The most sad television breaks of all time

We loved these television couples so much that we could not manage to see them separate.

It may seem silly, but sometimes we are almost also invested in fictitious relations As we are in ours. We root for the characters on Our favorite programs To come together, faint to their first kiss, then cry with them when things collapse. In honor of these memorable divisions, we have compiled a list of the 25 most sad television ruptures of all time.

While some of these couples ended up recovering together, others remained separate for good. Anyway, we cried a lot. Read the rest to see how much of these heartbreaking moments that you remember - just warn that there are major spoilers to come.

In relation: The most sad television episodes of all time .

Cristina / Burke, Gray anatomy

<= "" SVG> "=" "Data-src =" "Alt =" Still from Gray's Anatomy "Width =" 1200 "Height =" 800 "Data-crcset =" Christina.jpg? Quality = 82 & strip = all 1200W,,333&quality=82&strip=all 5, https : // RESIZE = 768 512 & QUALITY = 82 & strip = All 768W, -content / Uploads / Sites / 3/2021/02 / Greys-natomy-christina.jpg? Résize = 1024 683 & Quality = 82 & strip = all 1024W "Sizes =" (max-width: 500px) 100VW, 500px ">

It is not as long as we feel like Cristina ( Sandra Oh ) and Burke ( Isaiah Washington ) were supposed to be together, but that the image of his break in her wedding dress after being left to the altar haunts us for years. She deserved so much better.

Sam / Diane, Acclamations

<= "" svg> "=" "data-src =" = All "Alt =" Sam and Diane break on "Cheers" "Width =" 1200 "Height =" 815 "Data-srcset =" /02/sam-diane-cheers.jpg?quality=82&strip=all 1200W, JPG? Résize = 500.340 & Quality = 82 & strip = All 500W, 522 & Quality = 82 & strip = all 768W, 695 & Quality = 82 & strip = All 1024W "SIZES =" (Maximum width: 500px) 100 VW, 500px ">
CBS TV distribution

Which is difficult about end -of -game couples like Sam ( Ted ) and Diane ( Shelley Long ) - the pairing Acclamations had been installed from the start - is that sometimes the show lasts longer than one of the actors wants to be there. Long decided to leave at the end of season 5, forcing a gentleness-bitter conclusion to this long-awaited romance. (Diane returned for the final, but it did not end well either.)

Ross / Rachel, Friends

<= "" svg> "=" "data-src =" "Alt = "Still from Friends" Width = "1280" Height = "720" Data-crcset = " = 82 & strip = all 1280w,,281&quality=82&strip=all 500W, https: // Bestlifeonline. com / wp-content / uploads / sites / 3/2021/02 / Maxresdefault-5.jpg? Redimensinet 2021/02 / Maxresdefault-5.jpg? Résize = 1024.576 & Quality = 82 & strip = all 1024W "Sizes =" (max-width: 500px) 100VW, 500px ">
Warner Bros. television distribution.

Whether or not you thought they were on a break, and even if you know that they end up being together (it came out of the plane!), The rupture of Ross and Rachel is undoubtedly the most devastating Friends moment. These are lobsters of the other! Beyond that, Jennifer Aniston And David Schwimmer Present the true emotional interior of these sitcom characters.

Carrie / Aidan, Sex and city

<= "" SVG> "=" Data-crc = "" Alt = " Always of sex and the city "width =" 1200 "height =" 895 "Data-crcset =" 82 & strip = all 1200W,,373&quality=82&strip=all 500W, / wp -content / uploads / sites / 3/2021/02 / carrieaidan.jpg? Résize = 768,573 & Quality = 82 & strip = All 768W, .jpg? Résize = 1024.764 & Quality = 82 & strip = all 1024W "Sizes =" (Max-Largeth: 500px) 100VW, 500px ">

Carrie ( Sarah Jessica Parker ) had a lot of not so big relationships during Sex and city , but if we had to choose a man who really seemed to treat her well, it would be clearly Aidan ( John Corbett ). Unfortunately, she was not ready for commitment. (Less said about his appearance in the terrible second film, the better.)

Rory / Dean, Gilmore Girls

<= "" svg> "=" "data-src =" "Alt =" Always from Gilmore Girls "Width =" 1200 "Height =" 675 "Data-crcset =" All 1200W,,281&quality=82&strip=all 500W, /uploads/sites/3/2021/02/2_Shootgilmores.jpg?resize=768,432&quality=82&strip=all 768W, ? Résize = 1024 576 & Quality = 82 & strip = all 1024W "Sizes =" (max-width: 500px) 100VW, 500px ">
Warner Bros. television distribution.

While many people have taken Rory ( Alexis Bledel ) Break with Jess ( Milo Ventimiglia ) harder than its separation from Dean ( Jared Padalecki ) - He tells her that she was in love with him on the phone before putting an end to things, there is nothing like the sorrow to lose your first love.

In relation: The most sad television of all time .

Santana / Brittany, Joy

<= "" svg> "=" "data-src =" "Alt = "Still from Glee" Width = "1200" Height = "675" Data-crcset = " = 82 & strip = all 1200w,,281&quality=82&strip=all 500W, https: // Bestlifeonline. com / wp-content / uploads / sites / 3/2021/02 / Maxresdefault-6.jpg? REDIZE = 768,432 & quality = 82 & strip = All 768W, 2021/02/Maxresdefault-6.jpg? Résize = 1024.576 & Quality = 82 & strip = all 1024W "Sizes =" (Max-Largeth: 500px) 100VW, 500px ">

Joy Did not always use pop songs to its advantage, sometimes choosing a recent success simply because it obtained a lot of radio game. In the case of Santana ( Naya Rivera ) and Brittany ( Heather Morris ) Breakup, however, the show had the end of Rivera delivered Perfect performance of Taylor Swift "Mine" which has completely destroyed us.

Pacey / Joey, Dawson's Creek

<= "" svg> "=" "data-crc =" "Alt = "Still from Dawson's Creek" Width = "1200" Height = "904" Data-crcset = " Quality = 82 & strip = all 1200W,,377&quality=82&strip=all 500W, https:/ / Bestlifeonline = 82 & strip = All 500W, https: // Bestlifeonline .com / WP-Content / Uploads / Sites / 3/2021/02 / Unnamed-4.jpg? Résize = 768,579 & Quality = 82 & strip = All 768W, /2021/02/unnamed-4.jpg?resize=1024,771&quality=82&strip=all 1024W "Sizes =" (max-width: 500px) 100VW, 500px ">
Sony Pictures television

Most Dawson's Creek Fans agree that Joey ( Katie Holmes ) and rhythmey ( Joshua Jackson ) has always made more sense together than Joey and Dawson ( James van der Beek ) did. Fortunately, the show also realized, joining their romance for good in the final of the series. But there were bumps along the road, including a particularly brutal break at the ball.

Sheldon / Amy, Big Bang theory

<= "" svg> "=" "data-src =" "Alt = "Still from the big bang theory" width = "1200" height = "649" Data-crcset = " JPG? Quality = 82 & strip = all 1200W,,270&quality=82&Strip=all 500W, https:/ /,415&quality=82&Strip=all 768W, /3/2021/02/maxresdefault-7.jpg?resize=1024.554&quality=82&strip=all 1024W "Sizes =" (Max-Width: 500px) 100VW, 500PX ">

After having struggled to be articulated and acting on her feelings for Amy ( Mayim Bialik ), Sheldon ( Jim Parsons ) finally decides to offer him, but she breaks with him before he could cross him. For a series that did not often make us emotional, this punch of a final of the season did us well. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

Jess / Nick, New girl

<= "" SVG> "=" "Data-src =" .20-AM.JPG? Quality = 82 & strip = All "Alt =" Still from New Girl "Width =" 1200 "Height =" 656 "Data-crcset =" sites/3/2021 / 02 / Screen-Shot-2021-02-25-A-10.40.20-AM.JPG? Quality = 82 & strip = all 1200W, /3/2021/02/screen-shot-2021-02-25-at-10.40.20-am.jpg ? Résize = 500.273 & Quality = 82 & strip = All 500W, .jpg? Résize = 768.420 & Quality = 82 & strip = All 768W, /uploads/sites/3/2021/02/screen-shot-2021-02-25-at- -am.jpg? Résize = 1024,560 & Quality = 82 & strip = All 1024W "Sizes =" (Max-Width: 500px) 100 VW, 500px ">
20th television

It is another of those television couples who will not do it where they will and they do it ... and then they don't. Of course, Jess ( Zooey Deschanel ) and Nick ( Jake Johnson ) Take up again to each other, but it is always difficult to see them separate when they realize that they are in different places of life.

Brenda / Dylan, Beverly Hills, 90210

<= "" SVG> "=" "Data-crc =" "Alt =" Always from 90210 "width =" 1200 "height =" 922 "Data-crcset =" = All 1200W,,384&quality=82&Strip=all 500W, Content / Uploads / Sites / 3/2021/02 / 201.jpg? Redimensider = 768.590 & Quality = 82 & strip = all 768W, Rejection = 1024 787 & Quality = 82 & strip = all 1024W "Sizes =" (max-width: 500px) 100VW, 500px ">
CBS TV distribution

TRUE Beverly Hills, 90210 Fans can never hear "lose my religion" from R.E.M. without remembering Dylan ( Luke Perry ) and Brenda ( Shannen Doherty ) Break after a fear of pregnancy. It was not even their worst break, but it was a painful reminder that even the coolest couple of the 90s could not last forever.

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Lily / Marshall, how I Met Your Mother

<= "" svg> "=" "data-src =" "Alt = "Still from the way I met your mother" width = "1200" height = "600" Data-crcset = " /02/9-2 .jpg? Quality = 82 & strip = all 1200w,,250&quuality=82&strip=all 500W, https:/ /,384&quality=82&strip=all 768W, sites / 3/2021/02/ 9-2.JPG? Résize = 1024.512 & Quality = 82 & strip = all 1024W "Sizes =" (max-width: 500px) 100VW, 500px ">
20th television

Lily ( Alyson Hannigan ) and Marshall ( Jason Segel ) seemed to be the stable couple on how I Met Your Mother , and they were for most of the series race. This did not prevent them from breaking at the end of the first season, letting Marshall wallow in his sorrow during their separate summer and forcing viewers to do the same.

Willow / Tara, Buffy against vampires

<= "" svg> "=" "data-src =" " "Alt =" Still de Buffy the Vampire Slayer "Width =" 1200 "Height =" 673 "Data-crcset =" 226239_1240597068890_Full. = 500280 / -Content/Uploads/Sites/3/2021/02/17471639-226239_12405970688890_full.jpg? Résize = 768.431 & Quality = 82 & strip = AL/3/2021/02/7471639-226239 L.JPG? RESIZE = 1024.574 & QUALITY = 82 & strip = All 1024W "Sitse =" (max-width: 500px) 100VW, 500px ">
20th television

What about the ruptures of Alyson Hannigan and television? Years before how I Met Your Mother , she showed her huge crying skills when Tara ( Amber Benson ) left Willow on the magic manipulation of Willow. The use of Michelle branch "Goodbye to you" in fact the most memorable Buffy against vampires to break up. And the fact that Tara dies just after their return together adds another layer of pain.

Eric / Donna, This 70s show

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With a few exceptions, high school couples are not really supposed to last forever. TV shows often get them back together at the end - as This 70s show when Topher Grace Back for the final of the series, but we have always afflicted Eric and Donna ( Laura PREPON ) realize that they had to separate.

Alexis / Ted, Schitt's Creek

<= "" SVG> "=" "Data-crc =" = 82 & strip = All "Alt =" Still from Schitt's Creek "Width =" 1200 "Height =" 700 "Data-srcset =" 02/ SubBZ-1091-1582689858-1.jpg? Quality = 82 & strip = All 1200W, .jpg? Résize = 500.292 & Quality = 82 & strip = every 500W, 768 448 & Quality = 82 & strip = all 768W, 597 & Quality = 82 & strip = All 1024W "Sizes =" (max-width: 500px) 100VW, 500px ">
Télé Télévé Debmar-Mercury / Lionsgate

Sometimes mature ruptures are the most difficult to bear. Alexis ( Annie Murphy ) and ted ( Dustin Milligan ) are very in love with each other when they decide to separate, which makes him even more overwhelming. Their latest romantic meal together is almost unbearably soft-to be.

Kevin / Winnie, The beautiful years

<= "" SVG> "=" "Data-src =" "Alt =" Always from the shit years "width =" 1173 "height =" 872 "Data-Crcset =" = 82 & strip = all 1173w,,372&quality=82&strip=all 500W, wp- 500w, content/uploads/sites/3/2021/02/hqdefault.jpg? Résize = 768.571 & Quality = 82 & strip = all 768W, JPG? Résize = 1024 761 & Quality = 82 & strip = all 1024W "Sizes =" (max-width: 500px) 100VW, 500px ">
20th television

Kevin ( Fred Savage ) and Winnie ( Danica McKellar ) gathered and have broken several times throughout The beautiful years , but the most bad moment, Winnie told Kevin that she had met someone else. In other words, until the series final reveals that Kevin continued to get married and have a family with someone else.

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Olivia / Fitz, Scandal

<= "" SVG> "=" "Data-crc =" .jpg? Quality = 82 & strip = All "Alt =" Still from Scandal "Width =" 1200 "Height =" 733 "Data-crcset =" 02/Olivia-And-Fitzz-FROM-SCANDAL-SEASON-5.JPG? Quality = 82 & strip = All 1200W, and -Fitz-From-Scandal-Season-5.jpg? Résize = 500.305 & Quality = 82 & strip = All 500W, fitzz-from-scandal-season-5.jpg ? Résize = 768 469 & Quality = 82 & strip = all 768W, de-scandal-season-5.jpg? Résize = 1024 625 & Quality = 82 & strip = all 1024W "Sizes =" (max-width: 500px) 100VW, 500px ">

In many ways, Olivia ( Kerry Washington ) and Fitz ( Tony Goldwyn ) The relationship had exceeded his welcome on Scandal As these two finally ended their business for good. This does not mean that we did not cry when it happened. So much for this house in Vermont.

Veronica / Logan, Veronica Mars

<= "" SVG> "=" "Data-crc =" "Alt =" Always by Veronica Mars "Width =" 1200 "Height =" 677 "Data-crcset =" All 1200W, 4849314460_500_282. JPG? Résize = 768,433 & Quality = 82 & strip = All 768W, 9314460_500_282.jpg? Résize = 1024 578 & Quality = 82 & strip = all 1024W "Sizes =" (max-width: 500px) 100VW, 500px ">
Warner Bros. television distribution.

Don't worry, while Logan ( Jason Dohring ) broken with Veronica ( Kristen Bell ), the couple known online under the name of love has found each other, even marrying during the Renaissance season. Make yourself a favor and do not read what is happening in Logan immediately after that.

Blair / Chuck, Gossip Girl

<= "" svg> "=" "data-src =" "Alt = "Still from Gossip Girl" Width = "1200" Height = "675" Data-crcset = " Quality = 82 & strip = All 1200W,,281&quality=82&strip=all 500W, https:/ / Bestlifeonline .com / WP-Content / Uploads / Sites / 3/2021/02 / Maxresdefault-8.jpg? REDIZE = 768.432 & QUALITY = 82 & strip = All 768W, /2021/02/maxresdefault-8.jpg?resize=1024,576&quality=82&Strip=all 1024W "Sizes =" (max-width: 500px) 100VW, 500px ">
CBS TV distribution

Blair ( Leighton Meester ) and chuck ( Ed Westwick ) are another couple that have connected and broke again and again, but finally found itself at the end. Their worst breakup occurred after learning that he had offered his scary uncle one night with Blair in exchange for the property of the hotel. Yes, really, and they still married in the final of the series. It's life in the Upper East Side, children!

Mindy / Danny, The Mindy project

<= "" SVG> "=" Data-rc = "" Alt = " Still from the Mindy project "Width =" 1200 "Height =" 800 "Data-crcset =" = All 1200W,,333&quality=82&strip=all 500W, content / Uploads / sites / 3/2021/02 / mindyproject.jpg? Résize = 768.512 & Quality = 82 & strip = All 768W, JPG? Résize = 1024 683 & Quality = 82 & strip = all 1024W "Sizes =" (max-width: 500px) 100VW, 500px ">

Chris Messina returned to a recurring role in the last season of The Mindy project , pave the way for the ultimate reconciliation of this couple. Before that, however, they had a painful break, necessary by Mindy ( Mindy Kaling ) Realizing that Danny expected that she is a household mother for their child.

Stefan / Elena, Vampire newspapers

<= "" SVG> "=" "Data-crc =" "Alt =" The Vampire Diaries " wireth = wiret = largeth = wireth = "1178" height = "670" Data-crcset = " = 1178W, https: //,284&quality=82&Strip=all 500W P-Content /Upload/Sits/Sitslife 2021/02/6C8DF495A6AAC7993A6F8FB3538E331.JPG? Résize = 768,437 & Quality = 82 & strip = All 768W, B3538E331.jpg? REDIMENSIZE = 1024 582 & QUALITY = 82 & strip = all 1024W "Sizes =" (max-width: 500px) 100VW, 500px ">
CBS TV distribution

Here is the thing: Stefan and Elena have broken several times during Vampire newspapers , and it always hurt. The first could the most prick the most, because it has shown how much Paul Wesley And Nina Dobrev are to cry.

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Fleabag / the priest, Chip bag

<= "" SVG> "=" "Data-crc =" "Alt =" Always from Fleabag "Width =" 1200 "Height =" 598 "Data-crcset =" = All 1200W,,249&quality=82&strip=all 500W, Content / Uploads / Sites / 3/2024/06 / Fleabag.jpg? Redimensider = 768,383 & Quality = 82 & strip = All 768W, REDIMENTIVE = 1024.510 & quality = 82 & strip = all 1024W "Sizes =" (max-width: 500px) 100VW, 500px ">

While it's comforting to watch Fleabag ( Phoebe Waller-Pont ) Start to cure part of the sorrow and shame that torments it throughout the first season of the show, she does so by falling for someone who ends up being inaccessible. Although the priest ( Andrew Scott ) - or "the hot priest", as viewers have nicknamed it - indicates that he cannot abandon his call, he admits that he also loves him, making Chip bag Bus stop scene One of the most heartbreaking fictitious divisions of all time and a new high watermark for Series finals .

Jimmy / Kim, You better call Saul

<= "" SVG> "=" "Data-src =" "Alt =" Still from Better Call Saul "Width =" 1200 "Height =" 664 "Data-srcset =" -Saul.jpg? Quality = 82 & strip = all 1200W,,277&quality=82&stril.all 500W, https : // Résize = 768 425 & Quality = 82 & strip = All 768W, wp-content / Download / Sites / 3/2024/06 / Better-Call-Saul.jpg? Résize = 1024.567 & Quality = 82 & strip = all 1024W "Sizes =" (max-width: 500px) 100VW, 500px ">

No Break the bad The fan could have expected the derivative / prequel series to be a love story, but the origins of Bob Odekirk's Saul Goodman (once Jimmy McGill) is deeply rooted in his relationship with Kim Wexler ( Rhea Seehorn ). They do not separate because they no longer love each other; Kim recalls because she realizes how destructive they are together. The final of the series brought the old couple a certain closure, jumping after the events of Break the bad , but this one still stings.

Ted / Michelle, Ted Lasso

<= "" svg> "=" "data-src =" "Alt = "Still from Ted Lasso" Width = "1200" Height = "638" Data-crcset = " Quality = 82 & strip = all 1200W,,266&quality=82&strip=all 500W, https:/ / Bestlifeonline .com / WP-Content / Uploads / Sites / 3/2024/06 / Ted-lasso.jpg? Résize = 768.408 & Quality = 82 & strip = All 768W, /2024/06/ted-lasso.jpg?resize=1024.544&quality=82&Strip=all 1024W "Sizes =" (max-width: 500px) 100VW, 500px ">
Apple TV +

In the first season of Ted Lasso , we discover this part of the reason why Ted ( Jason Sudeikis ) took the work of Richmond is that his wife, Michelle ( Andrea Anders ), I wanted space. When she and their son come to visit, Michelle confirms that she wants this permanently, initiating a divorce that launches Ted in a depression, even if he wants to see her happy. Worse, this scene is interspersed with the one that shows something that stimulated between Roy ( Brett Goldstein ) and Keeley ( Juno temple ) In the team’s parking lot, after Ted said that he and Michelle met for the first time in a similar place.

Crowley / Aziraphale, Good omens

<= "" svg> "=" "data-src =" "Alt = "Still from Good Omens" Width = "1200" Height = "613" Data-crcset = " Quality = 82 & strip = all 1200W,,255&quality=82&strip=all 500W, https:/ / BESTLIFELINELINE = 82 & strip = All 500W, https: // BESTLIFELINELINE = 82 & strip = All 500W, https: // Bestlifelineline = 82 & strip = All 500W, https: // Bestlifelinline = 82 & strip = All 500W, https: // Bestlifeline .com / WP -Content / Uploads / Sites / 3/2024/06 / Good-Mens.jpg? Redimensider = 768.392 & Quality = 82 & strip = All 768W, /2024/06/good-omens.jpg?rsize=1024.523&quality=82&Strip=all 1024W "Sizes =" (max-width: 500px) 100VW, 500px ">
Video premium

The fact that neither Crowley ( David Tennant ) nor aziraphalé ( Michael Sheen ) even realized that they were a couple until their break in the final of season 2 of Good omen does not make it less devastating. The demon and the angel assigned to live on earth have been a package for so long that they have taken it for granted, the truth only bouillon when Aziraphale betray Crowley by agreeing to start working actively for people (corrupt !) Again upstairs. Fans are counting on the third season to repair it.

Connell / Marianne, Normal

<= "" SVG> "=" "Data-crc =" "Alt = "Still from normal people" width = "1200" height = "705" Data-crcset = " Quality = 82 & strip = all 1200w,,294&quality=82&strip=all 500W, https:/ / Bestlifeonline .com / WP-Content / Uploads / Sites / 3/2024/06 / Normal-people.jpg? Redimensider = 768.451 & Quality = 82 & strip = All 768W, /2024/06/normal-people.jpg?rsize=1024.602&quality=82&strip=all 1024W "Sizes =" (max-width: 500px) 100VW, 500px ">

The television adaptation of Sally Rooney book Normal was a moment of escape for both Paul MESCAL And Daisy Edgar-Jones , and it is not surprising, given their performances as two people (souls sisters, most likely) who move in and leave the life of the other for several years. Connell's relationship and Marianne is prey to bad timing and things that are not said, and just when you think they have finally gathered it, life throws another key between them. The last time, however, they separate from the eyes wide open, and there is hope that they will return against each other shortly after the credits.

This story has been updated to include additional inputs, verification of facts and copying edition.

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