Each pixar film, classified from the worst to the best
How each version of the famous animation studio, including Inside Out 2, accumulates.
The origins of what we now know under the name of Pixar Animation Studio Return date until 1979 When it was the computer division of Lucasfilm, but it is only when the release of a short animated film called Toy story In 1995, he was about to become a familiar name. The studio has become synonymous with computer animation , The public tears and giving life to the most improbable objects for almost 30 years, it has produced features. With the recent release of his latest film, Inside out 2 , we look at how all Pixar films accumulate against each other. To do this, we took the cumulative scores for everyone on the Revue aggregation site, Rotten Tomatoes. So read the rest to discover how the criticisms classify each film Pixar, from the worst to the best.
The first continuation of the 2006 film Cars To be doubtful to be the best rated Pixar film on Rotten Tomatoes.
"When you consider the sensational Toy story suites, or the manifest inferiority of Cars has The world of Nemo Or The Incredibles , it is a mystery to explain why it was distinguished by the genius president of Pixar John Lasseter For a second film, or why A dull idea was chosen for this, " Peter Bradshaw written for The Guardian . "A cynical may wonder if this film simply generates many characters from different cars for toys and brand goods."
Despite its dull critics, Cars 2 does well enough to the box office To plead for a third film. And Cars 3 Helped the franchise to bounce - even if it is the second best rated, its score marks a significant leap.
Always, Atlantic critical Christopher Orr Called the film " A completely useless payment In a Pixar franchise that has been taking place on smoke since its beginnings. ""
Elementary (2023)
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Pixar has taken its reputation as an anthropomorphization of things to an incredible degree with Elementary , which takes place in a city where the very elements that make up the physical world have thoughts, feelings and dreams.
However, the execution of the concept of the film did not work for everyone. For The New Yorker ,, Jessica Winter wrote: "Especially from a studio that was so terribly tedious about its world building, the internal logic of Element City is best . ""
Pixar's attempt to fall back Toy story The series gave a range of reactions. Admittedly, the premise is a little difficult to grasp: Chris Evans Expresses a human buzz Lightyear, which is not a real person but a fictitious character in a film on which is based on the toy. Many criticisms, including the Armoises Dana Stevens , saw Light year as Perfectly usable but useless .
"The family public without expectations of great expectations that their watch in the morning of Saturday afternoon will be a great art will have a good time to watch Buzz and that his friends zipped from infinity to beyond and on the return," -Is she wrote. "But there is a distant irony from the fact that it is this supposedly human inspiration for the beloved toy which looks more like a figure of plastic action."
You will find some of the other previous pixar efforts much higher on this list. The original Cars , while the best of three according to criticism, it is always read a lot as being less complex and more suitable for very young children than masterpieces such as Toy story And The Incredibles .
"" The movie is great to watch And a lot of fun, but does not have the additional push of other Pixar films, "that's how Roger Ebert Put the.
The story of Pixar on the friendship between a boy and a dinosaur benefits from certain surprisingly realistic landscapes, but the criticisms were not seduced by his history.
"But Even the bad pixar is pretty good , "wrote Buzzfeed Critic Alison Willmore , "and if The good dinosaurus Low falls into the ranking of the 16 titles of the company… These are always finer leagues than the burst of frantic colors and rhythm of screw ball of the animated film for standard children. ""
The first Pixar film with a main female character, Brave Concerns Merida, a Scottish princess who fled instead of being engaged and finds himself in conflict with her mother, who literally turns into bears after eating an enchanted cake. Unfortunately, some examiners have found that the conflict was missing.
"Parents / children's disputes of this kind are one of the dark on which modern animated characteristics are built, but the mother-in-the-header is increasingly familiar and tedious, Especially for a pixar movie , " Kenneth Turan written for Los Angeles Times .
Although it is not as very rented as the original film, the prequel University of monsters mainly succeeds on the back of nostalgia.
"His predecessor, 2001 Monsters Inc ., was quite charming that Revisit her world It's like performing on the favorite animals of a child now adult, " USA today critical Claudia Puig said in his review. "The memories are soft, and it's fun to see the characters again."
Ahead (2020)
<= "" svg> "=" "data-src =" https://bestlifeonline.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2021/03/onward.jpg?quality=82&strip=all "Alt =" Always from "width =" 1200 "height =" 705 "Data-Crcset =" https://bestlifeonline.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2021/03/onward.jpg?quality=82&strip= All 1200W, https://bestlifeonline.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2021/03/onward.jpg?resize=500,294&quality=82&Strip=all 500W, https://bestlifeonline.com/wp-content / Uploads / Sites / 3/2021/03 / ONWREW.JPG? Redimensider = 768,451 & Quality = 82 & strip = all 768W, https://bestlifeonline.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2021/03/onward.jpg? REDIMENTIVE = 1024 602 & QUALITY = 82 & strip = all 1024W "Sizes =" (max-langeth: 500px) 100VW, 500px "> Walt Disney Studios movies
Some Pixar films sadly deal with certain adult subjects, and perhaps no more than the 2020s Ahead , about two elves brother trying to bring their deceased father back to life. While its impact has been slowed down by the emergence of the COVVI-19 pandemic ,, Ahead I have a lot of Love of criticism , including The Guardian 's Wendy Ide , who wrote that "the frarative bond between the brothers and their painful anger to the loss of a parent is mentioned with exquisite pain and clarity".
Luca (2021)
<= "" svg> "=" "data-crc =" https://bestlifeonline.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2024/06/luca.jpg?quality=82&strip=all "Alt =" Still from Luca "Width =" 1200 "Height =" 647 "Data-crcset =" https://bestlifeonline.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2024/06/luca.jpg?quality=82&strip=all 1200W, https://bestlifeonline.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2024/06/luca.jpg?resize=500,270&quality=82&Strip=all 500W, https://bestlifeonline.com/wp-content/ Downloads / Sites / 3/2024/06 / LUCA.JPG? Résize = 768.414 & Quality = 82 & strip = All 768W, https://bestlifeonline.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2024/06/luca.jpg? Rejection = 1024 552 & Quality = 82 & strip = all 1024W "Sizes =" (max-width: 500px) 100VW, 500px "> Walt Disney Studios movies
Another pixar film released during locking, it directly streaming on Disney +, Luca is a story of transition to adulthood in Italy on a sea monster that can take a human form on earth and fall in love with humanity and friendship.
"The brilliant whirlwind in the history of Pixar Pixie, Jangle's soundtrack and sweet lessons on the acceptance of otherness and learning fear, feel like a temporary passport: A dip at all gently moving ages At La Dolce Vita, " Weekly entertainment critical Leah Greenblatt wrote on the film.
The life of an insect (1998)
<= "" SVG> "=" "Data-crc =" https://bestlifeonline.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2024/06/a-bugs-life-2.jpg?quality=82&strip = all "alt =" still from a bug's life "width =" 1200 "height =" 508 "data-crcset =" https://bestlifeonline.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2024/06/a -Bugs-Life-2.jpg? Quality = 82 & strip = All 1200W, https://bestlifeonline.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2024/06/a-bugs-life-2.jpg?resize= 500.212 & Quality = 82 & Strip = All 500W, https://bestlifeonline.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2024/06/a-bugs-life-2.jpg?resize=768,325&quality=82&strip=all 768W, https: // Bestlifeonline.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2024/06/a-bugs-life-2.jpg?resize=1024,433&quality=82&strip=all 1024W "Sizes =" (Max-Width: 500px) 100vww , 500px "> Buena Vista Pictures Distribution
The second feature of the animation studio The life of an insect is vaguely based on the fable The grasshopper and the ant But with a little organized crime (adapted to age) and, in the eyes of certain criticisms, Some socialist trends .
"" The life of an insect is one of the great films - a triumph of the narration and the development of the characters, and a brand new ball game for computer animation " Peter Stack written at the time. "Pixar Animation Studios has raised the genre to an amazing new level."
The newly released Inside out 2 falling out squarely in the middle of the peloton, picking up shortly after the original leaves of the life of the young teenager now Riley and her development and hiking emotions.
"" It's adorable ," wrote Seattle Times critical Moira Macdonald . "Of course, a large part follows the field already trampled in the first film, but it finds the same sweet balance of tears and laughter.
It took 14 years for fans of The Incredibles To get the rest they wanted. He focuses more on the family life of the hearing heroes, as well as on the change of public opinion on the Supe in general.
"Real ideas on the balance between work and life in a Children's film full of action —Marvel, take note: "NPR Bob Mondello said in his review. "I exaggerate a little when I say that the parents will feel just as empowered by looking Incredibles 2 like any child. ""
Find Dory (2016)
<= "" SVG> "=" "Data-crc =" https://bestlifeonline.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2020/09/finding-dory-sea-lions.jpg?quality=82&strip = All "Alt =" Finding Dory Still Width = "1200" Height = "674" Data-crcset = "https://bestlifeonline.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2020/09/finding- Dory-Sea-lions.jpg? Quality = 82 & strip = all 1200W, https://bestlifeonline.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2020/09/finding-dory-sea-lions.jpg?resize=500,281 & Quality = 82 & Strip = All 500W, https://bestlifeonline.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2020/09/finding-dory-sea-lions.jpg?resize=768,431&quality=82&strip=all 768W, https "500px) 100VW, 500px "> Walt Disney Studios movies
Another suite, Find Dory centers Ellen degeneres' Fish tang blue forget The world of Nemo . For the living room, Matthew Rozsa wrote that Dory's film and struggle have A real resonance .
"Indeed, there are not many films that describe the difficulties of having a learning disorder just as effectively as Find Dory . Part of the advantage of the film is that, instead of focusing on a specific syndrome of real life, it uses the generic memory loss in the short-term Dory as a stand-in for any handicap that comes to the 'Spirit, "he said." Whether you suffer from dyslexia or knock or add, there is probably one aspect of Dory's perspective with which you can identify. ""
Wall-e (2008)
<= "" SVG> "=" "Data-src =" https://bestlifeonline.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2020/09/wall-e-and-eve.jpg?quality=82&strip = All "Alt =" Still from Wall-E "Width =" 1200 "Height =" 680 "Data-crcset =" https://bestlifeonline.com/wp-content/uploads/3/2020/09/wall -E--eve.jpg? Quality = 82 & strip = All 1200W, https://bestlifeonline.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2020/09/wall-e-and-eve.jpg?resize= 500.283 & Quality = 82 & strip = All 500W, https://bestlifeonline.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2020/09/wall-e-and-eve.jpg?resize=768 435 & Quality = 82 & strip = All 768W, https: // Bestlifeonline.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2020/09/wall-e-and-eve.jpg?resize=1024 580 & Quality = 82 & strip = All 1024W "Sizes =" (Max-Width: 500px) 100VW, 500px "> Walt Disney Studios movies
Pixar takes us into the probable future in almost without dialogue without dialogue Wall-e , a tearful of a story on a robot left to clean on earth after humanity destroyed it and brought Dodge out.
"It is Pixar's most daring experience To date, but it is always perfectly integrated into the studio's pantheon: done with as much concentration on the heart as on visual quality, it is pure joy ", the club A.V. Tasha Robinson wrote.
Pixar likes a metaphor, and in Becoming red , he uses one of his most evocative to date: the emotional agitation of puberty transforms the human protagonist Mei Lee into a giant red panda. The honest story and the exploration of a complicated mother / daughter relationship was A success with criticism and the public.
"For decades, Disney has sold fantasies of princess polished little girls to sell toys". Kristy Puchko Written for Mashable. "But in this, they also sold an idea of the girl who was terribly limiting. Here, the fantasy has an element of body horror but which is treated with a jocular touch that makes Becoming red An absolute explosion. ""
Not many well-being films start with a piano falling on the hero, but that's one of the reasons Soul stands out so much, especially among animated family films. Jamie Foxx Expresses a teacher and a jazz musician who finds himself in a coma after a bizarre accident just before a major opportunity, and he must find a way to gather his soul and his body.
In his New York Times goodbye, Peter Travers rented the film for its ambitious objectives : "In about 100 poignant minutes, poignant, Soul , the new Pixar animation feature, addresses some of the questions on which many of us have lost sleep from childhood. Why will I exist? What is the point of being alive? What comes after? ""
Leave to Pixar to humanize the monsters of your closet. In Monsters Inc. , frightening children is just a job, children are toxic and employees Sulley ( John Goodman ) and Mike Wazowski ( Billy Crystal ) are left in charge of a little human girl whom they call Boo when she strikes confinement.
"" Monsters Inc. is not entirely going to Toy Story 2, Admittedly, the high waterproof in this field in rapid development - but it is always a Extremely creative and fast running This will enhance both children and their parents, "BBC Neil Smith said in his review.
A Parisian rat was expressed by Patton Oswalt dream of becoming a chef Ratatouille , leading him to team up with a modest kitchen worker in a renowned restaurant.
In his review, Roger Ebert called the surprisingly moving gastronomic adventure "clearly one of the Best of the Year Films . ""
Before the Marvel cinematographic universe took control of the industry, Pixar brought us The Incredibles , a family of superheroes that is taken from their normal life by a new threat.
"" The Incredibles offer a wonderful story Overflowing with social satire and intelligent metaphors, all returning to the importance of the family " Paul Clinton wrote on the film in 2004.
In coconut , a young boy travels in the land of the dead and discovers tragic and well -maintained family secrets. More musical than most Pixar films, this 2017 film also has an end to three Hanky.
"" It's a delicious thing , made no less delicious by darkness, most of which are managed so frankly that we simply get used to Allison Shoemaker wrote. "People die all the time, sometimes peacefully and sometimes not. Trauma persists, and it can be transmitted from generation to generation. It's just life, and life is also beautiful."
The most recent Toy story The film is the least low, but given the high bar of the series, it is not really a criticism. This one focuses on what can expect for Andy's toys now that he is all adults at university.
"" The new film is not impeccable , but it is extremely pleasant and speaks, with the bewitching buoyancy, nothing less than the goal of life and the mystery of life, " The Wall Street newspaper 's Joe Morgenstern said.
An explorer of a wild nature too useful and an older widower make an improbable pair Up , a film on sorrow and kissing life as long as you can.
"The film is surely less ambitious than Wall-e , showing a mastery of animation and narration rather than a desire to advance everything, " Katey Rich wrote in his review Cinemablend. "But For a well told story , an adventure with real thrills and a heartbreaking love story, there is not much better than Up . ""
Toy story 3 (2010)
<= "" SVG> "=" "Data-crc =" https://bestlifeonline.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2020/08/woody-prickly-buttercup-tixie_wide-4b5586499d0bc199b92eb04b0471baf462-s800-. JPG? Quality = 82 & strip = All "Alt =" Still from Toy Story 3 "Width =" 800 "Height =" 450 "Data-crcset =" https://bestlifeonline.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/ 2020/08/Woody-Prickly-Buttercupup-Trixie_Wide-4B558108649d0BC199B92EB0471BAF4DE462-S800-C85.JPG? Quality = 82 & strip = All 800W, 08/ Woody -Prickly-Clottercup-Trixie_wide-4B558108649D0BC199B92EB04B0471BAF462-S800-C85.JPG? -Prick-Clottercup-Trixie_Wide-4B5581086499D0BC199B92EB04B0471BAF4DE462-S800-C85.JPG? Résize = 768,432 & Quality = 82 & strip = All 768W "Saiss =" (max-width: 500px) 100VW, 500px ">" Walt Disney Studios movies
The gold stallion in films on toys with their own mortality, Toy story 3 Strike particularly with the public who grew up with the franchise.
"At a certain level, the story of a group of toys trying to win its responsibilities and to face change, on another one treaty at the end of childhood and the importance of love and meaning in life, Toy story 3 continue to do the impossible By making us believe that toys are also people, idiosyncratic individuals with their own life and their own mind, "Kenneth Turan Los Angeles Times wrote.
Just miss the first three is the original Upside down , who presents Riley and all the feelings in his head and presents an incredibly empathetic vision how difficult it is to be a child.
"It seems that the cliché rents an animated film by saying that it works for children and adults; in fact, Upside down may be better for adults , " Dough' s TIM Grierson said in his review. "It will certainly remind them of the fragility of childhood, but it can also remind them of the simple need to kiss all the different emotions of life - both for themselves and for their children. And, very certainly, that will make them cry. "
The world of Nemo (2023)
<= "" SVG> "=" "Data-crc =" https://bestlifeonline.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2020/08/170717--finding-nemo-lie-feature.jpg? Quality = 82 & strip = All "Alt =" Always the search for Nemo "Width =" 1200 "Height =" 800 "Data-srcset =" https://bestlifeonline.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/3 /2020/08/170717-Finding-nemo-lie-feature.jpg? Quality = 82 & strip = all 1200W, https://bestlifeonline.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2020/08/170717--finding-nemo-lie-feate .jpg? RESIZE = 500.333 & QUALITY = 82 & strip = All 500W, https://bestlifeonline.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2020/08/170717--finding-nemo-lie-reeATURE.JPG?RESIZE= 768512 & Quality = 82 & strip = all 768W, https://bestlifeonline.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2020/08/170717-finding-nemo-lie-featur.jpg?resize=1024 683 & Quality = 82 & strip = All 1024W "Sizes =" (max-width: 500px) 100VW, 500px "> Walt Disney Studios movies
The ocean is as tall as the love of a father in The world of Nemo , almost a small clown fish that disappears and his father's quest to find him.
"From neon depths of the Marlin coral reef to diaphanous pink cushions of a medieus school, The world of Nemo is an enchanter, often elegant Exploration of animated color , depth and texture, " Ann Hornaday wrote in her Washington Post goodbye. "Director Andrew Stanton And his team achieved another more feat in the execution of the best details, from the string of a fishing net to an almost invisible grain of Flotsam. ""
Pixar had a winner when leaving the door with the original Toy story , The first operation of the studio is a large screen effort. Although it is striking to see the jumps and limits made in computer animation since 1995, it is always a classic and a milestone in the format.
"With ' Instant classic 'Written everywhere, Toy story , the first complete feature fully composed of computer -generated animation, is a visually amazing and incredibly inventive winner "," Michael Rechtshaffen evaluated for The Hollywood Reporter in 1995.
The best film never released by Pixar according to the reviewer of the review is the second Toy story . The Andy's Room gang meets new friends after Woody is stolen by a toy collector and finds himself in a toy museum.
"I forgot something of toys a long time ago, and Toy story 2 reminded me . This implies love, pity and guilt that a child feels for a favorite toy. A doll or an action number (or a pokemon) belongs to you in the same way as a pet is. It depends on you. You miss you. He can't do anything alone. He needs you and is disturbed when you are not there, "reads the criticism of Roger Ebert." Toy story 2 Knows, and for small viewers, knowledge can be the most important thing in the film - more important than the history or competence of animation. ""