≡ The timeline of the controversies of Stênio Garcia and Mari Saade》 Her Beauty

The actor Stênio Garcia is a very controversial figure and often appears in the Brazilian media for the most varied reasons. Check out this article a timeline of your latest events.

Born Stênio Garcia Faro and Marilene Saade, the two artists have been together since 1998. Being a focus on the media for the age difference, but mainly for spontaneity and irreverence, the two have been protagonists of many news in recent years, so let's recap some of the Marcos of the couple's public life, with events of the most varied.

Meetings and reunions

The ways of Mari Saade and Stenio Garcia have been crossing a long time ago, more precisely since 1972, when Stenio starred in the successful heavy cargo, and Mari, as a child, made a small participation in the program. They met again and work together in 1991, when both played papers in the soap opera "The Owner of the World." However, the crucial meeting to gather the two was in 1988, when both played in the soap opera Torre de Babel, success of TV Globo.

Together and married since then, the two have appeared in some controversies recently on social networks and in the media in general, for the most varied reasons. What cannot be denied is that the two have a lot of attachment and show much affection for each other, with several beautiful demonstrations of love on social networks.


An important episode in the couple's life was recently shared in interviews by Mari, and was a supposed Stenio betrayal in 2003, when he claimed to be busy with the recordings of a show, but was caught in a restaurant with others. “Take horn like that no one likes it,” said his wife. Despite this unconventional dynamic and very intimate revelations, the couple seems to have managed to overcome the episode and maintain the stability of the relationship.

Intimate photos and back to the spotlight

In 2015, the couple returned to national spotlight in a way that was probably not desired. In something that happened a lot at the time, Stênio was the victim of hacker attack and intimate photos of the couple were leaked on the internet. Shortly after the incident, the couple reported the leakage of the photos to the police, and registered the case with the responsible body, the DRCI (Police Station for Repression of Computer Crimes).

Aesthetic procedures and fight with Globo directors

Another common issue when it comes to Stênio Garcia has been the controversy with some aesthetic procedures that the actor performed. First in 2021, an old controversy of the actor came up. He stated, even in an interview with TV Record's Domingo Spectacular program, that he had been left “in the fridge” of Globo's program by personal feud with director Silvio Abreu, head of the TV Globo dramaturgy department.

There were rumors that the actor was not being cast in soap operas or programs from Globo precisely because he had performed aesthetic procedures and being “uncharacterized”. However, Rusgas with Silvio Abreu may come long before that, as it is known that in 1988, Silvio took sides of Stenio Garcia's ex-wife, also actress Cleyde Yáconis, when the then couple's separation. All of this has resulted in years of ostracism and life outside the small screen by Stênio.

Busy pandemic

In 2023, Stênio was news once again for aesthetic reasons. At 91 years old, he revealed a new look after performing a facial harmonization procedure, something quite common in recent years among celebrities. However, the timing of the revelation may not have been ideal, as the actor was still quite swollen, something quite common in such procedures.

With this, Stênio returned to the spotlight and was even ridiculed by some people, who criticized an aesthetic procedure by a person of this age. Even with the criticism, the actor says he is very happy with the result, and even returned to a retouching in the application in March 2024.

Recent controversy

The couple have also starred in some recent controversies, especially after an interview with the speaking parrot podcast, where they made some very sincere statements. Mari Saade declares that she even hired call girls to her husband, currently 92, although the meeting has not been completed. Mari justifies this decision by stating that "life is one" and that if Stenio wants to be with other people, she "tells him and still fits the tray."

Although Stenio, he seemed disconcerted with this revelation, suggesting that they are not always aligned with the limits of the relationship, the couple agreed on the open relationship dynamics that have evidenced, showing that even with their differences, they prioritize the maintenance of marriage.

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