children in Texas schools. Him and Gena too founded a bottled water company .

This story has been updated to include additional inputs, verification of facts and copying edition.

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