The 20 most sad pixar movie moments
The animation studio is known to make the public cry of all ages cry.

Although animation is often considered children for children, Pixar, the studio behind films as well like Toy story ,, The world of Nemo and current Smash at the box office Inside out 2 , has perfected the art of elaboration Films that children love But who are loaded with poignant moments and life lessons that only the older public can really appreciate. Inevitably, these moments also tend to send you in search of a tissue box (or to hold your sobs so as not to embarrass yourself in the theater).
For the proof, just pour this list of the 20 most sad moments of the Pixar films and to count how much you made you cry.
In relation: Each pixar film, classified from the worst to the best .
1 The opening sequence of Up (2009)
The undisputed champion of moments of pixar in tears comes from the opening sequence of Up , in which we look at two children, Carl and Ellie, we meet, grow, fall in love, we marry and live their lives. Throughout the editing without words, we see them dreaming of a life full of children, travel and adventure, and we look at life that takes their plans for each turn, whether for banal reasons (a unexpected bill) or devastating revelations (incapable of having children). At the end of the 10 -minute sequence, Ellie died and Carl is left alone to sink into their unrealized ambitions. It is absolutely eviscerated.
2 The incinerator scene in Toy story 3 (2010)
While you will find the end of Toy story 3 During this list, the incinerator's scene prevails. A sequence of prosecution and misadventures brings all the plastic heroes to the dumping ground, where they find themselves trapped on a rolling carpet leading to a fire pit. Unable to escape, the toys consider themselves, use their last force to turn on their hands and wait for death. Of course, they are saved in time by a trio of ingenious foreigners in a crane, but it is too late: you are already curled up in the fetal position, sobbing (or was it just me?).
3 Bing Bong's sacrifice in Upside down (2015)
The unique imaginary friend who now exists only in corners of souvenirs of Riley pre -adolescent, Bing Bong turns on the central part of Upside down With his stupidity and contagious mind, helping joy and sadness during their trip to the control center. But then, he realizes that he needs to sacrifice himself so that others can escape the dumping ground, and we look when he literally fades from existence, totally forgotten by the little girl who once loved.
4 Miguel sings "Remember me" in Coco in coconut (2017)
After his return from an adventure in the land of the dead, which included the meeting of his great-great-grandfather long Dead, Héctor, Miguel, 12, returns to the living world and the bedside of his great-grandfight -Mer coconut, which is close to death. Helité, Miguel plays her one of the songs of Héctor, "Remember Me" on her guitar, making her wake up and start sharing her father's childhood memories (and thus allowing Héctor to stay in the country of dead rather than passing from existence, forgotten by each living soul). It is a joyful and soft-to-man moment in a film which consists in recognizing the importance of cherishing people in your life while you can.
5 Jessie's background frame Toy story 2 (1999)
Toy story 2 is all laughing and the crazy hunting sequences until Woody finds himself in the house of a vintage toy collector, where he meets Jessie, his ancient cowgirl counterpart. When Woody does not understand why she would like to live her days in a toys museum rather than being loved by a child, Jessie shares the story of her first owner, a girl who loved her fiercely, then grew up, exceeded her Toys, and gave Jessie, breaking his confidence. It's a sad story made sadder by Sarah McLachlan Ripper "When someone loved me" on the soundtrack.
In relation: The 25 best age -old movies never made .
6 Wall-e loses his memory Wall-e (2008)
Towards the end of Wall-e, the adorable garbage collection robot is seriously damaged while trying to help his friend robot Eve to master the automatic pilot of the passenger ship and return his cargo of humans to earth. Eve rebuilds it quickly, but when it turns on it, it seems to have returned to its basic programming, losing all the individuality that it has developed living alone on earth for centuries. Fortunately, a small static shock of a distraught watch is everything it takes to restore your memory, but for a few moments, it seems that the wall that we liked to love was left forever.
7 Andy says goodbye to his toys Toy story 3 (2010)
For three films, we watched Buzz, Woody and the Gang devoted their lives to being there for their owner Andy. But little boys grow up, and finally Andy realizes that it is time to give his toys. Although it is touching to see Andy share her childhood friends with their new owner, a little girl named Bonnie, she is also a deeply sad moment, especially for all parents in the crowd, who may have Growing up alongside Andy and now share the film with their own children (fast growing).
8 Sully says goodbye to Huer Monsters Inc. (2001)
Managing to take out the young Boo from Monstropolis and return to the human world constitutes just about the intrigue of Monsters Inc. , yet it is still heartbreaking when Sully finally succeeds in her mission. We watched the Gruff Blue Furry Guy move from reflection on the girl to the care deeply for her, and the idea that he has to say that a necessary farewell affects deeply.
In relation: The saddest film of all time .
9 Barley meets its father Ahead (2020)
At the end of the magic quest that takes place throughout Ahead , the brothers Elf Ian and Barley finally obtain the magic object that will bring back their deceased father, which younger barley has never met, but only for a few moments, and only one of the brothers and sisters will have a chance to speak to him . Although he had long dreamed of what he would say to his father, at the last minute, Ian realizes that barley has always been a paternal figure for him and decides to sacrifice the possibility of allowing his brother to Share a last farewell with the father he lost.
10 The opening scenes of The world of Nemo (2003)
From Bambi has The Lion King , Disney films have gave generations of children contemplating the trauma to lose a parent, and Pixar picks up this stick and runs with him in the opening scene of The world of Nemo , in which a young couple of clown fish, Marlin and Coral, wait for their first batch of eggs to hatch when the anemone in which they live is attacked by a barracuda. Marlin is knocked out and wakes up to see that his whole family has been eaten - you can have a single egg which, of course, contains Nemo. What way to start a film.
11 Antoine Ego has a taste for Remy's cuisine in Ratatouille (2007)
All along Ratatouille , Food critic Antone Ego serves as an imminent threat - if he does not like the cuisine of the gifted rat gifted Remy and his human assistant Linguini, a bad criticism could spell curtains for the failing restaurant in which they work. But when the ego finally tasted the humble but exquisite grip of Remy on the holder dish, it is instantly brought back to his childhood, and we see a vision to taste Ratatouille of his late mother. The shaking of melancholic nostalgia will strike you in sensations. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB
12 Ellie gives Carl the adventure book in Up
Although it is not as devastating as the opening editing, a scene later Up is also likely to have a sob or two stifled. To the lowest point of his trip when it seems that all hope is lost, Carl looks at the adventure book where he and his late wife Ellie had planned to tell their trips. For the first time, he turns the pages to find that Ellie filled him with photos of moments of their worldly life, and left him a message: "Thank you for the adventure - now having a new one!" Although the message inspires it in the moment, it is impossible not to think about all the years that it has spent being a grumpy misanthropic - and to consider all the ways in which you have not managed to recognize the 'Adventure of your own life that passes you. OOF.
In relation: The saddest films you can broadcast on Netflix .
13 Riley's panic attack in Inside out 2 (2024)
Spoilers to come!
In Inside out 2 , Riley's life is thrown into turmoil when the start of puberty brings new emotions, including a real troublemaker named anxiety. Throughout the film, anxiety does everything it can to keep Riley "in safety", even when it leads to choices that make her hurt her friends. All this leads to Riley who experienced a sudden panic crisis in a hockey match, because anxiety loses control of the console inside the control center. The girl struggling with the physical symptoms of an uncontrollable panic offers the most overwhelming moment of the film.
14 Buzz realizes that he is just a toy Toy story (1995)
Although the first Toy story In many ways, the simplest and lightest of the series, he always has moments that pack an emotional punch, including the scene where Buzz accidentally catches an advertisement for Buzz Lightyear toys on television and experiences overwhelming realization That it is not really a Daring Space Ranger, but just a breeze. He is devastated, and we also feel his pain - then encourage him when he realizes that he can still make a difference and save his friend Woody.
15 The death of the father of Arlo in The good dinosaurus (2015)
Another moment of Disney Signature "dead parent" arrives early The good dinosaurus , when Arlo's father is swept away by a flood while trying to save him. The loss shapes Arlo's life and her journey throughout the film and the story could not happen without her - but she always hits like a punch with the intestine.
16 Lightning McQueen understands the story of Radiator Springs Cars (2006)
Although he seems to play with baby boomers in the room, the sequence of the first Cars In which Sally shares with Lighting McQueen the sad story of the way in which the city formerly guilty of Radiator Springs turned away after the new highway unrolled the circulation of it is a real tearful. If the montage of the scenes of the former town formerly bucolic fading in the dark, do not do it, James Taylor Singing melancholy "Our Town" on the soundtrack will definitely do so.
In relation: The 25 best classic films that each film fan needs to see .
17 When Buzz and Woody say goodbye Toy story 4 (2019)
It would be difficult for any continuation to overcome the highlighting point of Toy story 3 , but follow -up made a good try: at the end of another adventure, Woody makes the decision to leave his friends (and his owner Bonnie) to become a "free toy". This sets up an emotional farewell between Woody and his Buzz the smallest friend who has become the smallest. The two share a long hug and repeat the sentence that has echoed all the films, committing to remain friends endlessly and beyond.
18 Dory forgets her family Find Dory (2016)
All along The world of Nemo , The inability of Blue Tang Dory forgets to train memories is played mainly for laughter, but the rest Find Dory deepens the difficulty of the disease. It is never more visible than during the editing that opens the film, during which Dory separates from her family and sets out to find them, to forget them along the way. She ended up finding herself completely alone and uncertain of what she was looking for in the first place.
19 Mei tells her mom that she is afraid to separate Becoming red (2021)
All along Becoming red , the teenager Mei embarks on the usual puberty difficulties - without mentioning the family heritage which makes her transform into a giant panda when she is upset - but her real conflict is with her mother, the severe and demanding Ming. At the end of the film, the mother and the daughter lose control and find herself in a literal fight, crashing through the city in their giant animal forms, before confronting itself on the astral plane. There, they are finally taken care of the generational trauma that has shaped both their life. It is a powerful and sincere scene for anyone who has already had trouble connecting to a parent - or his child.
20 Mama Coco is added to Ofrenda in coconut
Turning to coconut , there is a subtle touch in the final scene which makes the end otherwise joyful - in which Miguel interprets a song for his formerly projected family - no more melancholy: we see that the photo of Coco was added to the ofrenda of the Family, which means that she died and went to the beyond to be with her father, Héctor.

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